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5 Tools to Introduce Programming to Kids

5 Tools to Introduce Programming to Kids
Digital Tools Arduino It’s hard to argue with the importance of teaching students how to use computers — how to turn on, log on, search the Web, and use applications. These skills are absolutely necessary for students’ academic success as well as for their future job prospects. Being able to use the Internet and operate computers is one thing, but it may be just as valuable to teach students how to code. Giving students an introduction to programming helps peel back the layers of what happens inside computers and how computers communicate with one another online. Many students don’t have access to computer science courses until college, and that’s a missed opportunity to introduce younger students to programming. Developed by the MIT Media Lab, Scratch is a visual programming language for children age 6 and up. Alice is a free and open source 3D programming environment designed to teach students object-oriented and event-driven programming. s also enables robotics-building. Related Related:  Tecnologia Educativa

Los 15 recursos más prácticos para aprender matemáticas Los 15 recursos más prácticos para aprender matemáticas 28 de octubre de 2013 en Recomendaciones. Todos los profesores de matemáticas se esfuerzan a diario para que las matemáticas sean una asignatura divertida, agradable y entretenida. A continuación te presentamos 15 de los recursos educativos más prácticos para aprender matemáticas: Infantil (de 0 a 6 años) Las aventuras de Troncho y Poncho: Vídeo para que los más pequeños empiecen a familiarizarse con las operaciones con números naturales.Pelayo y su pandilla: Material didáctico multimedia interactivo para que los alumnos empiecen a practicar el manejo del ratón a la vez que trabajan las series numéricas.Tus primeros números: Actividades con las que los niños podrán aprender que los números sirven para contar todo lo que deseen: juguetes, coches, animales, personas, etc. Primaria (de 6 a 12 años) Secundaria (de 12 a 16 años) Para todas las edades ¿Qué otros recursos conoces?

Teaching kids how to write computer programs, by Marshall Brain by Marshall Brain Quick Intro - If you are looking for a quick and easy way to teach your kid a real programming language, without downloading anything or buying anything, try these Python tutorials. Your kid will be writing and modifying code in just a few minutes. Marshall Brain's quick and easy Python tutorials Let's say that you have children, and you would like to help them learn computer programming at a youngish age. Let's start with a something important: Every kid is different. The second thing to realize is that real analytical skills often don't start appearing until age 11 or 12 or 13 in many kids, so expecting huge breakthroughs prior to that may be unrealistic. That being said, there are lots of fun things you can try as early as five or six... Games Let's start with a few games. Magic Pen (wait a few seconds to see the word "play", then click the word "Play") Fantastic Contraption Auditorium (Drag the circle-with-arrow-in-it around. I love Light Bot. Python for Kids RoboMind

Jardín de infantes Pensamiento abstracto Games 10 free fun and educational games For your kindergarten child, these Abstract Thinking games will help your child identify and understand the relationship between abstract concepts and the concrete objects that they represent (beginning). These games teach valuable skills and have a high fun and educational rating. Your child develops abstract thinking and counting skills by connecting the dots and solving puzzles. 3 subjects: Abstract Thinking, Numbers, Counting Your child develops creative skills by exploring a number of different creative outlets including designing pictures, cards and movies. 6 subjects: Design, Abstract Thinking, Exploration / Curiosity, Writing, ... Your child develops matching, vocabulary development and abstract thinking by helping put back together a jumbled up scrapbook. 4 subjects: Word Meanings, Vocabulary / Concept Development, Matching, ... Your child receives a boost of cognitive development by solving different kinds of puzzle on this Sesame Street adventure.

Best Way to Teach Programming to Children? The list below is in no order and just provides a simple reason why it may be a good language for kids to learn. Lisp and Scheme is used heavily in research oriented universities when teaching an introduction to programming and the theory of programming. When I first learned these, I found them difficult to grasp given that I had a procedural background, but academics continue to sing the praises of these languages for ease of learning. There used to be a recommended tool called DrScheme which has now morphed into Racket. Java would not be my recommendation given the extent of the libraries and the difficulties of teaching object oriented programming. However, given the popularity of the language, there are sites targeted to younger developers and tools like Greenfoot and BlueJ to make learning easier. C/C++ is probably one of the more difficult paths to take. C# would be an interesting choice when you include the .NET libraries.

Explore Technology Click on the weights to move them ON or OFF the scale. Can you add them up to match what's in the pink box? If you don't see the activity above, please download the latest Flash Player. You can do it! Pick a combination of these weights, and add up their numbers. In a way, the binary number is telling you how many of each of the weights is ON the scale. Computers can't count the way people do. This activity shows you how just five things being ON and OFF can let you keep track of 32 different numbers. More information about how computers use ON and OFF to represent information can be found at Intel's web site, The Journey Inside. Measuring with Computers This is one way to figure out the weight of the mystery box. Put the biggest weight ON.If it's too big, take it OFF. That's how computers do it! Computers go through exactly that set of steps every time they measure something. The box in this example is always a round number, but that isn't always the case in real life.

36 Resources To Help You Teach Kids Programming As a parent, I am always looking at what my children are learning and what they like. As a software developer, I hope that my daughters embrace their inner geek one day and get involved with technology. That being said, I was wondering at what age kids should learn programming and what resources there are to teach kids programming. I found that some people were starting the education as early as 6 years old. That seems a little early to me as the child barely has any formal educational background, and logic is not something children embrace that early. Now that we have addressed the age issue, the big question is what programming language should the child learn? Traditional Languages This section will probably draw the most criticism. Lisp and Scheme are used heavily in research oriented universities when teaching an introduction to programming and the theory of programming. Other languages that were mentioned were ML, Prolog, Haskell and REBOL. Learning Environments And Other Things

MaKey MaKey | Buy Direct (Official Site) New Visual Tool Teaches Kids How to Code at Home Digital Tools As the conversation about education shifts towards helping students develop useful skills in life beyond the classroom, a new spotlight on computer coding has emerged. More and more, parents are beginning to see computer science and programming as the key to success for their children. Tools like Scratch and Alice have been around to help kids code for several years, but now commercial products are starting to compete, offering sleek new platforms focused on teaching how to think like a computer programmer. “What most kids have is this creativity in their heads and they just want to put it out there.” Tynker is hoping that parents will see the value in teaching kids to code to invest in the course and access to Tynker’s tools. Tynker breaks programming down into visual blocks that teach concepts like animation in simple steps. [RELATED: Why Coding Teaches So Much More Than Technical Skills] [RELATED: 5 Tools to Introduce Programming to Kids] Related

ScratchDay Granada (Crónica) Sobre las 10:00h del Sábado pasao y con algo de retraso comenzaron las actividades, que habiamos preparado para celebrar este día junto al resto del mundo. En primer lugar hicimos una breve presentación de Scratch junto a unas seríe de ejercicios de iniciación. Una vez que los niñ@s entendieron como usar la herramienta, todo fue coser y cantar. Es cierto que algunos ya lo conocian, pero los noveles, al final de la mañana consiguieron hacer animaciones en la que interactuaban varios personajes. Mientras estos pequeñajos daban rienda suelta a su imaginación, nos pusimos en contacto con la sede de Málaga que celebraba el ScratchDay, mediante videoconferencia. Los niños de ambas sedes intercambiaron saludos. La mañana avanzaba y los niños iban perfeccionando sus jueguecillos y animaciones. Antes de dar a conocer los ganadores y hacer entrega de los premios, hicimos una ruidosa competición con los niñ@s de Málaga, a traves de un jueguecillo hecho con Scratch, rompecristales.
