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I've had the great pleasure to be invited to midem's Visionary Monday to speak about my thesis. For an extremely condensed version of my thesis, call it a quick run through if you will, watch the above video. I look forward to speaking more about this topic and related topics in the future. Hi! Before you hop right in, there are just a few things I'd like to say first. A thesis about non-linear communication should probably not be read in a linear way. One of the motivations for writing this thesis is because over the years I've grown quite tired about the endless 'piracy' debate and the toll this is having on our culture and even civil liberties. This thesis investigates this non-linearity and all its symptoms: peer-to-peer filesharing, social networks, crowdsourcing, word of mouse, the economy of abundance and new business models. I hope this thesis helps you reach your goals. I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Many thanks to Ryan Van Etten for developing this website! Thank you.
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