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How to Use Google Calendar as a Project Management Tool

How to Use Google Calendar as a Project Management Tool

A Practical Guide: How to Accurately Schedule Client Projects “I’ll put you on my schedule.” “I have you marked in my calendar to start next week.” “My schedule is full right now.” Have you ever told a client or potential client any of the above? I have many times. When I started working for myself and taking on client work, I never really “scheduled” client projects. It wasn’t until after my second year of freelancing that things really started picking up, and I was constantly juggling several client projects all the time (not to mention I was also a full-time college student at the same time). When my life became crazier and I needed to start getting things done at set times, I started looking into how to schedule client projects. Over the years I’ve read tons of articles about tips and tricks on how to schedule client work, but they all seemed to operate on theory, or this idea that things will always go smoothly. Throughout this article, I am going to use an example to help clarify the steps as we go along. I’m not talking about money here.

Productivity Hacks: I Empty My Inbox Every Day Productivity Hacks: 60+ Influencers on How to Work Smarter Bullet Journal: An analog note-taking system for the digital age notes on "i am not busy" The not telling people “I am busy” plan. I’ve been working on this plan for a while now. I just added it to my daily Lift habits so I thought I would write about it. When I first started working in tech I regularly worked 10 to 14 hour days. I’d be home by midnight, sleep, get up, shower, and drive back into work. It felt like I was doing critical, valuable work. Everything was an emergency. But the truth is: nothing we did was all that important. When I left Federated Media and started my own company I decided I wanted to try working a bit slower and with more focus. I work until 6pm. During the six months we were making MLKSHK we shipped like crazy. So the final piece I have been working on is never telling people I am busy. Rather than say: “I am too busy, I don’t have any time for X.” EVERYONE has a lot of stuff to do because there IS a lot of stuff to do.

The Importance of Punctuality The life of George Washington was characterized by a scrupulous regard for punctuality. When he asked a man to bring by some horses he was interested in buying at five in the morning, and the man arrived fifteen minutes late, he was told by the stable groom that the general had been waiting there at five, but had now moved on to other business, and that he wouldn’t be able to examine the horses again until the following week. When he told Congress that he’d meet with them at noon, he could almost always be found striding into the chamber just as the clock was striking twelve. Washington’s promptness extended to his mealtimes as well. And when Washington’s secretary arrived late to a meeting, and blamed his watch for his tardiness, Washington quietly replied, “Then you must get another watch, or I another secretary.” We may no longer live in an age of knickers and powdered wigs, but being punctual is just as important as it ever was. Why Is Being Punctual Important? Here’s why.

How to Prioritize Your Work When Your Manager Doesn’t - Harvard Business Review - Pocket Prioritizing work can be frustrating, especially if you work for a hands-off manager or a company that doesn’t give you clear goals. Most of us face this reality each and every day. The frequently cited research of Robert Kaplan and David Norton shows that more than 90% of employees don’t fully understand their company’s strategy or know what’s expected of them to help achieve company goals. Take Ownership First, check your mindset when it comes to setting priorities. Filter Priorities Select a couple of areas to set priorities in; this can help the brain to manage information overload. What is my highest contribution? Determine Next Steps with an Organizing Framework We can put the two criteria of contribution and passion together to create an organizing framework. Quadrant I: Prioritize those areas of your job that hit this sweet-spot intersection of bringing your highest value-add and making an impact that you feel excited about. Elevate the value-add. Don’t settle for the status quo.
