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5 reasons why you should consider blogging

5 reasons why you should consider blogging
Some argue that blogging is passé, but nothing could be further from the truth. Available tools enable all of us to express ourselves, share our views and especially knowledge and experience with a much wider audience than ever before. I really believe that everyone should and can blog. Last weekend I read Antonio Cangiano’s (IBM) great blog post on why every professional should consider blogging. 1. Blogging is about storytelling, either in words, with pictures, videos or podcasts. 2. 3. 4. 5. What do you think about these 5 main reasons why everyone should blog?

Le blogue pour motiver les élèves à écrire La rédaction d’un blogue en classe permet d’augmenter la motivation en écriture des élèves tout au long de l’année scolaire. C’est du moins l’un des éléments qui ressortent d’une étude réalisée auprès de deux classes de sixième année par les professeurs Stéphane Allaire, Pascale Thériault et leur équipe de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi l’année dernière. Dans une classe, le blogue était obligatoire tandis que dans l’autre, il était facultatif. Les sujets des billets étaient déterminés par les élèves et le sport est ressorti comme le plus populaire. Le but principal des deux enseignants était de donner le goût d’écrire aux élèves. Alors que la motivation des jeunes blogueurs augmentait de façon importante, celle « des élèves qui n’ont pas utilisé le blogue diminuait de façon significative entre le début et la fin de l’année scolaire », constate-t-on dans le rapport de recherche publié cet automne. Écrire pour le monde Par Nathalie Côté, Infobourg À lire aussi :

C. S. Lewis on Writing Considering he wrote The Chronicles of Narnia, one of the most popular collections of children's literature of all time, it's no real surprise that C. S. Lewis received thousands of letters from youngsters during his career. What's admirable is that he attempted to reply to each and every one of those pieces of fan mail, and not just with a generic, impersonal line or two. The fantastic letter seen below is a perfect example. It was sent by Lewis to a young American fan named Joan Lancaster in June of 1956 — just a few months before the seventh and final book of the series, The Last Battle, was published — and is actually an invaluable, generous response filled with practical writing advice, all of which still rings true. (Source: The wonderful, C. The Kilns, Headington Quarry, Oxford 26 June 1956Dear Joan–Thanks for your letter of the 3rd.

9 jobs that pay $45,000 a year Money. It’s a topic that’s inspired countless songs about its correlation to happiness and health, from the Beatles classic “Can’t Buy Me Love” to the ‘90s hit “Mo Money, Mo Problems” by Notorious B.I.G. While the universal message of these songs is that making tons of money won’t solve all of your problems, most people would be content with earning a decent salary so they can pay their bills, support their family and live comfortably. Since every worker has his own idea of what his target income would be, we like to highlight jobs at different pay levels and across different industries. Here are nine jobs that pay around $45,000*: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. *All median annual pay figures, job descriptions and education levels are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Faire ses premiers pas vers la classe inversée Un dossier conjoint Infobourg – Carrefour Éducation Peut-être avez-vous entendu parler dernièrement de la fameuse dynamique de « classe inversée »? Elle semble être sur toutes les lèvres! Mais tout d’abord, qu’est-ce que la classe inversée? Présentement, au primaire et au secondaire, on voit certains cas d’application du modèle « mixte », un contexte dans lequel une partie de l’année se déroule de façon « inversée » et, l’autre, de façon traditionnelle. Ce dossier conjoint de Carrefour Éducation et d’Infobourg propose de faire le tour de la question et de prendre connaissance de l’expérience de certains enseignants. Plan du dossier : 1. 2. 3. 4. À propos de l’auteur Audrey Miller Audrey est rédactrice en chef d’ et directrice de L’École branchée. Pour suivre l’auteur :

You've got to sell your heart Late-1938, eager to gain some feedback on her work, aspiring young author and Radcliffe sophomore Frances Turnbull sent a copy of her latest story to celebrated novelist and friend of the family, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Before long the feedback arrived, in the form of the somewhat harsh but admirably honest reply seen below. (Source: F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters; Image: F. November 9, 1938Dear Frances:I've read the story carefully and, Frances, I'm afraid the price for doing professional work is a good deal higher than you are prepared to pay at present. 10 occupations in high demand CareerBuilder commits to Clinton Global Initiative to help unemployed workers find jobs By Hope Gurion, chief development officer at CareerBuilder As the unemployment rate hovers at 8.2 percent, job seekers — especially those who have faced long-term unemployment — may be thinking the jobs just aren’t there. Yet jobs are available, and some companies are even struggling to fill positions. A recent CareerBuilder survey found that nearly two in four hiring managers say they have open positions for which they cannot find qualified candidates. Yet much of today’s economic news focuses on the lack of jobs, so job seekers may not know where to turn for information on fields that are experiencing a hiring surge. That’s why programs such as the Clinton Global Initiative are making an impact. Connecting job seekers with jobs CareerBuilder has made a major commitment to the CGI with the goal of providing current and future workers with information and new skills. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

La «classe inversée»: le pari d'enseigner à l'envers | Annie Mathieu Assise devant l'ordinateur familial dans la petite pièce adjacente à la cuisine, Alyss-Ann Moisan, 11 ans, regarde la capsule du jour en mathématiques. Éric Tremblay, son professeur de sixième année de l'école Alexander-Wolff à Shannon, explique le concept d'«unité». Derrière lui, un tableau qui lui sert à donner des exemples. C'est exactement comme s'il était devant sa classe, mais il est plutôt devant une caméra. La petite vidéo ne dure que quelques minutes. Il ajustera ainsi les exercices et les projets qu'il développera en classe en fonction de la théorie vue la veille par ses élèves. Mais le jeu en vaut la chandelle, assurent les deux profs à la fine pointe de la technologie. Des élèves assidus Autre élément positif : depuis qu'ils ont intégré les capsules théoriques à visionner à la maison, peu d'élèves omettent de faire leur travail, contrairement aux nombreuses fois que les devoirs ont été mangés par le chien ou que la troisième grand-mère est décédée. Un pionnier

Letters of Note TimeSnapper Lets You Play Back Your Time On The PC Like A Movie [Windows] Not everyone’s online behavior is enough to receive the merit of a leading role in the next box office hit, but today I’m going to open your eyes on how you can star in your very own PC motion picture! Have you ever been sitting online, maybe with Facebook open in a tab and your work open in another, and you wonder where all of your time during the day went? I’ve been there and I go there just about every day. I’m there right now, actually. TimeSnapper is slowly becoming one of my favorite new pieces of software for Windows, because it’ll let you know exactly where all of that time went. TimeSnapper is a Windows application that sits in your system tray and gradually takes screenshots of your active window so that you can have a running log of exactly what you were doing at any random interval of the day. You’ll need to enter your email address to download TimeSnapper Classic, where afterwards a hyperlink to the direct download of the software will be sent.

Le blogue en classe Le travail sur le blogue peut également s’insérer dans le temps de classe. Dans un scénario de ce genre, on propose aux élèves de faire un travail plus élaboré et d’écrire davantage qu’un commentaire. Voici quelques idées générales sur le travail que peuvent accomplir les élèves sur un blogue en classe : Utilisez le blogue comme un outil de publication des travaux des élèves. Au lieu de se servir des commentaires pour ajouter des bribes d’information et construire collectivement le portrait d’un sujet, les élèves peuvent publier un billet pour livrer le résultat de leurs recherches;Faites travailler les élèves en équipes. 5.1 La prise de position À plusieurs moments du cheminement de l’élève en univers social, on lui demande de prendre position sur certaines questions. Voici quelques exemples de consignes qui pourraient être données aux élèves pour la rédaction d’un billet de blogue visant une prise de position : 5.2 La publication des travaux des élèves

Sometimes, I Write About Why I Write. This Is That. Note: this post was originally written on Feb 22, 2012. I've recently been readdressing many aspects of my life and my work, and in digging through my writing, found this. I shared it with a dear friend and was motivated to share it again with you all. I hope it speaks to you and gives you some insight to why I have done and will do what I do. This post is a bit of an experiment. Play this song while you read this post. You certainly don't have to. And lately, why I write has been a question on my mind. Sometimes, I know exactly what I'm doing when I post something deep and introspective and heartfelt. Sometimes, I just want to be crass. Sometimes, I want to explore emotion. Sometimes, I have something in me I just need to share. Sometimes, I want to call bullshit on what I, you and everyone else knows is bullshit. Sometimes, I am scared. Sometimes, I just hurt, and I need to bleed. Sometimes, I feel so much joy from being alive and I want you to feel it, too. Sometimes I'm a hypocrite.

3 Ways The Portable Apps Platform Will Make Your Life Easier Portable apps have a huge place in my geeky heart simply because they are quite numerous (if you don’t believe me, check out the Best Portable Apps here). They don’t modify the registry, and can be used in different Windows machines (though there are portable apps for Linux as well). Up until recently though, maintaining portable apps was not pleasant for me. I’d have to go into Windows Explorer and click on the executable to launch the program every time, and if there was an update to the program, I’d have to download the program and “install” it all over again. If your answer is yes, you should probably take a look at the Portable Apps Platform, currently on version 10.0, available from the same site that offers portable versions of popular programs. Start Menu For Application Organization & Launch If you have quite a few portable apps (even our suggestions from our Best Portable Apps reach 50+), having a way to access them is probably optimal. Obtain New Portable Apps

How To Use Blogs In the Classroom Blogs may be great educational tools and they give students complete freedom to publish content on the web, but if you don’t know how to effectively implement them into the classroom, they’re only as good as wadded up balls of paper in the trash. With the inception of Common Core standards and The No Child Left Behind Act, all educators require teaching literacy across the curriculum. Getting kids to write, especially the weaker writers, can be a challenge in itself but getting kids to write about math can be even more challenging – unless you use blogging as your literacy tactic. Blog writing is informal, unlike academic writing, which may be intimidating to some, if not all, of your students. Blog writing takes the pressure off of writing and gives your students a voice in a safe environment, even if you or your students stepping out of your comfort zone. What is a Blog? Blog is short for web log. Blogs are written on all kinds of topics from A to Z. Get 2 Free eBooks

Malcolm Gladwell Is Underrated — I.M.H.O. I know - it’s like proposing The Beatles are underrated. Malcolm Gladwell is the king of non-fiction writing and publishing. His new book is a million-seller lock. His writing is referenced hundreds of times a day in newspapers, magazine articles, talk shows, boardrooms and bars. He could pay off the national debt of a small Latin American country with the proceeds of his annual speaking tour. But sometimes, popularity can obscure achievement, and such is the case with Gladwell (by the way, The Beatles are underrated, but that’s for another day). Among our tablet-toting, Foreign Policy-reading, Foucault-citing cultural elites, Gladwell’s name is rarely mentioned without a hint of ironising disdain. “Well I suppose that’s just the Malcolm Gladwell version (of a complex idea).” “It’s the kind of glib formula pioneered by Malcolm Gladwell.” “Yeah, Gladwell? When lists of “Most Influential Thinkers” are put together, Gladwell rarely makes the top cut.
