Animal Pictures Archive: Animal Photo Album Free Images: Where To Find Royalty Free Stock Photos For Your Blog - Mini-Guide, Part 1 PC World - The 25 Worst Web Sites People say hindsight is 20/20. When it comes to the Web, hindsight is more like X-ray vision: In retrospect, it's easy to see what was wrong with dot coms that tried to make a business out of giving stuff away for free (but making it up later in volume), or to make fun of venture capitalists who handed millions to budding Web titans who had never run a lemonade stand before, let alone an enterprise. It's so easy, in fact, we can't help doing it ourselves. So as venture capitalists scramble to throw money at anything labled Ajax or Web 2.0, and Web publishing becomes so simple that anyone with a working mouse hand can put up a site, we offer our list of the 25 worst Web sites of all time. Many of our bottom 25 date from the dot-com boom, when no bad idea went unfunded. And to prove we're not afraid to pick on somebody much bigger than us, our pick for the worst Web site may be the hottest cyberspot on the planet right now.
Insect Images: The Source for Entomology Photos 25 bancos de imágenes gratuitos Hace unos meses os presenté una lista de 12 excelentes bancos de imágenes que ofrecen material gratuito para ilustrar nuestros trabajos. También publiqué el vídeo que aquí podéis ver, mostrando el paso a paso para obtener fotos gratuitas de buena calidad en flickr: El tiempo pasa, las opciones crecen y ahora es quien nos brinda con 25 opciones para esta finalidad. Actualización: Esta lista, de 2010, incluye enlaces a bancos que ya no son gratuitos. Podéis consultar una lista actualizada en el artículo Lista de Bancos de imágenes gratuitos Una lista imprescindible para quien trabaja en la publicación de contenidos, aunque lo que es gratis hoy, en 2010, puede dejar de serlo en el futuro, por lo que os recomiendo mirar siempre la licencia de cada imagen que estáis obteniendo: Stock Xchng Una galería extremadamente famosa con más de 350.000 fotos de gran calidad hechas por más de 30.000 fotógrafos. Dreamstime Más de 9 millones de imágenes gratuitas y a la venta. Stockvault.Net
Buttonator Abstract Textures, Background Photos - free stock images Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : aneventapart The Page, The Stage EVERY YEAR I give a new talk at An Event Apart. And every year I panic. After nearly two decades, public speaking no longer frightens me. In 1998, when Hasan Yalcinkaya hired me to give my first public web design talk in, of all places, his glorious city of Istanbul, I wrote a speech for the occasion and read it aloud from the stage. The following year, when Jim Heid hired me to keynote Web Design World Denver, I intended to do the same thing. For all my An Event Apart presentations since starting the conference with Eric Meyer in 2005, I’ve designed slides outlining the parameters of what I intended to talk about, and then spoken off the cuff. But this year, inspired by the rigorous (and highly effective) speech preparation regimes of my friends Karen McGrane and Mike Monteiro, I’m once again writing a speech out word for word in advance. How do you approach public speaking? Filed under: An Event Apart, Content-First, speaking An Event Apart San Francisco – Live
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