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Using Google Search Operators

Using Google Search Operators
You can use most of the options we discussed in Google’s Advanced Search Form in a regular search box query. If you’re a frequent searcher or a “power searcher,” this can save time because you don’t need to open the Advanced Search page and fill in various boxes; instead, you can enter the refined query in almost any Google search box. You’ll use advanced operators, query words that have special meaning to Google. Since the advanced operators are convenient for searching, Google Guide calls them search operators. Note: We recommend that you skip ahead to the Part Understanding Results unless you’re an experienced Google user or you want to know how to use Google’s advanced operators. 1. Here are three places you can find examples of search operators. Visit the Google Guide Advanced Operator Quick Reference and look for special operators of the form operator:value.Fill in Google’s Advanced Search form. Read through the descriptions below and try the examples. 2. 4. 4.1. 4.2.

Top 5 Firefox Extensions for the home user | Firefox is rapidly becoming the most popular web browser, and one of the main reasons for its success is its wide variety of useful addons. Here’s a list of the top 5 Firefox extensions, which you ought to add to your Firefox experience — if you haven’t already! 5. Download Statusbar gives you a simple, quickly customizable bar at the bottom of your window to keep track of your files. 4. This addon earns a spot as one of the top 5 Firefox extensions by making the address bar double as a search bar for sites ranging from Amazon to Wikipedia, as well as improved autocomplete terms. 3. Nearly an entity unto itself, Greasemonkey uses customized pieces of Javascript to control the way various websites behave. 2. We’ve all wanted to revisit or have a friend watch a video we came across on the web, only to find it’s been taken down or moved. 1. Easily the most popular, it’s hard to understand why Firefox doesn’t come with this, the best of the top 5 Firefox extensions, already installed.

The Stir: 10 New Reasons You Should Quit Facebook If you're anything like me, you've uttered the words, "I'm thinking of quitting Facebook" at some point in the last few years. Or, at the very least, you've thought them. But, again, if you're like me, you just can't find the balls to do it. Something holds you back -- be it that you don't want to lose touch with old friends you've reconnected with; you're obsessed with stalking a certain someone; or you just don't want to be the weirdo who hasn't gotten with the times. It's damn near impossible. But you should. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Tablet Infinitely the Best Visual Experience Features the 2560 x 1600 300 ppi WQXGA IPS resolution ever on any Android device. With its True vivid technology and wide color gamut, your eyes will enjoy the expansive viewing angle no matter what you choose to enjoy. More Info Study: Pinterest drives more referral traffic than Google+, nearly on par with Twitter Pinterest, the website which lets people collect and share photos online with a “virtual pinboard,” has steadily amassed a very dedicated following of users that spreads far beyond the app-obsessed early adopter crowd. On Tuesday, a new study out of content sharing company Shareaholic showed just how powerful the Palo Alto, California-based startup has become. Shareaholic's survey (click to enlarge) Pinterest is now driving more referral traffic on the web than Google+, YouTube, Reddit, and LinkedIn — combined. In January Pinterest was responsible for 3.6 percent of referrals tracked by Shareaholic, up from 2.5 percent during the previous month. Not surprisingly, Facebook is holding steady at the top of Shareaholic’s survey, as it was responsible for more than a quarter of all referral traffic in January. It’s exciting to see a relative newcomer growing so quickly in the web space.

How Tumblr went from wee to webscale — Cloud Computing News Estrategias de manipulación: 5. INFANTILIZAR AL PÚBLICO ¡Qué de gritos por las calles,qué de burlas, que de tretas,qué de harina por el rostro,qué de mazas que se cuelgan;trapos, chapines, pellejos,estopas, cuernos, braguetas,sogas, papeles, andrajos,zapatos y escobas viejas!(…) Gaspar de Lucas Hidalgo, Diálogos de Apacible Entretenimiento (1606), incluida por la Inquisición en su Índice de Libros Prohibidos (1618)]

Error 404 El nacimiento de una Milicia Comandos adicionales, denominados “sintaxis especiales”, para nuestras búsquedas en Google Comandos adicionales, denominados “sintaxis especiales”, para nuestras búsquedas en Google Después de varias charlas entre conocidos, familiares y amigos, a lo largo de mi experiencia profesional sobre las búsquedas a través de Internet, me doy cuenta que son pocos quines conocen estos comandos adiciones, también llamados “sintaxis especiales”. Desde hace algún tiempo, Google ha permitido el uso de determinadas comandos que facilitaran nuestras búsquedas, restringiendo esos resultados irrelevantes y obtener aquellos que realmente nos interesan. ¿Cómo funciona Google? Google, como motor de búsqueda de texto completo, incluye en su índice páginas Web completas, en lugar de incluir sólo los títulos y las descripciones. Las opciones Booleanas Esta opción está establecida como predeterminada en Google, siempre que introducimos las palabras busca a lo largo de todo el contenido. Si introducimos las comillas dobles, conseguimos que busque en las páginas que contengan esas palabras juntas.

Cambiar Metrópolis, el hábitat del hombre-masa [para una nueva geografía urbana] « Apunts sobre l'abisme En el contexto social deslocalizado, el filósofo Emmanuel Levinas habla de la necesidad moral de restituir el valor del otro, de reconocer su rostro y reconocerlo como prójimo, sobre todo después de la hecatombe de la IIGM. Reconocer el rostro del otro no es más que empatizar con su dolor, sus miserias, sus alegrías y sus dudas; es darle una dignidad. Metrópolis, la ciudad alienadora que cosifica el ser humano, genera espacios vacíos donde los rostros quedan desdibujados y nadie se encuentra en el otro. Dondequiera ha surgido el hombre-masa de que este volumen se ocupa, un tipo de hombre hecho de prisa, montado nada más que sobre unas cuantas y pobres abstracciones y que, por lo mismo, es idéntico de un cabo de Europa al otro. El hombre-masa, the average man of today, es el niño sin cara de Pink Floyd: alguien infantilizado que ha renunciado a sus responsabilidades para con el otro. Personalizar las relaciones humanas – es algo que la postmodernidad ha destruido. Me gusta:

Album of Awesomeness | Your daily dose of awesome. June 2011 I'm about to prove a couple of negatives about Penrose tilings. Recall Donald Rumsfeld proudly and stupidly saying you couldn't prove a negative when it became obvious to everyone the weapons of mass destruction ruse was a complete phony. I had to wonder exactly how many classes he slept through when he got his degree at Princeton. Of course you can prove a negative. Let me give a couple examples. It is impossible to build a larger shape similar to a dart using kites and darts. The dart is the Penrose tile with the dent, and angle of 216°. If we want to build a bigger dart, it will have to have two 36° angles and a 216° angle, but the distance between these will have to be at least the length of long. We can't do this with these pieces, or if we achieve this, we will not have a long enough straight line to make the outside of the dart. This proof takes no math skills really. It is impossible to build a shape similar to a kite bigger than Papa Kite. Notice this. I'm just sayin'.
