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The Ultimate Guide to The Use of Facebook in Education

The Ultimate Guide to The Use of Facebook in Education

Facebook as an Instructional Technology Tool Can the wildly popular social network be used constructively in the classroom? This student’s story says it can. Yesterday, student Kristen Nicole Cardon submitted a comment in response to my post 5 Reasons Why Educators Need To Embrace Internet Technologies in which she explained how she used Facebook in a course she took. I really appreciated her well stated discussion of how Facebook was used in the course and how the approach succeeded (slightly edited in the following excerpt). “In my British Literary History course last winter semester, my professor created a class facebook group which we all joined. We’d finish our reading for class and then get online and write a paragraph about what we’d read, focusing our comments on the specific course aims that my professor had created for the class. This way of conducting class was effective because: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We shouldn’t discount facebook when it has proven to be a worthwhile classroom tool. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post

Usage des réseaux sociaux : un véritable boom chez les seniors ! 8 juin 2012 Réseaux sociaux et TI by Francis Bélime - Akova « Mes clients ne sont pas présents sur les réseaux sociaux! » me rétorque t-on souvent lorsque j’aborde les réseaux sociaux comme un des vecteurs d’une bonne stratégie marketing. Ceux qui pensent encore que les séniors ne font pas partie de l’univers des réseaux sociaux devraient réviser leurs statistiques. Les motivations des seniors sur les réseaux sociaux ? Les têtes blanches vont d’abord sur les réseaux sociaux pour rester en contact régulier avec leurs petits-enfants. Ils sont enfin 30% chez les plus de 50 ans qui déclarent que les réseaux sociaux sont un moyen de faire des rencontres avec des personnes partageant les mêmes centres d’intérêts. Source : Semply Social Et la tendance va très certainement s’accélérer dans les prochaines années. Reposez-vous la question de départ : vos clients potentiels sont-ils ou non sur les réseaux sociaux ?

Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education Here are some platforms where you can start your wiki for free. They are among the best available for teachers : 1- Wikispaces : This is a free wiki host providing community wiki spaces, visual page editing, and discussion areas. It is my favourite platform and it is the first one I would recommend you try for your class. 2- PBworks This is another great wiki hosting platform that lets anyone sign up and create a new wiki but the free version is ad-supported. Examples of Educational Wikis 1- Classroom Wikis 2- Student Created Wikis 3- Higher-Ed Wikis 4- Group Project Wikis 5- Global Connections Wikis 6- PTO Wikis 7- Teacher Peer Wikis Wiki video tutorials: 1- How to Build an Educational Wiki 2- Using Wikis in The Classroom

Facebook Friending 101 for Schools Facebook has added an incredible complexity to our lives and relationships for one simple reason: it is in writing. The courts have always put things "in writing" in higher esteem above word of mouth. Now that we are inundated with video, text, and photographs and a set of complex relationships - we end up with things "in writing" that are distributed far beyond our true "friends" into places that get us in trouble. I don't have all the answers but am wrestling with this problem and want to lay out the facts so you and I can become co-travelers on this journey. I speak from experience, however, having two significant experiences under my belt with the school in this arena, know that there are things that I cannot say about situations that come in out what I share. It can happen because it DOES. In "the South" we are taught to be friendly from the moment our Mom's tell us as a drooling tot to "say hello because he just said hello to you." Wrong. Let's get this straight.

The Best 15 Twitter Hashtags for Teachers Twitter speaks volumes of itself and does not really require any introduction. I am pretty sure everyone of you has an account there.That`s great ! but have you ever considered using Twitter for educational and professional development purposes ? Twitter has a huge potential in education and there are many amazed at creative ways teachers can leverage this social media in the classroom as you will learn in the Teacher Twitter guide I am working on and that will be published here very soon. As was the case with the three Twitter tools every teacher should be using, I have again chopped another part from this guide and this time it is about the power of hashtags as learning mediums. `` For instance, if you wanted to make a comment about Sarah Palin, you could include her name in the tweet, or you could make the comment and follow it with her name marked by hashtag. Some uses of Hashtags : Now that you have an idea about what hashtags are and what they serve. Here is the list :

Curriculum: Understanding YouTube & Digital Citizenship – Google in Education Overview We have devised an interactive curriculum aimed to support teachers of secondary students (approximately ages 13-17). The curriculum helps educate students on topics like: YouTube’s policies How to report content on YouTube How to protect their privacy online How to be responsible YouTube community members How to be responsible digital citizens We hope that students and educators gain useful skills and a holistic understanding about responsible digital citizenship, not only on YouTube, but in all online activity. Lessons in English Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Or you can download the Full Teacher's Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF. Lessons in Additional Languages Below is a list of lessons and resources in additional languages beyond English: Learn more To learn more visit the Classroom videos page of this website, where you can find links to information on:

Culture de l'information et nouvelles pratiques médiatiques - CRDP de l'académie d'Aix-Marseille - Centre régional de documentation pédagogique - SCEREN Rendez-vous annuel de la profession, la journée des professeurs documentalistes des Bouches-du-Rhône a eu lieu le 31 mai 2012. Elle nous a permis de réfléchir ensemble aux nouvelles pratiques informationnelles des jeunes et aux conséquences induites pour les professionnels de la recherche documentaire. 10h00-11h00 : Karine Aillerie, CNDP Culture de l’information et nouvelles pratiques médiatiques : télécharger le diaporama Après avoir présenté un panorama des recherches actuelles sur les pratiques numériques des jeunes (sociologie des pratiques culturelles, sociologie de la jeunesse, sciences de l’information et de la communication, psychologie cognitive, etc.), Karine Aillerie s’est intéressée aux usages et à leur contextualisation. La spécificité du numérique induit-elle une autre relation au savoir et modifie-t-elle la culture scolaire ? Karine Aillerie fait partie de l’Agence nationale des usages de TICE. 11h40-12h30 : Nadya Benyounes, CRDP de l’académie de Rouen

Which Social Network should you use? Infographic on which to use when. Social Networks are a great resource for businesses, keeping in touch with friends, and education. Social Networks help educators and students learn, stay in contact, connect, share and more. But which Social Network is best for what? Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, the many systems made for education (Twiducate, Edmodo, etc). Here are some articles on different social networks and what they are useful for, as well as some course management systems that include social networking features. Related: Le B.A-ba d’un projet (Page précédente) Un espace blanc juste assez grand pour saisir 140 caractères. Espaces compris. Cela semble pourtant facile, voire banal. En quoi un texte d’une vingtaine de mots peut-il donner le goût d’écrire aux élèves? Les pédagogues les plus innovateurs y voient là un grand potentiel. À la Commission scolaire des Laurentides, les élèves de la classe de Brigitte Léonard sont en première année. Qu’écrivent-ils exactement? Mme Léonard ne s’est pas lancée dans l’aventure du jour au lendemain. Annie Côté, pour sa part, enseigne le français en 5e secondaire à la commission scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries. Est-ce facile? Pour lire la suite

The Effective Educator:Using Social Media to Reach Your Community December 2010/January 2011 | Volume 68 | Number 4 The Effective Educator Pages 87-88 William M. Ferriter To the dismay of television producers who count on viewers spending free time on the couch passively consuming content, citizens of most developed nations are spending more free time connecting with one another through social media. Consider that 61 percent of adults who regularly go online—and 73 percent of online teens—interact with one another on social networking websites (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr, 2010; Madden, 2010). Mirroring these trends, educators are now increasingly taking advantage of social media services and tools. What's frustrating—particularly to many younger teachers—is that the same social media spaces widely embraced outside schools are routinely blocked within schools by district firewalls. For schools who've embraced social media spaces as tools for reaching out, however, the rewards are real. Proceed with Caution References Alexa. (2010). Compete. (2010).
