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Evolving music by consumer choice

Circuli If you like Circuli, you might also like Otomata, click here! Circuli is a generative musical instrument conceptualized and developed by Batuhan Bozkurt. Circles grow at a constant rate. An action video: Conejo Frustrado Murdoc's Club Room Close Login Murdoc's Club Room WallMurdocLaptopBookGorillaz Tour Dates Мартин Шин Ма́ртин Шин (англ. Martin Sheen, урождённый Рамо́н Хера́рдо Анто́нио Эсте́вес (исп. Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez); род. 3 августа 1940(19400803), Дейтон, США) — американский актёр и кинорежиссёр, известный в частности как исполнитель главной роли в знаменитом фильме Фрэнсиса Форда Копполы «Апокалипсис сегодня». Он работал с такими кинорежиссёрами как Ричард Аттенборо, Фрэнсис Форд Коппола, Терренс Малик, Майк Николс, Мартин Скорсезе, Стивен Спилберг и Оливер Стоун. Лауреат премий «Эмми» и «Золотой глобус»[1]. Актёр взял творческий псевдоним в честь католического архиепископа и богослова Джей Шин Фултона, популярного в 1950-х годах своими выступлениями на телевидении. Он является также гражданином Ирландии. Биография[править | править вики-текст] Детство[править | править вики-текст] В Дейтоне Франсиско Эстевес много лет также работал на фабрике по производству кассовых аппаратов. Юность[править | править вики-текст] Карьера в кино и на телевидении[править | править вики-текст]

Con dos tacones Top Tracks for Joe Hisaishi Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. Loading... by JBDryMartini 406,707 views by JBDryMartini 521,191 views by JBDryMartini 182,561 views by tycho975 100,685 views by bluelighter0085 85,089 views by Inspironia 60,446 views by shinozaca 57,768 views by JBDryMartini 55,110 views by AnimaNotturna 78,690 views by Dashingzeb 66,906 views by QuiZZieness 88,360 views by Tsheryn778 183,352 views by littlepawonthemoon 36,891 views by Ricardo Ranzani 59,648 views by robinrero 585,485 views by hodbinah 106,662 views by MarieHisaishi 11,009 views by JBDryMartini 15,056 views About Joe Hisaishi

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El sistema D13 - Webcómic de culto Murdoc - Gorillaz Wiki Murdoc Niccals was dumped on his father's doorstep in infancy and went on to a very abusive childhood. It has been proposed that his many addictions and his sour attitude were due to his abusive childhood. Sebastian Jacob Niccals, (or Jacob Sebastian Niccals, depending on who's asking) was a spiteful drunk of a man who often verbally abused and exploited his sons. No one actually knew for certain who his mother was, but most think he was born to a woman in a mental hospital for the terminally bored (though there are many other creative possibilities that contradict the theory). The local pub had a routine talent show that Murdoc was often forced to participate in so he could win his father drinking money. Murdoc played in a number of bands before Gorillaz, though they never went anywhere. Unfortunately, this was never to be. After the El Mañana conspiracy, 2D and Russel were frantic about Noodle's supposed death. He later explained: Gallery Edit External Links

What Are Traffic Waves and Why Do They Happen So Much? | The Lowdown Who doesn’t love sitting in traffic? Especially when there’s no apparent reason for it: no crashes, no tolls, no flaming mattresses. Just a sudden and infuriating slowdown of the cars ahead, causing you to slam on the brakes, spill coffee all over yourself and slow to a glacial crawl, usually when you’re already late for something important — a job interview, for instance. On average, Americans spend upwards of 40 hours a year stuck in traffic, according to Texas A&M’s annual mobility study. The simplest explanation for why traffic waves happen is that drivers have relatively slow reaction times: if the car in front of you suddenly slows down, it’ll likely take you a second or so to hit the brakes. To illustrate this concept, programmer Lewis Lehe, a civil engineering graduate student at UC Berkeley, created this visualization. So, put really simply, if you’re going faster than the car in front of you, then you slow down. Matthew Green

PhD Comics Coming Soon - Stay tuned for a BIG announcement about an awesome project Jorge is working on! PHD Store - Our store was down for a while, but now it is back! Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! - Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"! Watch the new movie! Filming is done! Coming to Campuses this Fall! The Science Gap - Watch Jorge's TEDx Talk: Psy Allegedly Rapped "Kill Those Fucking Yankees" In 2004
