100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered. Retrogasm Install Theme©Install Theme© Detox smoothies Toxins-free for life Looking to increase your energy levels, to lose weight, get clearer skin, prevent premature ageing and to help preventing diseases? Then look no further! Basic House par Martín Azúa Voici un projet qui n’a rien de magique, mais qui a permis, avec du bon sens, de concevoir un abri mobile. Ce projet intitulé la « Basic House » est imaginé par le designer Martín Azúa . Un prototype se trouve au MOMA de New York. Ce dispositif, qui pourrait sembler être un véritable gadget, offre des solutions, tout en levant un certain nombre de questions et le discours du designer va dans ce sens. Il repose sur la dénonciation du système de consommation auquel nous sommes liés par l’usage de notre habitat.
EFS Classic: Pancakes Pack on Pounds of Muscle Many strength athletes struggle with diet. Their goal is to clean it up, but not go on an ultra-strict bodybuilding diet. Protein pancakes are the perfect alternative and they taste great! They’re extremely nutritious, are a great source of protein and contain high, good carbs. 7 Foods for Healthy Skin You keep your skin looking good with nourishing moisturizer and protective sunscreen. You can also build healthy skin from the inside out by packing your diet with lots of skin-saving nutrients. Sweet and delicious, mangoes are an excellent source of beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body, says Keri Gans, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
Vitamins, Vitamin Table Deutsch: Gesundheits- und Fitnessrechner Here you can calculate the following informations on health and fitness topics:BMI | Ideal weight | Calorie consumption | Liquid consumption | Walking Index | Nutrition values | Vitamin table | Basic conversion | Body fat (adipose) rate | Optimal training pulse and heart rate | Protein requirement | Fat requirement | Nutrition value need | WHR - Waist to hip ratio | Drink reminder Vitamins Here you can find a detailed table of the most important vitamins. Indicated is in which food it is most, the effectiveness, what happens at deficiency and overdosing, the daily need, who has an advanced need and the qualities of the vitamins. Convert length units and weight units. © Webprojects | Imprint & Privacy No responsibility is taken for the correctness of these informations.
Why smoothies aren't healthy (and how to make one that is): Conscious Cook In theory, smoothies seem like the perfect quick breakfast or healthy snack: a cup or so of fruit and a splash of dairy whizzed in the blender with a little ice and fruit juice. What could be so bad about that? A lot, unfortunately. Here’s the problem: Too much sugar (sweetened fruit juice, sugary frozen yogurt, dollops of honey, all those bananas) and too much fat (that frozen yogurt again). And if you cut out the dairy to save calories, you’re cheating yourself out of the protein fix that will keep you satisfied until it’s time for your next meal. Here are five easy fixes to make over your smoothies so they’re healthy, satisfying, and, of course, delicious.