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Brilliant Business Books - Graphics -

Orsai | Weblog de Hernán Casciari Imágenes Cadena Nacional de un minuto, editada de forma tendenciosa miércoles 9 de abril, 2014 Lucas y Alex Plastilina celeste jueves 3 de abril, 2014 Ha llovido en el arenero del jardín de infantes, pero Alex y Lucas se sientan de todas formas en el suelo mojado. Son tristes las penas de amor jueves 27 de marzo, 2014 Segunda semana de clases en el Jardín de Infantes Nº 1 de Mercedes. Sociedad La trampa de McCracken jueves 20 de marzo, 2014 Que me perdonen este jueves las damas presentes, pero tengo la necesidad de hablar sobre fútbol. Protocolo en el subsuelo jueves 13 de marzo, 2014 Hace un tiempo me invitaron a Lima para dar una charla. Vida privada La falsa biografía jueves 6 de marzo, 2014 Hernán Casciari nació en Mercedes, en 1971, y todo lo que sigue es relativo o fragmentario. Autoayuda El limpio, el sucio y el neutro jueves 27 de febrero, 2014 Hoy Orsai cumple diez años pero me pregunto: ¿y si nadie me lee? Una charla tranquila en el Club miércoles 13 de noviembre, 2013 Editorial Léase en voz alta

The Top 50 Sustainability Books If you don’t have time to read books ... but want to know what the good ones say, then you should take a look at this splendid array of best sellers about sustainability and related issues. As books go, it’s quite unique because you get 50 for the price of one – and in a compact package of 250+ pages. Do the math – that’s 5 pages per book. Students – and let’s admit it, their teachers, too – will love the shortcut. For each one of the Top 50 books, author Wayne Visser gives you key ideas, a one-page synopsis, illustrative quotations, author bio, follow-up interviews with most authors, and citations to related books and website listings. So armed, you can bluff your way through any social gathering (or student classroom) as if you had read the whole thing. A Worthwhile BookThe Top 50 is overall a good read. This is not only an excellent idea but, more importantly, well executed. The idea originated as an academic exercise. The journey from start to finish spans one lifetime.

Austin Kleon on 10 Things Every Creator Should Remember But We Often Forget by Maria Popova What T.S. Eliot has to do with genetics and the optimal investment theory for your intellectual life. Much has been said about the secrets of creativity and where good ideas come from, but most of that wisdom can be lost on young minds just dipping their toes in the vast and tumultuous ocean of self-initiated creation. So widely did the talk resonate that Kleon decided to deepen and enrich its message in Steal Like an Artist — an intelligent and articulate manifesto for the era of combinatorial creativity and remix culture that’s part 344 Questions, part Everything is a Remix, part The Gift, at once borrowed and entirely original. (This piece of truth is available as a print from 20×200, one of the best places for affordable art.) The book opens with a timeless T.S. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.” Kleon writes in the introduction: Donating = Loving

46 Ways To Start A Business With No Money Most people who want to start their own business don’t have a ton of money laying around and it’s probably one the most common questions I get emailed about: How can I get started without a lot of cash? Well I’ve put together a list below of the best ideas I’ve heard and personally used. I hope you find it useful! The three basic strategies to starting a business without much money are: Delay the normal “business starting” activities like incorporating, hiring, renting office or retail space, etc until AFTER your business has started earning money. This is known as bootstrapping.Doing everything yourself and spending your personal time instead of hiring an expert. Start With The Easy Stuff: Eliminate Expenses Don’t rent an office! Legal Stuff and Incorporating Make a website for your business Getting a Logo Don’t hire a fancy graphic designer. Accepting Credit Cards Starting a service business where you consult, coach, teach, etc Creating Info Products Before investing in a retail location…

Cuentos cortos de Eduardo Galeano I El siguiente texto, es una transcripción literal de algunos cuentos relatados por Eduardo Galeano en su programa "La Vida Según Galeano" El Miedo El miedo global Los que trabajan tienen miedo de perder el trabajo. Y los que no trabajan tienen miedo de no encontrar nunca trabajo. El Diablo es extranjero El culpómetro indica que el inmigrante viene a robarnos el empleo. Guerras mentidas Las guerras se venden mintiendo, como se venden los autos. Cuando, hace ya unos cuantos años, mi mamá me daba instrucciónes para vivir, entre otras cosas me aseguró que la mentira tenía patas cortas. Mujeres San Juan Crisóstomo decía: "Cuando la primera mujer habló, provocó el pecado original" y San Ambrosio concluía: "Si a la mujer se le permite hablar de nuevo, volverá a traer la ruina al hombre". Saben cocer. Hijas obedientes. Durante siglos o milenios ha sido así, aunque de su pasado sabemos poco. Puntos de vista 1 Si Eva hubiera escrito el génesis... Puntos de vista 2 Violeta Los Nadies Guerras calladas

Site title and description - Webmaster Tools Help Google's generation of page titles and descriptions (or "snippets") is completely automated and takes into account both the content of a page as well as references to it that appear on the web. The goal of the snippet and title is to best represent and describe each result and explain how it relates to the user's query. We use a number of different sources for this information, including descriptive information in the title and meta tags for each page. While we can't manually change titles or snippets for individual sites, we're always working to make them as relevant as possible. Create descriptive page titles Titles are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result and why it’s relevant to their query. Here are a few tips for managing your titles: As explained above, make sure every page on your site has a title specified in the <title> tag. Why the search result title might differ from the page's <title> tag How snippets are created Create good meta descriptions

The Top 10 Inspiring Books For Entrepreneurs | Internet Entrepreneurs The list of top 10 inspiring entrepreneur books. Books are food for the soul and an entrepreneur needs to be careful what he feeds his soul. Here are a list of timeless classics and best-selling books that people across the world have found useful to motivate themselves and grow as entrepreneurs. How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be? by Jack Canfield Jack Canfield is best known for his Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Buy it on Amazon. Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson “Simplicity is a complex form of sophistication“. Buy it on Amazon. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill I am sure that this book would not require an introduction to most of you reading this list. Buy it on Amazon. New Ideas from Dead CEOs: Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office by Todd G.Buchholz New Ideas From Dead CEOs tries to delve deep into the histories of America’s most successful entrepreneurs. Buy it on Amazon. What They Don’ Teach You At Harvard Business School by Mark McCormack Buy it on Amazon.

Odio desde la otra vida - Roberto Arlt Fernando sentía la incomodidad de la mirada del árabe, que, sentado a sus espaldas a una mesa de esterilla en el otro extremo de la terraza, no apartaba posiblemente la mirada de su nuca. Sin poderse contener se levantó, y, a riesgo de pasar por un demente a los ojos del otro, se detuvo frente a la mesa del marroquí y le dijo: -Yo no lo conozco a usted. ¿Por qué me está mirando? El árabe se puso de pie y, después de saludarlo ritualmente, le dijo: -Señor, usted perdonará. Lo que le decía el desconocido era cierto: Fernando había estado pensando en matar a su novia. -Siéntese. Fernando se dejó caer melancólicamente en el sillón esterillado. -Estaba precisamente sobre su cabeza. Fernando, sin darse cuenta de lo que hacía, movió la cabeza, confirmando lo que el desconocido le decía. -Cuando desapareció la nube roja, vi una sala. Fernando ahora pensó que no tenía nada de inverosímil que el árabe pudiera darle datos de la habitación que ocupaba Lucía, porque ésta miraba al jardín del hotel.
