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Cocos2d for iPhone

Cocos2d for iPhone

Getting started with XNA Development Everything you need to know to start making your game with the XNA framework So you have heard about this awesome new game thing from Microsoft and you are all excited because your mind is brimming with ideas for really cool games, but just one problem, you are just not really sure how to get started. Well, let's see what we can do about getting you pointed in the right direction. For those of you who are not fans of reading (come on guys, how far are you going to get in life honestly if you don't learn to love to read?), here's the summarized quickie list of what you need to know. Getting Started: The I Hate to Read Version Everything you need to make games with the XNA framework for the PC is free. Now for the rest of you, the ones who really are trying hard to succeed in life. Ok, I'm excited, but just what is XNA exactly? The XNA framework is an API. The XNA framework is not a game engine. XNA Game Studio is the environment you develop in. Where do I go for help? The Help Files.

Check out how easy it is to get started creating mobile HTML5 Games Intel® XDK HTML5 development environment - develop, emulate, test-on-device and build apps Download Today Intel® XDK a HTML5 cross-platform solution enables developers to write web and hybrid apps once, and deploy across many app stores and form factor devices. Easy-to-use: Streamlined workflow from design to app storeDevelop faster: Integrated design, test, and build toolsDeploy simply: Across more app stores, and form factors Intel XDK is available as a free download for Windows* 7 & 8 , Apple OS X*, and Ubuntu* Linux* Build cross-platform apps easily Intel® XDK streamlined interface is built on Web technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript*, and Node-Webkit back-end, runs on Windows*, OS X*, and Ubuntu Linux, without browser or Java* dependencies. Development Tools Built-in Intuitive tools that let you design engaging HTML5 responsive apps in less time Start with Samples Emulate, Test, and Debug Tools Emulators, debuggers, and profilers to enhance app performance and quality Get the Intel® XDK Learn How

Programming Download | cocos2d for iPhone Here you can find links to the latest version of Cocos2D as well as older versions. If you are starting a new project, it’s highly recommended that you go with the latest stable version. Latest Release Cocos2D installer 3.0.0Cocos2D zip archive 3.0.0SpriteBuilder (Mac App Store) Older Versions Cocos2D zip archive 2.1.0Cocos2D zip archive 1.1.0Cocso2D zip archive 1.0.1 Source Code The Cocos2D source code is available from GitHub. About Our Versioning Since version 3, Cocos2D uses semantic versioning. We can only guarantee backwards compatibility as long as no private APIs or hidden classes are used. Cocoa Is My Girlfriend | Taglines are for Windows programmersCocoa Is My Girlfriend | Taglines are for Windows programmers

oolongengine - Oolong Engine is an iPad / iPhone / iPod touch Engine The Oolong Engine is written in C++ with some help from Objective-C. It will help you to create new games and port existing games to the iPhone, the iPod touch and the iPad. Here is its feature list: OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL 2.0 (> iPhone 3GS, iPod touch third gen, iPad) support Math library that supports floating-point calculations with an interface very similar to the D3D math library Support for numerous texture formats including the PowerVR 2-bit, 4-bit and normal map compression formats Support for PowerVR's POD (Scene and Meshes), .3DS and .blend file formats Touch screen support Accelerometer support Text rendering to support a basic UI Timing: several functions that can replace rdstc, QueryPerformance etc. Planned features: Unified vector Math engine that will be used by the renderer and Bullet Oolong Engine 2.x is developed with the official iPhone SDK. Oolong is used in many projects. Here is the San Angeles Demo:

Product/Marketing How to Make iPhone Apps - Explore the iOS SDK and find out how to develop, create and make iphone apps for yourself and your business. Apple Disabled Audio/Video Playback in HTML5 | Flowz While putting together an HTML5 prototype for a client, we ran into an unexpected hurdle: Apple has disabled programmatic playback of audio and video in HTML5. Essentially, the only way a webpage can play audio or video for a user, is if that user clicks a play button. This works: <a href="">Play</a> This doesn’t: <script> setTimeout("", 1000); </script> Despite all of Apple’s statements about being pro web standards, they have crippled HTML5 as an App platform. In Safari on iOS (for all devices, including iPad), where the user may be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and autoplay are disabled. Even though they state autoplay is disabled, all JavaScript initiated play() calls are ignored in MobileSafari. That reasoning is hogwash. Awesome HTML5 Games like: Bio Lab and HTML5 game engines like: Impact are now useless on iOS. While desperately searching for workarounds, I’ve found a few possible solutions.

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