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Artist Rising - Original Artwork and High-Quality Art Prints by Living Artists

Artist Rising - Original Artwork and High-Quality Art Prints by Living Artists

JOCONDE : portail des collections des musées de France BOUDIN Eugène, Venise, La douane et Notre-Dame-de-la-Salute, huile sur bois, 1895, Reims, musée des beaux-arts © Christian Devleeschauwer1/28 Costume de China Poblana, Mexique, coton, laine, sequin, perle de verre, 4e quart 19e siècle, 1er quart 20e siècle, Barcelonnette, musée de la Vallée, © BERNARD Jean2/28 MAISON J ROTHSCHILD & Fils et RHEIMS & AUSCHER, Modèle de landau à huit ressorts, crayon graphite sur papier bristol, 4e quart 19e siècle - 20e siècle, Compiègne, musée national de la voiture et du tourisme © Arkhênum ; Compiègne, musée national de la voiture et du tourisme - utilisation soumise à autorisation3/28 Portrait de Tiberius Gemellus ? DE DIETRICH, Saint Georges terrassant le dragon, bas-relief, fonte moulée, entre 1950 et 1960, Reichshoffen, musée historique et industriel, musée du fer © Pommois Etienne28/28

Fine Art, Contemporary Art, Art for Sale, Paintings, Posters, Artists, Galleries, Visual Arts, Exhibits Digital Collections - Museo Galileo The Museo Galileo library is presently composed of nearly forty thematic digital collections. The digital collections are a result of a profitable collaboration with specialized scholars representing different fields related to the history of science and technology. The most significant part of the collection is represented by the Galilean corpus (Galilean Digital Library, Galileo’s Disciples, Accademia del Cimento, Galileo’s Library, Galilaeana online) which represents a fundamental reference in the field of Galilean Studies. Digital records dedicated to the study of perspective, ancient mathematics, with a strong connection to science or published in occasion of special exhibitions enrich the documental ensemble offered by the digital library. All the digital collections provide a free access, except the correspondence of Roger Giuseppe Boscovich (1711-1787) and the digital library on Leonardo da Vinci that require an authorisation from the direction. Expand text...

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