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10 Amazing Inventions From Nikola Tesla Perhaps one of Tesla’s most famous inventions deals directly with energy, something that is the talk of many social and political conversations and something that could be free to everyone if we used Nikola Tesla’s invention. Over the years, as more and more people begin to recognize the game being played in our society, Nikola Tesla and his story has been becoming more and more popular. This is natural as the increase in people educating themselves outside of the education system leads them to amazing bits of information that otherwise stay hidden. A perfect example are the inventions below which I came across when reading an article on Activist Post about some amazing inventions from Tesla. Radio Although Guglielmo Marconi was initially credited with the invention, and most believe him to be the inventor of radio even today, the Supreme Court overturned Marconi’s patent in 1943, when it was proven that Tesla invented the radio years previous to Marconi. Alternating Current Robotics

Wonderland Kitchen » food, drink, and life get curiouser Contributi Start Up al Sud - DM 6 marzo 2013 | Golden Group DM 6 Marzo 2013 – Agevolazioni per le start up nelle Regioni Convergenza. Aiuti in favore delle piccole imprese di nuova costituzione Il decreto del Ministro dello sviluppo economico 6 marzo 2013 prevede l’istituzione di un regime di aiuto finalizzato a promuovere la nascita di nuove imprese (START UP) nelle regioni Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardegna e Sicilia. BENEFICIARI Possono beneficiare delle agevolazioni di cui le piccole imprese, ivi incluse le start-up innovative: a) costituite da non più di sei mesi alla data di presentazione della domanda di agevolazione; b) con sede legale e operativa ubicata nei territori delle regioni Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardegna e Sicilia, nelle aree ammesse a norma dell’articolo 107.3. del TFUE, così come individuate nella Carta degli aiuti di Stato a finalità regionale; c) costituite in forma societaria, ivi incluse le società cooperative; [wpdm_file id=80]

Inside The Social Media Strategy That Made Batkid Go Viral On November 15th, a five year-old named Miles Scott barreled into public consciousness as Batkid, a crime-fighting San Francisco superhero who takes on tricky villains like the Riddler and the Penguin, all while cruising around in a Lamborghini. That day, Miles, a Make-a-Wish Foundation grantee who recently finished chemotherapy treatments for leukemia, received Twitter shout-outs from Barack Obama, Britney Spears, and millions of others. He also had a crowd of tens of thousands cheering him on in person. The event, while heartwarming, didn't randomly go viral all on its own (few things do), though it may have seemed like it to anyone watching as #SFBatKid showed up every five seconds in their Twitter stream. Pomponi came across the planned Batkid event, which involved Miles rescuing a damsel in distress from the train tracks, stopping the Penguin from kidnapping the San Francisco Giants seal mascot, and getting the key to the city from the mayor, on local blog SFist.

NASA Now Streaming Live HD Camera Views of Earth from Space (Video) Daydreaming about being an astronaut just got a whole lot easier. NASA is now live-streaming views of Earth from space captured by four commercial high-definition video cameras that were installed on the exterior of the International Space Station last month. The project, known as the High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment, aims to test how cameras perform in the space environment. You can see the live HD views of Earth from space here: Live streaming video by Ustream "The cameras are enclosed in a temperature-specific housing and are exposed to the harsh radiation of space," NASA officials write in an online description of the HDEV experiment. Some of the cameras' components were designed by high school students as part of the High Schools United with NASA to Create Hardware, according to a NASA description of the experiment. You can follow NASA's stream directly here:

CONCURSO CAIXA 2015: Inscrição, Edital, Gabarito Concurso Caixa 2015 - A Caixa Econômica Federal foi fundada há 153 anos, ainda no tempo de Dom Pedro II, quando o mesmo assinou o decreto de lei nº 2.723, no dia 12 de janeiro de 1861, em todos esses anos a Caixa participou ativamente da revolução e da história do país, desde a industrialização que acarretou em mudanças na urbanização e até nos regimes políticos. O segmento principal da caixa é agenciar linhas de crédito, financiamentos da casa própria, o que atinge diretamente o brasileiro, a economia, o desenvolvimento social e ambiental e tudo que tange o progresso nacional, desde sempre a caixa tem ajudado o povo brasileiro a se alavancar. É atualmente a maior instituição no país que disponibiliza crédito para o cidadão mudar de vida. Concurso Caixa 2015 Inscrição Concurso Caixa 2015 Leia também: Concurso INSS 2015. Edital Concurso Caixa 2015 Edital Caixa: Vagas Concurso Caixa 2015 Gabarito Concurso Caixa 2015

Crowdfunding / In arrivo soglie di esenzione Mifid per gli investitori Storia dell'articolo Chiudi Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il 05 luglio 2013 alle ore 16:17. E' dal 30 aprile che si attende il regolamento Consob sull'equity crowdfunding, i finanziamenti via web per le nuove aziende innovative (start up). Secondo Radio Borsa, il provvedimento arriverà a breve: a quanto si sa ci sono importanti novità rispetto alla bozza presentata inizialmente in consultazione. In particolare, la Consob avrebbe posto una soglia sotto la quale non viene applicata la parte II del Testo unico della finanza (disciplina degli intermediari e quindi Mifid). Infine l'investitore dovrà fare una sorta di autocertificazione: un documento in cui dichiara di non aver superato nell'anno i limiti indicati. Un'altra importante novità, secondo quanto trapela in Piazza Affari, è il timing di ingresso dell'investitore professionale (previsto dal Decreto Crescita del Governo Monti): nell'iniziale bozza Consob, era una condizione d'ammissione. Permalink

Why You Can't Talk About "Hair Bacon" (And Lots Of Other Things) On Chinese Social Media Hoobastank, the American rock band behind the cloying 2003 earworm “The Reason,” is not welcome on Sina Weibo, China’s premier microblogging site. The censors do not approve. At first, Jason Q. Instead, Ng ran another search. Behind China’s “Great Firewall” of censorship, Sina, a private company, employs an army of scrubs to keep posts in line with the state’s one-party agenda. Ng uses a unique and revealing method of tracking blocked terms. So far, he’s tested 700,000 keywords, 1,500 of which were blocked. Some of the terms are fairly obvious, like “one person blocking tanks” (self-explanatory). Over time, Ng has noticed that Weibo’s censorship approach has changed. “The government is forging more of these offline connections to try and bring in and collaborate with these Internet users. Going forward, Ng will continue to update his Blocked on Weibo Tumblr, but he has launched another project that will further analyze dissemination of ideas behind the Great Firewall.

British Disability Rights Abuses: ‘UK Government Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Crimes Against Humanity’ – a report by Mo Stewart Please sign this petition and encourage friends, family and your networks to do the same: UK Government Refuses to Accept Responsibility for Crimes Against Humanity By Mo Stewart Following the fatally flawed Work Capability Assessment (WCA) conducted by Atos Healthcare, as contracted by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the United Kingdom (UK) Government admitted that it was wrong to reduce the welfare benefits of Mark Wood, the vulnerable disabled man who starved to death following the reduction of his benefits, in C21 UK, when weighing only 5st 8lbs. Tom Pollard, Policy and Campaigns Manager at Mind, said: “We were deeply saddened to hear of the death of Mark Wood. Without a welfare state, sick and disabled people in America are required to use private healthcare insurance. Americans often suffer when attempting to claim from the income protection insurance policies of Unum Insurance, who use an identical disability denial assessment model as that used by Atos Healthcare.
