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Surreal Depictions of Human Nature Versus the Universe

Surreal Depictions of Human Nature Versus the Universe
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Photographer Captures An Underwater Dance Of Colors The shapes displayed in Luka Klikovac’s work look like colored smoke, or maybe strange deep-sea creatures, but they’re actually mixtures of colored and black liquids immersed in water. The Serbian photographer’s photo series is called Demersal and was based on the unique motions resulting from the combination of fluids. To create this psychedelic effect, the photographer used nothing but his camera and lights capable of showing the dance of fluid shapes captured by his lenses. No digital editing resources were used afterwards, so what you see in the images are actually the precise moments when the two elements were combined. Klikovac said that the goal of his work is to create images that allow people to escape from their daily routine and that his underwater shapes should be interpreted like the Rorschach inkblot test. What do you see in them?

Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 Download the PDF of these ideas : Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 (2mb) [ New American Public Art ] Water and ink Art & Design The Italian artist Alberto Seveso takes pictures of ink in different colours blending into water. It might be something that is done a hundreds times before, but this is done better than we've seen saw. Фотоблоги El síndrome de Koro: robo de genitales Recientemente, la antropóloga Louisa Lombard, de la Universidad de California en Berkeley (EE.UU.), describe un caso curioso que vio durante su visita a un pequeño pueblo de la República Centroafricana, que involucra a dos hombres que afirmaban que su pene había sido robado. Así mismo. Parece que, un día antes, un viajero había visitado la ciudad y le había dado la mano a un vendedor de té, que inmediatamente dijo haber sentido una descarga eléctrica, y que a su vez hizo que su pene se encogiera. Él gritó al instante del acontecimiento, reuniendo a una multitud, entre la que se encontraba un segundo hombre que dijo que lo mismo había sucedido con él. Usted y yo estamos pensando lo mismo: “esto es imposible”, o “esto es una broma”. Pero no lo es. En este síndrome, las víctimas (en su mayoría hombres, pero puede ocurrir en mujeres) llegan a creer que sus genitales se están encogiendo o retrayéndose hacia el interior de su cuerpo. Síndrome extraño y sus mortales consecuencias.

Handcut Paper Annie Vought a développé ces oeuvres pour sa collection basée sur des correspondances manuscrites. L’artiste a cherché à reconsidérer les textes comme un échange ayant plus de valeurs que celui des formes digitales. Un rendu splendide de cette artiste vivant en Californie, à découvrir dans la suite. Understanding Common Motivation Behind Suicide Resources Understanding The Motivations Behind Suicide: While no single reason can account for each suicidal act, there are common characteristics associated with completed suicides. Perhaps they can help you to understand why someone you love died by suicide. 1) The common purpose of suicide is a solution. 2) The common goal of suicide is to cease consciousness. 3) The common stressor in suicide is frustrated psychological needs. 4) The common stimulus in suicide is intolerable psychological pain. 5) The common internal attitude in suicide is ambivalence. 6) The common emotion in suicide is hopelessness and/or helplessness. 7) The common cognitive state in suicide is constriction. 8 ) The common interpersonal act in suicide is communication of intent. 9) The common action in suicide is escape. 10) The common consistency in suicide is life-long coping patterns. Related Pages on Band Back Together Suicide Survivors of Suicide Support for Family Members

Amazing Long Exposure Photographs Taken From Space Space, it’s the final frontier where no one can hear you scream, according to those movie and TV taglines anyway. It’s also a place of great beauty, as anyone who’s spent five minutes watching a Carl Sagan or Neil deGrasse Tyson YouTube video can attest. But Sagan and Tyson don’t hold a monopoly when it comes to the wonders of the cosmos. Astronaut and Expedition 31 flight engineer Don Pettit has been taking stunning long exposure photographs from aboard the International Space Station from between 5th April and 23rd May this year. These fantastical-looking photos not only show the stars streaming by the station but also the light emitting from the towns and cities of Earth, flying past like a lightspeed scene in a sci-fi flick as the Earth is showered in cosmic light from stars and auroras. My star trail images are made by taking a time exposure of about 10 to 15 minutes. See the full set here. [via This Is Colossal] @stewart23rd

The evolving role of the Oxford English Dictionary ©Thom Atkinson The ‘OED’ has had its own website since 2000; some of the old slips, featuring definitions and citations, from the dictionary’s archive Look for a topical expression in the Oxford English Dictionary and you may find it is older than you think. “Phone-hacking”, for example, was first used in the early 1980s. Words need a bit of a track record to make it into the OED. The OED, which this month experiences a rare change in leadership, is different from other English dictionaries. Lexicography, unlike journalism, is a field in which deadline extensions can occasionally be justified. Proffitt arrived at the OED in 1989, when the lexicographers did not have computers on their desks and new definitions were written up by hand. Oxford University Press (OUP), the home of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) offices©Thom Atkinson Most significant of the changes made under John Simpson, chief editor from 1993 until his retirement last month, was the launch of the OED website in 2000.

Metamorphosis | theddi Metamorphosis is a concept about the unlimited transformations of human body. Just like a chameleon, it’s fitting, just like a virus, it’s mutating, just like a personality, it’s changing. Something new is about to birth, a metamorphosis, an organic complexity. The Art of Paul Kuczynski - mashKULTURE Take a look at some paintings by artist, Paul Kuczynski. More after the jump. James Rhodes: 'Find what you love and let it kill you' After the inevitable "How many hours a day do you practice?" and "Show me your hands", the most common thing people say to me when they hear I'm a pianist is "I used to play the piano as a kid. I really regret giving it up". I imagine authors have lost count of the number of people who have told them they "always had a book inside them". We seem to have evolved into a society of mourned and misplaced creativity. A world where people have simply surrendered to (or been beaten into submission by) the sleepwalk of work, domesticity, mortgage repayments, junk food, junk TV, junk everything, angry ex-wives, ADHD kids and the lure of eating chicken from a bucket while emailing clients at 8pm on a weekend. Do the maths. What if you could know everything there is to know about playing the piano in under an hour (something the late, great Glenn Gould claimed, correctly I believe, was true)? What if for a couple of hundred quid you could get an old upright on eBay delivered?

Most Amazing Miniature Food Artworks by Shay Aaron Shay Aaron is a brilliant artist from Israel who makes the most astonishing miniature food jewelry. These foodstuffs look so beautiful that we would desire to eat them. Actually, there’s a whole market out there for miniature food. Not actual stuff you can eat, but beautifully hand made designs of steaks, burgers, pies, vegetables, eggs and pretty much food artworks you can think of. Comments comments 12 Best Tutorials to Add Bizzare Effects to Your Face with Photoshop Everybody wants to look smart and handsome and face is the special part of the body that is the source of special attraction. But sometimes it may be fun to look weird and ugly. I’m not saying to look weird in actual but you can just play with your photographs and add some bizzare effects to your face in Photoshop. Whenever I post about Photoshop tutorials I want to post something new and unique. This time I was looking for best photoshop tutorials to add some amazing effects to face and here are 12 best tutorials to add bizzare effects to your face in photoshop. Best Photoshop Tutorials To Add Bizzare Effects To Your Face You might also be interested in: I hope you like this collection of Photoshop tutorials. Tagged as: Photoshop, photoshop face effects, Tutorial
