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The Brick Testament

The Brick Testament

Mecca, Makka, Kaaba, Saudi Arabia Kunskapskrav religion 1 The Guardian Eyewitness Christianity, Religious Studies, Key Stage 2 - Interactive Whiteboard Resources The Christmas Story of the Nativity An illustrated story of the Birth of Jesus suitable for 7 - 10 year olds. Simple to navigate. Creation A beautiful, animated creation story as told in the Holy Bible. With musical accompaniment. Bible for Children Colourfully, illustrated Bible stories in PDF format. BibleKids Interactive Flash and audio Bible stories. The Easter Story We have produced this colourful version of the story of Easter. Inside the Church Find out about the different things inside a church and label them. Treasure Hunt This site outlines the various features of a church. Ely Cathedral Virtual Tour Take a look round this beautiful cathedral courtesy of stunning photography. Religious Education Virtual Visits Take advantage of technology to look inside Guildford Cathedral. The Story of Moses A colourful, illustrated story of Moses and the flight of the Hebrews from Egypt. The Story of Joseph We have produced an illustrated story of Joseph, which is common to both Christianity and Judaism.

Samhällsorienterande ämnen Kunskaper i de samhällsorienterande ämnena ger människor förutsättningar att orientera sig i världen och ta ansvar för sitt handlande. De samhällsorienterande ämnena utvecklas i takt med samhället vilket innebär att kurs- och ämnesplaner förändras. På dessa sidor finns material för att stödja och inspirera dig som undervisar i samhällsorienterande ämnen att omsätta kurs- och ämnesplanerna i din undervisning. Att förstå sin omvärld och sig själv En kunskapsöversikt om hur undervisningen i samhällskunskap, historia, religionskunskap och geografi kan bedrivas. Att förstå sin omvärld och sig själv Brister och kvalitet i SO-undervisningen SO-undervisning i år 7-9 har brister när det gäller generella kompetenser och kunskaper. Brister och kvalitet i SO-undervisningen

ICT and religious education | The Religious Education CPD Handbook Using the web to enhance pupils’ understanding of religion The web presents a wide range of issues related to information overload, incoherence and inaccuracy, authority and representation, not to mention accessibility or the mismatch between depth of content, literacy levels and the intended audience. The use of children’s general search engines may do little to help steer pupils in the right direction, as a quick search for ‘Jesus’ using Ask Kids or Yahoo Kids amply demonstrates. Even educational websites can return some puzzling listings when it comes to RE. Instead, teachers and pupils should familiarise themselves with REonline’s well-established RE-specific search engine which links to websites pre-selected for their suitability for RE in the UK. Even so, it is essential that both teachers and pupils become skilled evaluators of any web resource, howsoever found. Authenticity / Credibility Where does the site originate from? Content Navigation

KS2 R.E. This application consists of a drag and drop labelling exercise for symbols used within the Buddhist temple. By clicking on each symbol, pupils can access a summary information panel about that particular symbol to further explore its symbolic meaning. In the matching activity, the symbols can then be dragged to the corresponding description. This application consists of a drag and drop labelling exercise for symbols used within the Christian church. By clicking on each symbol, pupils can access a summary information panel about that particular symbol to further explore its symbolic meaning. In the matching activity, the symbols can then be dragged to the corresponding description. symbol matching lesson outline This application consists of a drag and drop labelling exercise for the Hindu Puja Tray. Can you find these Hindu words? Eight photo jigsaws based on the topic of Hinduism. Six photo jigsaws based on the topic of Easter.
