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Lasersaur Lasersaur The Lasersaur is an open source laser cutter. We designed it to fill the need of makers, artist and scientist who wanted a safe and highly-capable machine. Unlike others it comes fully loaded with knowledge to run, maintain, and modify. Since its conception, Nortd Labs and the Lasersaur community has generated knowledge to develop a comprehensive system. How can you Contribute? Unlike software, hardware RD is costly even when living off of Ramen. Short on cash? $32 Beta Access: Support the project and get full access to design documents, community (mailing list), and software before the project goes fully open source. $(any) Project Support: Simply want to support the project? We Accept Bitcoin! Credits Mad props to,,, grbl,, and their giants' shoulders.

Edge Master Class 2009 THE CURRENT CATALOG OF LIFE By Ed Regis In their futuristic workshops, the masters of the Synthetic Genomics, Craig Venter and George Church, play out their visions of bacteria reprogrammed to turn coal into methane gas and other microbes programmed to create jet fuel 14. Synthetic genomics, the subject of the conference, is the process of replacing all or part of an organism's natural DNA with synthetic DNA designed by humans. The specter of "biohackers" creating new infectious agents made its obligatory appearance, but synthetic genomic researchers are, almost of necessity, optimists. Church and his Harvard lab team have already programmed bacteria to perform each of these functions separately, but they have not yet connected them all together into a complete and organized system. But tumor-killing microbes were only a small portion of the myriad wonders described by Church. Church is also founder and head of the Personal Genome Project, or PGP. [ Permalink ]

Bobbie-the-Jeans Journal: 50 Reasons I Reject Evolution Main Page - Protei >> 2013/04/25, 08:00 : Barcelona, Spain>> 2013/04/18, 08:00 - April 21, 20:00 : Casablanca, Morroco>> 2012/04/06, 08:00 - April 10, 20:00 Tema (Accra), Ghana>> 2013/03/25, 08:00 - March 30, 20:00 : CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA>> 2013/03/08, 08:00 - March 18, 20:00 : Port Louis, Mauritanie>> 2013/03/06 08:00 - March 11, 20:00 : Cochin, India>> 2013/03/01, 20:00 - Feb 25, 08:00 : Rangoon, Burma>> 2013/02/20, 08:00 - Feb 21, 20:00 : Singapore>> 2013/02/12, 08:00 - February 18, 16:00 : Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam>> 2013/02/07, 08:00 - Feb 8, 20:00 : Hong Kong>> 2013/02/03 : 08:00 - Feb 4, 20:00 : Shanghai, China>> 2013/01/30, 08:00 - Jan 31, 20:00 : Kobe, Japan>> 2013/01/27, 08:00 - Jan 28, 23:00 : Yokohama, Japan >> 2013/01/15, 08:00 - 16, 20:00 : Hilo, Hawaii, USA>> 2013/01/9, 17:00 : departure from San Diego, CA, USA >> 2012/11/29 : TEDxVilaMada "Nosso Planeta Agua" Sao Paolo, Brasil >> 2012/10/18 - 28 : Protei at Lodz Design Festival, Poland. Blog Origin of the name & Biomimicry Protei Community

DIYbio/FAQ From OpenWetWare DIYbio FAQ v1.5: "The biohacker's FAQ" This FAQ for DIYbio is actively maintained by it's editors, and by you! Edit your contributions directly or email updates to the DIYbio email list, Major contributors (in alphabetical order): The contents of this FAQ are copyright under the OpenWetWare Copyright policy (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported). This Frequently Asked Questions document is for the DIYBio mailing list. 1.0 - copied on 4/7/2009 from 1.1 - some updates to clarify original version 1.2 - new sections, reorg, + sections about DIY agar DOI:10.1007/BF00152620 1.3 - expand projects sections. DIYbio is an organization that aims to help make biology a worthwhile pursuit for citizen scientists, amateur biologists, and DIY biological engineers who value openness and safety. What is DIYbio's mission? -- Len Sassaman, DIYbio google group Schmidt M, 2008. IRGC 2008. Other Papers:

Mr. Tompkins Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland where c = 10 km/hr There are many pictures so it may take a few minutes to download this page. The hands of the big clock on the tower down the street were pointing almost to noon and the streets were nearly empty. A single cyclist was coming slowly down the street and, as he approached, Mr Tompkins' eyes opened wide with astonishment. Mr Tompkins did not notice that he gained much in speed, but, as the result of his effort, he flattened still more and went down the street looking exactly like a picture cut out of cardboard. Then, Mr Tompkins felt very proud because he could understand what was happening to the cyclist-- it was simply the contraction of moving bodies about which he had just learned. "Evidently nature's speed limit is lower here," he concluded, "that is why the bobby on the corner looks so lazy, he need not watch for speeders." [It has much more power than a bicycle, so the dilation is greater to observers.] "By Jove! “Speed limit?” “Well ! “Oh!

Generation FAB by Matthew Gardiner on Prezi Systems & Synthetic Biology Kugelblitz (astrophysics) In theoretical physics, a kugelblitz (German: "ball lightning", not to be confused with ball lightning) is a concentration of light so intense that it forms an event horizon and becomes self-trapped: according to general relativity, if enough radiation is aimed into a region, the concentration of energy can warp spacetime enough for the region to become a black hole (although this would be a black hole whose original mass-energy had been in the form of radiant energy rather than matter). In simpler terms, a kugelblitz is a black hole formed from energy as opposed to mass. According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, once an event horizon has formed, the type of mass-energy that created it no longer matters. A kugelblitz is so hot it surpasses the Planck temperature, the temperature of the universe 5.4×10−44 seconds after The Big Bang. A kugelblitz is an important plot element in Frederik Pohl's novel Heechee Rendezvous.

Wiki RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine. RepRap takes the form of a free desktop 3D printer capable of printing plastic objects. Since many parts of RepRap are made from plastic and RepRap prints those parts, RepRap self-replicates by making a kit of itself - a kit that anyone can assemble given time and materials. It also means that - if you've got a RepRap - you can print lots of useful stuff, and you can print another RepRap for a friend... RepRap is about making self-replicating machines, and making them freely available for the benefit of everyone. We are using 3D printing to do this, but if you have other technologies that can copy themselves and that can be made freely available to all, then this is the place for you too. is a community project, which means you are welcome to edit most pages on this site, or better yet, create new pages of your own. RepRap was voted the most significant 3D-printed object in 2017.

