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Civil Rights Movement Timeline (14th Amendment, 1964 Act, Human Rights Law)

Civil Rights Movement Timeline (14th Amendment, 1964 Act, Human Rights Law)
Jan. 23 The 24th Amendment abolishes the poll tax, which originally had been instituted in 11 southern states after Reconstruction to make it difficult for poor blacks to vote. Summer The Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), a network of civil rights groups that includes CORE and SNCC, launches a massive effort to register black voters during what becomes known as the Freedom Summer. It also sends delegates to the Democratic National Convention to protest—and attempt to unseat—the official all-white Mississippi contingent. July 2 President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Aug. 4 (Neshoba Country, Miss.) Related:  Timeline tools and resources.Civil Rights

List of timelines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of timelines currently on Wikipedia. §Types[edit] §General timelines[edit] §History[edit] §Arts[edit] §Biographical timelines[edit] §Crime[edit] §Events[edit] §Disasters[edit] §Economics[edit] §Entertainment[edit] §Environmental issues[edit] §Fiction[edit] §Geographical timelines[edit] Timeline of country and capital changes §Ancient civilizations[edit] §Extant civilizations[edit] §Supranational entities and regions, peoples[edit] §Sovereign states[edit] §Subnational regions and cities, narrow timelines[edit] §Law[edit] §Military[edit] §Military conflicts[edit] §Philosophy[edit] §Politics[edit] §Religion[edit] §Ayyavazhi[edit] Timeline of Ayyavazhi history (1809–present) §Buddhism[edit] Timeline of Buddhism (563 BCE – present) §Christianity[edit] §Islam[edit] §Jainism[edit] Timeline of Jainism §Judaism[edit] §Sikhism[edit] Sikh Gurus (1469–1666) §Science[edit] §Astronautics and planetary science[edit] §Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology[edit] §Biology[edit] §Sports[edit]

Civil Rights Movement - Black History The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for blacks to gain equal rights under the law in the United States. The Civil War had officially abolished slavery, but it didn’t end discrimination against blacks—they continued to endure the devastating effects of racism, especially in the South. By the mid-20th century, African Americans had had more than enough of prejudice and violence against them. They, along with many whites, mobilized and began an unprecedented fight for equality that spanned two decades. Jim Crow Laws During Reconstruction, blacks took on leadership roles like never before. In 1868, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution gave blacks equal protection under the law. To marginalize blacks, keep them separate from whites and erase the progress they’d made during Reconstruction, “Jim Crow” laws were established in the South beginning in the late 19th century. World War II and Civil Rights Rosa Parks Sources

The Haudenosaunee Creation Story | Oneida Indian Nation | Creation Story Keller George, Wolf Clan Member of the Nation's Council, relates the following story his maternal great-grandmother told to him about the birth of the Evil Spirit and the Good Sprit. Long, long ago, the earth was deep beneath the water. There was a great darkness because no sun or moon or stars shone. Far above the water-covered earth was the Land of the Happy Spirits, where the Great Spirit dwelled. One day the Great Spirit pulled the tree up from its roots creating a pit in the ground. The Great Spirit spoke to his daughter, telling her to go into the world of darkness. As Sky Woman continued her descent, the water animals looked up. The animals eventually conquered their fear and came back up to the surface. The beaver told the others that they must find a dry place for her to rest upon. The loon was the next creature to try to find some earth. The water animals summoned a great turtle and patted the earth upon its back. During all this time, Sky Woman continued her gentle fall.

American civil rights movement American civil rights movement, March on WashingtonUPI/Bettmann/Corbismass protest movement against racial segregation and discrimination in the southern United States that came to national prominence during the mid-1950s. This movement had its roots in the centuries-long efforts of African slaves and their descendants to resist racial oppression and abolish the institution of slavery. Although American slaves were emancipated as a result of the Civil War and were then granted basic civil rights through the passage of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the U.S. Abolitionism to Jim Crow Declaration of IndependenceNational Archives, Washington, D.C.American history has been marked by persistent and determined efforts to expand the scope and inclusiveness of civil rights. As the United States expanded its boundaries, Native American peoples resisted conquest and absorption. Frederick Douglass became the most famous of the ex-slaves who joined the abolition movement. Du Bois to Brown

Medieval and Renaissance Fact and Fiction undefined This page is meant to be a guide to resources available on the Web for people who are interested in the history, culture, literature and re-creation of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. There are hundreds of sites on the Middle Ages on the Web. I know I have only a small percentage of what is out there, but I have tried to organize this site so that you will have an easier time finding what you want. Please e-mail me to let me know about good sites that I haven't included yet. Welcome to my site. Table of Contents There are two other related pages on Sharon's Medieval Web Site that you may enjoy visiting Visit my other Web Pages Sign my Guest Book Major Archives and Pages of Links Guide to Archaeology on the Internet An article in the Athena Review. The Labyrinth at Georgetown University NetSERF "The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources" Old English Pages by Cathy Ball at Georgetown University The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies This Site includes: Archives of Documents

Geologic time scale Online exhibits Geologic time scale Take a journey back through the history of the Earth — jump to a specific time period using the time scale below and examine ancient life, climates, and geography. You might wish to start in the Cenozoic Era (65.5 million years ago to the present) and work back through time, or start with Hadean time (4.6 to 4 billion years ago)* and journey forward to the present day — it's your choice. [Note: "mya" means "millions of years ago"] Ways to begin your exploration: Use the links in the "time machine" below and explore a specific period that interests you.Read more about the geologic time scale, its origins and its time divisions.Find out more about plate tectonics, an important geological concept in any time period!

The Civil Rights Movement: 1919-1960s, Freedom's Story, TeacherServe®, National Humanities Center The Civil Rights Movement:1919-1960s Kenneth R. Janken Professor, Department of African and Afro-American Studies andDirector of Experiential Education, Office of Undergraduate Curricula University of North Carolina National Humanities Center Fellow ©National Humanities Center Overview When most Americans think of the Civil Rights Movement, they have in mind a span of time beginning with the 1954 Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Much of our memory of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s is embodied in dramatic photographs, newsreels, and recorded speeches, which America encountered in daily papers and the nightly news. The drama of the mid-twentieth century emerged on a foundation of earlier struggles. The NAACP’s anti-lynching campaign of the 1930s combined widespread publicity about the causes and costs of lynching, a successful drive to defeat Supreme Court nominee John J. Houston was unabashed: lawyers were either social engineers or they were parasites. Brown v.

Ferguson shooting: State of emergency, curfew declared as tensions escalate again over fatal shooting of black teenager Updated Missouri governor Jay Nixon has announced a state of emergency in Ferguson, Missouri, after a week of racially-charged protests following the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer. Speaking at a church near Ferguson, Mr Nixon said the eyes of the world were watching the suburban St Louis community, which has been hit by unrest since the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown on August 9. "This is the test of whether a community – this community, any community – can break the cycle of fear, distrust and violence, and replace them [sic] with peace, strength and, ultimately, justice," he said. Highway Patrol captain Ron Johnson, who is now overseeing security in Ferguson, said a curfew from midnight until 5:00am will be in place until further notice. The unrest erupted after Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, 28, shot and killed the teenager last Saturday. We had concerns that this would happen Highway Patrol captain Ron Johnson Reuters

Internet History Sourcebooks Internet Ancient History Sourcebook The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook has expanded greatly since its creation, and now contains hundred of local files as well as links to source texts throughout the net. See Introduction for an explanation of the Sourcebook's goals. The Ancient History Sourcebook works as follows: This Main Index page [this page] shows all sections and sub sections. Additional Study/Research Aids In addition to the above structure, there are a series of pages to help teacher and students. Ancient History in the Movies Subjects covered by the source texts in each Section. Studying Ancient History Introduction: Using Primary Sources Nature of Historiography Other Sources of Information on Ancient History General Guides to Net Texts [link to texts at other sites.] The Ancient Near East Mesopotamia Egypt Persia Israel Greek Civilizations Greece The Hellenistic World Introduction Paul Halsall, Compiler and Editor The date of inception was 4/8/1998. © Paul Halsall, 1999.

Brief Timeline of American Literature and Events, 1620-1920 Brief Timeline of American Literature and Events: Pre-1620 to 1920 This timeline provides a short chronology of events in American history and literature. It is linked to course pages and bibliographies as well as to a set of more general linked resources: pages on American authors, literary movements, and American literature sites. Each author page contains a picture (if available), a bibliography (if available), links to major sites about the author, and links to works online.

Civil Rights Movement: "Black Power" Era Summary & Analysis A Carefully Planned March Many of the people involved in the planning of the March on Washington worried that something might go wrong. Organizers paid close attention to each and every detail, from the path of the procession to the placement of portable toilets and water fountains throughout the capital grounds. They carefully selected each speaker, pre-approved each speech, and in some cases censored what they considered to be radical content. Under pressure from President John F. Kennedy and financial supporters of the movement, planners took every measure to ensure that the mass demonstration would not erupt in violence and discredit the civil rights struggle.5 They succeeded. Too Little, Too Late What many historians have called the "finest hour" of the Civil Rights Movement was really the moment when growing rifts in the struggle, especially conflicts developing between white supporters and black activists, began to surface. Four Little Girls "We Shall Overrun" Rioting in the Streets

Rubin Stacy Jerome Wilson, Franklington, Kentucky (January 11 1935) Anderson Ward, Maringuoin, Louisiana (March 3 1935) Abe Young, Slayden, Mississippi (March 12 1935) Daughter of Rev. A. B. Brookins, Poinsett, Arkansas (March 21 1935) Rev. A medieval mystery - The National Archives Tax records can tell us a great deal about life in the Middle Ages. They don’t usually come with pictures, but this one does. It is a cartoon from 1233 during the reign of King Henry III. It’s a detailed, complex cartoon and it is a bit of a mystery. It was found on an Exchequer Roll, a kind of government document recording various payments that is stored rolled up. Tasks 1. A castlePitchforksA set of scalesA womanA crownDevils 2. 3. 4. What is the man holding? 5. Who are the people shown here? 6. Who do you think he is supposed to be? 7. What do you think these characters are supposed to be? 8. Background Persecution of the Jews The terrible treatment of Jews by the Nazi Government in the 1930s and 1940s was not a new event. At the time this roll was written Jews in England were subjected to heavy taxes, had property stolen or confiscated and were sometimes attacked. Medieval Norwich In the 13th century, Norwich was one of the largest and most important towns in England. Teachers' notes Abigail
