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Telling a Story- Creating Poems with Animoto 

Telling a Story- Creating Poems with Animoto 
There is a growing list of incredible sites and tools to give wings to our and our students’ creativity in telling stories. These stories can be poems, voice, text, video, music and so much more, only limited by our own creativity. Last year I concentrated on exploring tools such as In addition to these tools, take a look at Here is my attempt to convert a poem by Jorge Luis Borges into an Animoto music video with my images. First I picked a poem by Jorge Luis Borges, that spoke to me.Segmented the poem and typed the words separately onto different slides into PowerPointChanged fonts style and background colorSaved the slides as individual pictures *( You might have to go into “Options” to make sure it exports ALL the slides not just your selected slide)Uploaded these slides into animotoUploaded images that connected the words and the feeling of the poem for meArranged images in orderUploaded Creative Commons MP3 musicFinalized the movie Here is my Animoto embedded video: Like this: Related:  Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling Evaluation Rubrics for Teachers Are you integrating digital storytelling in your course with your students ? Are you looking for a carefully crafted rubric to help you guide your digital storytelling activities ? Well you don't have to go far, the answers are right below these couple of lines. 1- Digital Storytelling Evaluation Rubric ( below is just a snapshot of part of this rubric ) Download it Here 2- Digital Storytelling Course Download it HERE 3- Digital Storytelling Rubric Download it Here

Voicethread Beginning with email and instant messages and stretching to texting and synchronous video web conferencing, digital dialogue has gradually become a common element of everyday life for today's students—another opportunity to “gather.” The kinds of personal relationships shaped on the playground in an earlier era are now developed in MySpace and Facebook. While the format may be different, the purpose remains the same: Our students are crafting identities and are driven to connect. Unrelenting Desire to Interact This innate and unrelenting desire to interact was probably best defined Danah Boyd—a PhD student at the University of California-Berkeley studying the networks developing between digital youth—in a 2008 blog post when she wrote: School is one of the few times when they can get together with their friends and they use every unscheduled moment to socialize - passing time, when the teacher's back is turned, lunch, bathroom breaks, etc. Sounds a lot like your own students, doesn’t it!

Playdough Recipe 7.9K Flares4.0K643.8K120--×7.9K Flares I love doing fun things with my kids, but I don’t do stuff as often as I’d like because of time and the mess. The Lord knows I have enough messes to clean up as it is without purposefully adding to it! I look on Pinterest and see all those cute craft projects and ideas for kids. I pin that glitter project that’s momentarily caught my eye and for a fleeting moment, I contemplate actually attempting it. How many of you do the same? If that’s you – or even if you are an amazing crafty mom (my hat’s off to you!) This is such an easy recipe for making homemade playdough. Click here for: Easy Homemade Playdough FAQ *Note: I get so many comments and questions that I can’t answer all of them. scroll to the bottom for the printable recipe What you’ll need: 1 cup flour 1 cup water 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1/3 cup salt 1 tablespoon vegetable oil food coloring This recipe makes a large amount, probably equal to 2-3 containers from the store. Stir that color in!

How To 'App Smash' And Implement Digital Storytelling On The iPad App smashing, the process of using more than one apps in conjunction with one another to create a final product, is a concept that allows students to create engaging educational projects and illustrate their creativity in multifaceted ways. One of the most gratifying and effective ways to use app smashing in the classroom is to create digital storytelling projects. The concept of digital storytelling is emerging as a form of personal and collective expression of knowledge, ideas, and perceptions. Its numerous and positive effects on students’ communication skills are well documented. Digital storytelling is the perfect vehicle for the delivery of visual and audio stimuli that greatly enhance a storyline or a simple narrative. Here is an iPad app smashing activity you can use in your classroom in order to create professionally looking digital storytelling projects. Getting Hands-On: The Project A typical app smashing activity has four steps: First, you start with the end product in mind.

my StoryMaker® at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh my Storymaker® was named one of the Best Websites for Teaching and Learning by the American Association of School Librarians, a division of the American Library Association. People worldwide enjoy my StoryMaker®. Find out what all the fun is about! You have the power to decide -- choosing characters, taking them on adventures and creating your very own story along the way. my StoryMaker® lets you control characters and objects -- and it creates sentences for you! Or, you can enter your own words. > Play my StoryMaker® Click here for HELP writing, printing and sharing stories. Comic Master Digital Storytelling Wendy and Brenda and Shonda Digital Storytelling Presentation Slides Ways to Use Digital Storytelling in the Library and the Classroom At the elementary level, digital storytelling can also be a great tool for reading. Truman the Dog Create an Internet Reading Corner using your own digital stories via VoiceThread Share a digital story during Storytime. Promote your library by creating a short video using Animoto. Connect with distant schools to create a Progressive Story . Ideas for using VoiceThread in the Classroom At the middle and high school level, create interest in books by developing a Book Trailer using one of the Web 2.0 programs. Follow directions for Creating a Book Trailer with your high school students. Use comic book conventions to retell or expand upon other texts. Students can use digital storytelling tools to showcase an "exquisite corpse" of images or "found documentaries" with video elements. STORYBOARDING Using Storyboard Templates in Google Docs Celtx Storyboard Template Adobe

5 free apps for digital storytelling and sharing kids’ ideas Digital storytelling simply means using computer-based tools to tell stories. The 5 apps below are some of my favorites for allowing kids to create, illustrate, record, and share stories and ideas. Digital storytelling is easy to do with these apps, and can be done even if you don’t have access to much technology at school. Puppet Pals What it is: Puppet Pals lets kids choose their characters and backdrops and drag them to the puppet show stage. How to use it: This is a great app for practicing dialogue. See it in action: Toontastic What it is: Toontastic uses a “story arc” with characters, setting, plot, and a conclusion, so it’s perfect for kids who are learning the elements of fiction, as well as older kids who are exploring exposition, rising action, climax, and resolution. How to use it: Have students write and tell their own stories using the simple story arc. Voicethread What it is: Voicethread is my favorite digital storytelling app. Show Me See it in action: Sock Puppets

Digital Storytelling - Projects - South East Grid for Learning This site uses some unobtrusive cookies to store information on your computer. Some cookies on this site are essential, and the site won't work as expected without them. These cookies are set when you submit a form, login or interact with the site by doing something that goes beyond clicking on simple links. We also use some non-essential cookies to anonymously track visitors or enhance your experience of the site. To control third party cookies, you can also adjust your browser settings. By using our site you accept the terms of our Privacy Policy. (One cookie will be set to store your preference) (Ticking this sets a cookie to hide this popup if you then hit close. about this tool About Cookie Control

8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling | Samantha Morra First appeared on Edudemic. (Updated 3/14/2014) Stories bring us together, encourage us to understand and empathize, and help us to communicate. Long before paper and books were common and affordable, information passed from generation to generation through this oral tradition of storytelling. WHY Digital Storytelling? Digital stories push students to become creators of content, rather than just consumers. Movies, created over a century ago, represent the beginning of digital storytelling. 8 Steps to Great Digital Stories Great digital stories: Are personalBegin with the story/scriptAre conciseUse readily-available source materialsInclude universal story elementsInvolve collaboration at a variety of levels In order to achieve this level of greatness, students need to work through a Digital Storytelling Process. 1. All stories begin with an idea, and digital stories are no different. I once had 5th graders write their proposal on National Parks as a paragraph. Resources 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Rubrics

Legal Music For Videos Many musicians choose to release their songs under Creative Commons licenses, which give you the legal right to do things like use their music in your videos. What is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is a system that allows you to legally use “some rights reserved” music, movies, images, and other content — all for free. CC offers free copyright licenses that anyone can use to mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. Where can I find CC-licensed music? Several sites offer music published under Creative Commons’ flexible copyright licenses. Can I use any song with a CC license on it? Almost — you need to make sure that what you want to do with the music is OK under the terms of the particular Creative Commons license it’s under. Most importantly, you need to use music that is not licensed under a No Derivative Works license. Also, make sure to properly credit the musician and the track, as well as express the CC license the track is under.
