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Web Design Trends 2010 - Smashing Magazine

Web Design Trends 2010 - Smashing Magazine
Web design is a fickle industry. Just like every other form of artistic expression, Web design has undergone a continuous and surprisingly fast evolution. Once a playground for enthusiasts, it has now become a mature rich medium with strong aesthetic and functional appeal. We’re seeing better interaction design and more aesthetically pleasing designs. Please note: this article is the first in our series on the current state of web design. 1. As designers, our job is to communicate ideas effectively. Attractive things work better and help focus and keep the user’s attention. 3Brizk design studio4 has an aesthetically stunning design, with subtle animations, beautiful typography and a clean layout. You can elicit delight in a variety of settings: on your maintenance mode page, on the 404 error page, in your pre-loader, and everywhere else. Bounty Bev5 Bounty Bev is a beverage company with a beautiful one-page design. Analog.coop7 Analog provides a very personal experience to visitors.

25 Startups That Will Be Shaping The Next Web April promises to be quite the busy month for European startups that are preparing to launch on stage. As Mike Butcher wrote earlier today, GeeknRolla will be rocking London on April 20, with a host of great speakers and fledgling tech companies dying to show off their stuff. A week after that, I’ll be attending the fifth edition of The Next Web conference, an annual event held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. At the latter event, 25 startups will be pitching a live audience of over 1,000 attendees: venture capitalists, press and early adopters will be once again out in full force for the occasion. Keep reading if you’re interested in attending as well. The organizers of The Next Web 2010 say they have reviewed 245 submissions, looked at 73 one-minute video pitches and ultimately selected 45 companies for a back-to-back interview round. All finalists will launch a new service or announce a major update at the conference. See you there?

Integración de las TIC en educación | ESPAÑA: Avanza el modelo de Escuela 2.0 Profesionales de 30 países europeos y latinoamericanos participan en la Conferencia “Modelos TIC en la educación”, con motivo de la presidencia de la UE. “La vida en Internet tiene que entrar en las aulas”, manifestó Ángel Gabilondo en el acto inaugural de la conferencia “Modelos de integración TIC en Educación”, que ha reunido en Madrid a más de 170 expertos y representantes de los Ministerios de Educación de los países miembros de la UE, de las comunidades autónomas y de empresas del sector tecnológico. Madrid. ROSAURA CALLEJA Ángel Gabilondo ha presentado el programa Escuela 2.0 ante expertos en integración de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación de más de 30 países europeos y latinoamericanos, que participaron en la Conferencia “Modelos de integración TIC en la educación”, organizada por el Ministerio de Educación dentro del programa de la Presidencia Española de la UE. Proyecto social Internet en el aula Grupos de trabajo Convenio con Galicia

25 New Free High-Quality Fonts - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Every now and then we look around, select fresh free high-quality fonts and present them to you in a brief overview. The choice is enormous, so the time you need to find them is usually time you should be investing in your projects. We search for them and find them so that you don’t have to. In this selection, we’re pleased to present Pompadour Numeral Set, Lato, Crimson Text, Espinosa Nova, Musa Ornata, Spatha Sans, ColorLines, Roke1984, Neuton, Avro, Baurete and other fonts. New High-Quality Free Fonts Pompadour Numeral Set1 (.eps, released under Creative Commons) A beautiful numeral font released by Andy Mangold under a Creative Commons license. Lato2 (open-source sans serif) Lato is a san-serif typeface family. Crimson Text3 “Crimson Text is a font family for book production in the tradition of beautiful old-style typefaces. Color Lines5 This decorative font can be used for a variety of products, such as posters, packaging and label design. Further Resources Last Click

Website Archives Design: Good Practices and Examples - Smashing Advertisement The archive is one of those often-overlooked parts of a website that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Too often it’s thrown on a page that’s no different from any other page on the website, or it’s ignored altogether. The archive offers a lot of room for creativity, though. Common Design Approaches While there is plenty of room for creativity, there is also a number of things to keep in mind to make sure your archive is functional and user-friendly. 1. There’s no sense cramming your archive into a space that’s too small. 1Neography2 uses a lot of white space to showcase its posts. The opposite is also true. 2. You archive should be findable by casual visitors. 3Instead of naming its archive section “blog posts”, “older blog posts”, “recent articles” etc., Kyle Meyer4 calls it “Archives” and prominently places it in the main navigation on the top of the page. There’s no point in having an archive if you make it impossible to find. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Showcase (al) Footnotes

Aulas virtuales y plataformas e-learning Exe. Plataforma sencilla, de código abierto para educación virtual. Mac, Lynux, PC. Vyew. Con Quizlet cree tarjetas flash para mejorar su aprendizaje. ProProfs. Rubistar. Construya en segundos un sitio web educativo con SchoolRack. Hot potatoes. es una plataforma de aprendizaje (e-learning) y de trabajo virtual de código abierto y software libre (open source) que permite a los docentes construir cursos en línea, gestionar el aprendizaje y el trabajo colaborativo en la web. Cree sus blogs educativos de manera gratuita. LectureShare permite crear cursos en línea. Moodle es una plataforma de educación virtual de código abierto. Haiku es un sistema de manejo del aprendizaje. Permite organizar su agenda académica en línea. TeacherTube. Existen además recursos muy interesantes en el campo de la educación. Recursos interesantes en e-learning. Edna. Merlot. Timetoast. Capzles. Springnote. Schoolhouse2.

10 The Most Cool Floating Staircase Designs There are usually two kinds of people, ones that likes floating staircases and want to have them at their homes, and ones that think that such staircases are dangerous. Floating staircases are usually very elegant, stylish and minimalist. They are perfect for modern interiors and for those people who like to live on the edge. Sometimes they have railings on the side, sometimes they haven’t. Ones that haven’t are defenitely dangerous so they could be used only if you haven’t kids. Some of floating staircases are good looking enough to become the centerpiece of the ground floor of any house. This minimalist steel staircase links the living room in the French flat to the owner’s private space underneath the roof. flat. This stylish floating staircase connects ground floor and private spaces in Iporanga House designed by Arthur Casas Studio. Inspired by rippling ribbon this staircase was designed by HSH Architects. This sculptural floating staircase is designed by Jordivayreda Projectteam.

2010 Predictions Every year the ReadWriteWeb team tries its hand at predicting the future. Looking back at our 2009 predictions, we got some wrong (I predicted that Facebook would sign up to OpenSocial) but others turned out to be on the money. I correctly guessed that the usual suspects would remain unacquired in '09 - Digg, Twitter, Technorati - but that FriendFeed would get bought. OK, so I guessed that Google would be the buyer. But close enough! Without further ado, here are our predictions for 2010. SEE ALSO: ReadWriteWeb's 2009 Year in Review. Richard MacManus, Founder & CEO, @rww 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Marshall Kirkpatrick, Lead Writer & VP of Content Development, @marshallk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sarah Perez, Feature Writer, @sarahintampa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. iPhone app backlash begins. 8. iTunes announces a web service, thanks to the Lala acquisition. 9. 10. Jolie O'Dell, Writer & Community Manager, @jolieodell 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Dana Oshiro, ReadWriteStart Writer, @SuzyPerplexus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3.

e-Learning Social Top Web Design Bookmarks of 2009 I read a lot of design-related articles & blogs online – I mean, really, what else can you do when you live in Edmonton, which was the coldest place in North America on Dec 13 at -58C with windchill? Anyway, I’m constantly bookmarking items I think might be useful for me as a designer in the future – some I never end up using, but some I definitely do! This year, I found some great articles on web usability (always good to be able to effectively communicate why you made a particular design choice to a client), WordPress and jQuery, as well as a few others. Perfect Full-Page Background Image CSS Tricks is a great website – a web designer’s goldmine, if you will – and this is but one of a ton of great articles on Chris’ site. 10 Usability Findings & Guidelines Smashing Magazine is well-known in the design community, and the main reason is its well-researched and written articles pertaining to web design. Hit the jump for more! ViewLikeUs BrowserShots 20 Top Design Blogs Looking for Writers

Posicionamiento web en Google - Tutorial y Recursos Posicionamiento web en Google Aquí te presentamos un pequeño manual de posicionamiento web en Google. Con él podrás conseguir aparecer en las primeras posiciones de los resultados. El posicionamiento en buscadores se ha convertido en los últimos tiempos en una de las herramientas más cotizadas por los webmasters. El tutorial que te proponemos te ayudará a conseguir un buen posicionamiento web, pero no esperes resultados en unos días, ni en unas semanas, ni quizá en meses. :: 1 :: Buenos contenidos. :: 2 :: Tecnología web. :: 3 :: Sencillez. :: 4 :: Alta en Google. :: 5 :: Conseguir enlaces. :: 6 :: Evitar penalizaciones. :: 7 :: Conseguir ayuda. :: 8 :: Términos SEO.

Top Internet Trends of 2000-2009: E-commerce Over the past decade, and eBay have continued to dominate the online retail market in the United States. However, there have been signs that more social and distributed forms of online shopping are gaining traction. eBay, in particular, is beginning to lose ground. In this post, we review the past decade of e-commerce and the key trends. Advances in recommendations technology, together with the emergence of social media and mobile commerce, have combined to change the way e-commerce is transacted. In a follow-up post, we look at current statistics for online retail. This is the third in a ReadWriteWeb series looking back at some of the key trends of the past 10 years. Recommendations Technology Advances Over the past decade the online retail industry has seen great strides in the use of recommendations technology. Many of the retail recommendations in use today rely on implicit user data. Social Media Takes Retail to Blogs, Social Networks Conclusion See also:
