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Glorious Treats

Glorious Treats

Recettes Metro : une recette gourmande pour toutes les occasions Le programme de récompenses AIR MILESmd est valide dans tout magasin Metro en Ontario, sauf à Thunder Marque déposée/de commerce d'AIR MILES International Trading B.V., employée en vertu d'une licence par LoyaltyOne, Inc. et Metro Ontario Inc. How To Make Perfect Brownies I’ve tried lots of brownie recipes: Boxes, scratch, frosted, plain, nuts, chips, fudge … Each of them has something to like, but depending on my mood I might want a change of pace. Not any more. My wife found this recipe, and it’s perfect. Ingredients 1½ cups sugar ¾ cup flour ¾ cup cocoa powder (see note below) 3 eggs ¾ cup butter, melted ½ teaspoon salt (if using unsalted butter) ¾ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (see note below) Directions A NOTE ON CHOCOLATE: You’ll notice the list of ingredients is very short. The assembly is about as easy as you can get. Do this by hand, until the dry ingredients are just incorporated into the wet, and stop. Stir in the chocolate chips. Line a 9×13 baking dish with parchment. Pour the batter and spread it out. Bake at 325° for 20-30 minutes. Very carefully lift the parchment out of the baking dish. Peel the edges and let cool for a few minutes before slicing. Pour yourself a glass of milk, and that’s it. Make these in two minutes flat Like this recipe?

A la facon des industriels-Les Pimpants, façon Pim’s Une génoise (bien mœlleuse), de la marmelade (fondante et acidulée), une couche (fine et craquante) de chocolat: voilà un Pim’s®. Vous serez sans doute extrêmement heureux d’apprendre que le Pim’s® Orange, le premier né d’une très longue histoire, a vu le jour en 1970, avant des innovations à la framboise, à la poire, voire même – soyons fous ! – à l’orange sanguine. L’ami Pim’s® sonne très british, on se verrait bien le déguster avec a cup of tea, une robe à pois et une chanson des Beatles. La Super Supérette a en ce moment des Pimpants en rayon, garantis home made, allez donc y jeter un œil ! À droite, voilà notre Super recette… Temps de préparation Un peu plus que le temps de passer à la caisse et de sortir un billet. Ingrédients (pour 54 biscuits soit 4 paquets et demi) Pour la génoise : – 3 œufs – 75 g de sucre – 1 sachet de sucre vanillé – 50 g de Maïzena – 25 g de farine – 1/2 sachet de levure – 1 pincée de sel Pour la couverture : – 200 g de bon chocolat noir – 10 g de beurre Recette

eat me, delicious Christmas Coal Candy I think we've all met a few people who deserve a lump of coal from Santa, and I'm not talking about the cute candy version I'm sharing with you today! Coal candy is perfect for those on your naughty and nice list. It looks much like a lump of coal, but is sweet and sugary with an unexpected crumbly texture. I found it on one of my favorite sites - Fragrante Delicia - which you should certainly check out! My first batch failed because I cooked the sugar too long and it liquefied. The end result was a shiny block of black candy which was pretty, but far too hard to eat! Christmas Coal Candy (Carbon Dulce)Recipe adapted from Fragante Delicia, with my commentary [click for printable version]Step 1:1 egg white1 1/2 cups powdered sugar divided, plus a little extra might be needed for thickening purposes1 1/2-2 tsp. black gel food coloring such as Wilton brand1/2 tsp. lemon juice Whisk together 1 cup of the powdered sugar along with the remaining ingredients in a medium bowl.

Scalloped Hasselback Potatoes “Scalloped” is an attractive word, isn’t it? When I hear it I think of several things: first, there’s scallops, as in the seafood—totally delicious. Then there’s the scalloped shape that can live on the edge of a pair of shorts or on the collar of a woman’s blouse—always pretty and dainty. And of course scalloped potatoes also comes to mind, which carries my imagination to a land of crispy potato skins drenched in a sea of cheese and cream. I can think of no better place to exist, actually. The first players up are: a few Russet potatoes (I’m sure other varieties will work equally as well), Parmigiano-Reggiano and butter. Start by scrubbing your potatoes good and clean. Then, using a sharp knife, make slices across the potato, being sure to stop before you reach its bottom. Cut up your butter. Then do the same with the Parmigiano-Reggiano. Next, open the potatoes’ crevices and shove the parmesan and butter, alternating between the two. They’ll come out looking all cheesy and inviting.

Palets bretons Après des vacances reposantes et ensoleillées au bout de la Bretagne (chut, c’est un secret, il ne faut pas parler du soleil breton…), je me devais de revenir avec une bonne recette locale !Cela m’étonne à chaque fois de constater comme avec des ingrédients similaires, on peut obtenir des biscuits très différents selon la façon dont on procède aux mélanges ou bien dont on cuit la pâte.Ces biscuits là sont bien croustillants et ont un bon goût de beurre rehaussé par les cristaux de sel. Des petits soleils à croquer pour le petit déjeuner ou le goûter et une délicieuse façon de prolonger les vacances. (20 palets environ) Ingrédients - 80 g de beurre à température ambiante - 80 g de sucre en poudre - une pincée d’extrait de vanille en poudre - 2 jaunes d’oeufs - 140 g de farine -1/2 sachet de poudre à lever - 1/2 cuillère à café de fleur de sel Préparation Travaillez le beurre en pommade. Laissez refroidir et conservez les palets dans une boîte hermétique.

Baked Perfection Pâte de Fruits For this attempt, I'm working from a recipe I found online. I made two batches, one in mango and one in strawberry. I've also seen severalrecipes for other versions of this that work a bit differently. 1.5 cups mango pulp/pureed mango-or-1.5 cups pureed strawberries2.5 cups sugar1 tbsp butter6 fl oz liquid pectin My grocery store doesn't currently have fresh mango, so I used cut, jarred mango. Pectin can usually be found either in the baking aisle -- usually in the same area as unflavored gelatin packets -- or possibly with canning supplies if your grocery store carries them. I'll detail the process a bit more in a few steps, but in case the original site is down or moved, I'm copying the complete instructions here verbatim. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Chocolate Sheet Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting Recipe Chocolate Sheet Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting I started making this Chocolate Sheet Cake recipe when I was in high school. It always came in handy when I needed a dessert to take to school sports banquets or when my friends were coming over. It has been one of my “go to” cakes for years. I usually make a chocolate frosting, but I recently switched things up and made a creamy peanut butter frosting to top the cake. I made this cake because we were having friends over for dessert. The peanut butter frosting really is the icing on the cake:) I like to frost the cake when it is still warm so the frosting spreads easily and melts over the chocolate cake. Our friends loved this Chocolate Sheet Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting. Make this Chocolate Sheet Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting…and be prepared to share! Chocolate Sheet Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting Yield: Serves 24Prep Time: 20 minutesCook Time: 18 minutes Rich chocolate sheet cake with peanut butter frosting.

Viennoiseries pains au chocolat & croissants fourrés aux amandes { Pas-à-pas en images } Galette berrichonne { aux pommes de terre } * * * G A L E T T E B E R R I C H O N N E * * *{ aux pommes de terre } Je n'avais jamais goûté de galette berrichonne à mon... Lire la suite › Ondulés noisette * * * O N D U L E S N O I S E T T E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Ingrédients pour la ganache au chocolat au... Gâteau renversé à l' ananas & noix de coco * * * G A T E A U R E N V E R S E A L' A N A N A S & N O I X DE C O C O * * * On dit que les choses les plus simples sont les...

Dashing Dish | Healthy alternatives for the food you crave.
