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businessinsider Blog » Blog Archive » Search-based applications and business pro The value of any new technology category is often hard to forecast as that technology is born. Certainly when powered aviation initially ‘took-off’ (pun intended), its pioneers, Félix du Temple de la Croix, the Wright brothers and others were a small group of visionaries. These few visionaries believed in the possibility or even the certainty of commercial aviation. Others were less convinced. Search-based applications (SBAs), as a software technology concept, has had a similar reception. As we explore uses for search-based applications, it’s important that we articulate the business value of SBAs for each anticipated use. Examples of business processes that have gained these advantages are cross- and up-selling by inside and outside salespeople, sales proposal optimization, sales rep activity oversight, in-store/phone/on-line customer service, pre-purchase product location, recommendation and education, social community enrichment and consultant selection/team building.
Sitographie pour les enseignants Vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens vers différents outils documentaires et pédagogiques : Encyclopédie Universalis Langues en pratique :Français Langue ÉtrangèreFrançais Langue SecondeDes identifiants sont nécessaires pour se connecter. Centre de Liaison de l’Enseignement et des Médias d’Information : ce site propose des fiches outils et des séquences autour de l’éducation aux médias Ce site du réseau SCEREN CNDP propose des dossiers et des activités en classe sur des adaptations cinématographiques d’œuvres littéraires Musagora propose des ressources sur les langues et les cultures de l’antiquité Langues en ligne met à disposition des enseignants des dossiers pédagogiques en ligne pour l’enseignement des langues étrangères (Allemand, Anglais, Arabe, Chinois, Espagnol, Italien, Japonais, Portugais, Russe, Français langue seconde et langue étrangère) Ce site du réseau SCEREN-CNDP propose un ensemble de films sur de grandes expositions réalisés en partenariat avec des institutions culturelles.
12 Tips to Engage People on Twitter Are you a newcomer to Twitter? Do you need a little help crafting tweets to engage people in meaningful conversations? You can start a conversation on Twitter in many different ways, but they all come back this: be yourself and find the right tone to engage with people you want to get to know better. In this post I’ll explore some easy ways to start Twitter conversations. Social Media Examiner’s Facebook fans recently shared some great ways to engage people on Twitter. #1: Publish Useful Tips or Facts One of the first ways you can contribute to the conversation is to share useful information. Cyndy Hoenig offers about five PR tips a day… Notice how she used the word you in this tweet to grab readers’ interest. #2: Retweet to Acknowledge Others Retweeting other people’s tweets is a form of acknowledgment. Jonathan Saar is simply being social. #3: Reach Out With Follow Friday #4: Answer Other People’s Tweets Another easy way to engage people is to respond to others’ tweets.
Email List Directory - News & FTP Directory - Internet Reference Deep Web Research 2012 Bots, Blogs and News Aggregators ( is a keynote presentation that I have been delivering over the last several years, and much of my information comes from the extensive research that I have completed over the years into the "invisible" or what I like to call the "deep" web. The Deep Web covers somewhere in the vicinity of 1 trillion plus pages of information located through the world wide web in various files and formats that the current search engines on the Internet either cannot find or have difficulty accessing. The current search engines find hundreds of billions of pages at the present time of this writing. In the last several years, some of the more comprehensive search engines have written algorithms to search the deeper portions of the world wide web by attempting to find files such as .pdf, .doc, .xls, ppt, .ps. and others. This Deep Web Research 2012 report and guide is divided into the following sections: Bot Research
Real Time Search & SEO for Your Online Marketing Mix - Onlin Since late 2009 when Google introduced real time search, the concept has gained a lot of attention. Today, real time search is at the top of the priority lists for all the major search engines – Google, Bing and Yahoo!. As part of the new technology, Google is combining live updates from sites like Twitter with the latest news headlines and blog posts in search results. For web searchers, real time search means the ability to discover breaking news the minute it’s happening. For marketers, it presents a whole host of opportunities to increase online visibility. 1. With real time search, frequently publishing online content becomes a must. Tweets and Facebook fan page updates: Micro content from social sites now has the ability to appear in search results. 2. Creating a core group of brand advocates is important for a number of reasons. Now add one more benefit to the list: Brand advocates – particularly authoritative ones – can link to your content to help keep in the real time stream. 3.
50 outils de recherche pour l'information scientifique Cette liste est issue de notre veille sur Diigo : Liste Diigo "Moteurs scientifiques (link is external)" Liste d'outils de recherche Moteurs multidisciplinaires En Sciences de l'ingénieur, Informatique, Mathématiques Science Accelerator, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, OSTI, U.S. "Science Accelerator is a gateway to science, including R&D results, project descriptions, accomplishments, and more, via resources from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), U.S. IEEE - The world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology (link is external) (link is external) Portail de l'Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. citebase Search (link is external) (link is external) Citebase Search is a semi-autonomous citation index for the free, online research literature. BioMed Central (link is external) (link is external) Recherche de thèses