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Sir Ken Robinson on intelligence and education

Wie kann man zum Evangelismus konvertieren? (Evangelisch, Religion) Weder Katholiken noch Evangelische, und auch nich tdie anderen Gemeinschaften und Sekten, haben einen eigenen Himmel bei Gott, Es sei denn sagt Christus, "dass der Mensch vom neuen geboren werde"! Dann wird er erst das Reich Gottes zu sehen bekommen und auch hneingehen dürfen. Johannes 3, 3-6 /1.Petrusbrief 1,23 Wie Du aber ein Christ werden kannst gleich den Jünger Jesu Christi,kannst Du im Matthäus Kapitel 3, nachlesen,dem sich nicht nur die Menschen am Jordan unterworfen haben Johannes dem Täufer,sondern auch Jesus Christus,der gesagt hat:"Also gebührt es uns(Menschen), alle Gerechtigkeit(Gottes) zu erfüllen". Gott, von Anfang an und Christus ab dem Neuen Testament, ist der 1.

Technology is the Answer: What was the Question? -: UNESCO Education Education is one of UNESCO’s principal fields of activities. Since its creation in 1945, the Organization has worked to improve education worldwide believing it to be key to social and economic development. The Organization aims to help build a sustainable world with just societies that value knowledge, promote peace, celebrate diversity and defend human rights, achieved by providing Education for All (EFA). Its close links with education ministries and other partners in 193 countries place UNESCO in a key position to press for action and change. The Education Sector comprises some 400 staff members worldwide. They are based at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris, in field offices and UNESCO’s Institutes and Centres specialized in education. The sector is under the authority of the Assistant Director-General for Education. Headquarters in ParisSome 150 staff members work in the Education Sector in Paris.

Solve Tough Problems with a Brain Reboot This is a guest post from Scott H. Young. I’’ve spent a lot of time looking into different methods for solving problems and boosting my creativity. I’m not big into the fancy mantra’s and religious overtones often associated with meditation. How to Meditate Meditation isn’’t hard to do, but it does require practice. Get into a position where you don’t feel discomfort but aren’t completely relaxed. This entire process of getting into a meditative state only takes me about five to ten minutes. There are a number of ways you can use practical meditation: Solving Tough Problems One of my favorite ways to use meditation is to tackle tough problems. Once you get into a meditative state, try to form a visual scene inside your head. Now have a conversation with this person asking for advice on the problem you are having. Guiding Your Emotions Another time I use meditations is when I’’m trying to get control over my emotions. About Scott Young:

Back to school in style: Top student apps and websites to get your year started right! | CengageBrainiac Getting back into the swing of the school year is always tough after you’ve had months off for summer break. College life is about balancing classes, studying, working and having a social life, which can be stressful even for the most seasoned students! This time of year, we’ll take all the help we can get. So, here are our top ten student apps to help keep you organized and ready to rock your classes so you can go back to school in style! For organization iStudiez Pro is for students who just can’t get into the swing of carrying paper planners with them everywhere they go. A daily plannerA calendar for future appointments and assignmentsAn assignment keeper for tracking grades and GPAPush notifications for classes and assignment deadlines Voted one of Time Magazine’s must have apps, Evernote syncs your data and saves it on all of your devices. For homework help Download the app to help you when writing or reading in class without access to the Internet.

Teaching Informational Texts with Web 2.0: How to Use Technology to Meet Common Core Standards When it comes to bringing technology into the classroom, a lot of cool tools exist, but no matter how great they are, if they do not address the standards, you cannot use them with your students. Thankfully, many new technologies are being designed with the standards in mind, particularly the Common Core Standards. In our newest series, educational expert and eighth-grade teacher Stacy Zeiger will showcase the best tech resources for your classroom. What are the Common Core Standards? The Common Core Standards represent the skills and concepts that children throughout the United States need to know. Image by NS Newsflash Teaching Informational Texts with Web 2.0 Finding informational texts that engage students can be a challenge. The Common Core Standards divide the standards related to informational texts into four main sections: key ideas and details, craft and structure, integration of knowledge and ideas and range of reading and level of text complexity. Thinking beyond articles

Multiple Sklerose | Lübeck Neurologe Neurologie Spezialist - Praxis Botzler Bei der Multiplen Sklerose (ICD-10: G35.) handelt es sich um eine neurologische Erkrankung, die aufgrund einer entzündlichen Reaktion zu vielfältigen Schäden am zentralen Nervensystem führt. Sie ist die häufigste neurologische Erkrankung, und die häufigste Erkrankung überhaupt, die bei jungen Menschen zu bleibender Behinderung und Frühberentung führt. Die Prävalenz steigt mit der Entfernung vom Äquator, die höchste Prävalenz liegt bei 250 Erkrankte/ 100.000 Einwohner im Norden Schottlands. In Deutschland liegt die Prävalenz bei circa 4 Erkrankte/ 100.000 Einwohner. Frauen sind fast drei mal so häufig betroffen wie Männer. Ursache / Entstehung Der genaue Mechanismus der Entstehung der multiplen Sklerose ist noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Biographische Ursachen Genetische Belastungen durch Eltern, Großeltern ( 10% ), Junges Alter (zwischen 20-40 Jahren) Weibliches Geschlecht Verhaltensbedingte Ursachen Krankheitsbedingte Ursachen

The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You The Wordle of this list! (Click image to enlarge) One of the most popular posts on Edudemic in 2010 was The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You and I felt it might be time for an update to that list for 2011. In order to put together a list of the best Web 2.0 classroom tools, I polled my Twitter followers, Facebook fans (are they still called fans? There were more than 900 submissions but many were duplicates. Monumental Myths-Movie Note-Taking with iPads I vividly remember how I first learned to take notes. My sixth grade geography teacher lectured in outline style: "Roman Numeral one - China. A - Qin Dynasty. 1 - Rulers . . . " We wrote down precisely what he said, and to this day, I still take notes in outline form. However, consider Sunni Brown's TED Talk, "Doodlers Unite." She argues that engaging in sketching while listening to complex ideas further supports learning. While outlining may work for me, what about those who value taking notes in the margins? When students learn to hand-write their notes, they focus on content and organization within a single medium -- paper. Cameras and Microphones One of the most valuable features of iPad to support note-taking may be the camera. In addition to incorporating photos, many note-taking apps also include audio recording. Typing and Drawing We experienced an influx of "laptop kids" in our middle school. With iPad, these same students could both type and draw their notes.

Fastfood fördert Allergien! - rgkhgaby - Gmail Transhumanist Values 1. What is Transhumanism?Transhumanism is a loosely defined movement that has developed gradually over the past two decades.[1] It promotes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and evaluating the opportunities for enhancing the human condition and the human organism opened up by the advancement of technology. Attention is given to both present technologies, like genetic engineering and information technology, and anticipated future ones, such as molecular nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.The enhancement options being discussed include radical extension of human health-span, eradication of disease, elimination of unnecessary suffering, and augmentation of human intellectual, physical, and emotional capacities. Other transhumanist themes include space colonization and the possibility of creating superintelligent machines, along with other potential developments that could profoundly alter the human condition.

Penn & Teller Investigate Mount Rushmore & Blind Patriotism
