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My love for you is a stampede of horses.

My love for you is a stampede of horses.
Well hello! It's certainly been a while since I posted here. I've been waiting til the time is right — and for me 'to figure it all out,' to be totally honest — before I dropped any thing real on here. Like most of us, I still haven't figured it all out (does that ever really happen to anyone? If it's happened to you, will you please let me know in the comments?). One thing I have come to realize is that I have missed blogging consistently terribly. So here I am. Let me recap. In the past three years I've worked for Yahoo! This summer, I'm making some really big changes. I'm currently at home starting to plan everything, and I spent the weekend on Cape Cod. So here I am. I'm excited. love, Meighan

not martha thegoodlife Well Hello Friends!! In case you were wondering where I've been for the past month or so, I thought I should pop in and tell you that I had a baby. And not just had a baby, but a nearly 11lb baby! And also, I tried having him the way nature intended. But, after two hours of pushing, that just did not happen. At 5:49pm on November 2nd, Bodie Fletcher Pebbles was pulled from my uterus (feet first!) (Photo Card design by Do you want to hear all the gory details? First: Did you know that I was on bed rest for about the last two weeks before my due date? (Little Red Riding Hood, The Woodsman, The Big Bad Wolf and Grandma in her belly.) I really, really wanted to dress up my belly for Halloween, for some dumb reason. The day after Halloween, I went to my weekly appointment, now technically a couple days overdue. Isn't that cute... I ran some errands, bought some lamps at Target, gave myself a couple hours away from the purgatory of my sofa to try to get some things done. Only....
