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Imperial History of the Middle East

Imperial History of the Middle East

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. 20 Powerful Infographic Design Kits Infograpics have become so popular these days and as a result more and more high quality infographic design kits are made available to help designers. Infographics can be used very effectively to present complex data in a nice visual and powerful way. It is done using hand-picked design elements that relate to the data they represent e.g. demographic data can be effectively illustrated using small carefully colored human icons as overlay on a simplified map. Online marketers love infographics for their ability to go viral on social networks and often they are offered as easy to embed code making it fast and simple for e.g. bloggers to share them in posts… very useful value oriented way to build links and online presence. Infograpics designs are also used commercially in information products. Gartner Groups Hype Cycle is a well known example of an infographic (at least in the enterprise IT space) that deliver high value data in a delicious and branded way. Infographics Design Elements

World History Essays Evolution Timeline - AndaBien The background indicates inches and feet. 1/20th in. = roughly 100 thousand years. (108,000) 1 inch = about 2 million years. (2,160,000) 1 foot = about 26 million years. (25,920,000) The whole page is about 135 feet wide, almost half a football field, representing 3.5 billion years. (3,500,000,000) For more information, move your cursor over the bars. To really gain some perspective, pay attention to the bottom scroll bar. To make this more accessible to the average person I have simplified the presentation of the evolutionary record. Zoom in by a factor of 1,000 on the Hominid Timeline, from walking upright to the present day.

Talking History The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Play the Peace Doves Game About the game Eight countries in the world possess nuclear weapons. The Nobel Prize The Nobel Peace Prizes in 1959, 1962, 1974, 1982, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2005 were awarded to people and organisations working for nuclear disarmament. Readings The Development and Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons » Share this: Share on facebook Share on google_plusone_share Share on twitter More Sharing Services Share on email To cite this pageMLA style: "The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons". Recommended: The Legacy of Alfred Nobel On 27 November 1895 Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris. Play the Blood Typing Game Try to save some patients and learn about human blood types! Unlocking the Secrets of Our Cells Discover the 2012 awarded research on stem cells and cell signalling. Contact E-mail us Press Sitemap A-Z Index Frequently Asked Questions Terms Follow Contact | Press | Sitemap | FAQ | Terms Follow us: Follow us:

Top 50+ Tools for Creating Infographics Telling your story in visual form through the use of infographics has been one of the hottest trends in recent times. Given the tremendous information available online, people are now more interested to get information through colorful and interesting graphics, instead of words and numbers. Creating infographics, however, requires tremendous analytical and creative skills plus the ability to convert these data and information into interesting visuals. The good news is, there are available resources online that you can use to help you create infographics. In this post, we will list down all available resources and tools that you can use to simplify the process of creating infographics. If you want to view some excellent examples of a well-designed infographics, then checkout our previous post on the following topics: These are online applications that you can use to generate charts, graphs and tables. 06-Creately Create interesting charts and diagrams quickly and collaboratively.

Icons Timeline - Icons of England You have landed on this page because you were searching for the ICONS project - or one of the iconic objects the project featured such as the Spitfire or the Red Telephone Box. The ICONS project invited the public to nominate and vote for the icons we cherish about England in the 21st century - like The Mini and Monty Python - even things like the Full English Breakfast, Queueing and James Bond. The project finished in 2011 and is no longer published online. But before you click away here are the final list of 100 as voted by the public: What do you think? We will be publishing more content around the 100 ICONS of England in due course, so do check back. In the meantime Culture24 brings you listings, news, learning, exhibitions and fun from thousands of galleries and museums across the country. The Spitfire: Join David Keyne of the Royal Air Force Museum London as he explores the Mk 1 Spitfire.
