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Imperial History of the Middle East

Imperial History of the Middle East

Has anyone got any useful educational pages for my 11 year old daughter? Obama's choice: Real diplomacy (or war) with Iran - Opinion Contrary to conventional wishful thinking in American policy circles, developments in the nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 and the Iran-related messages coming out of President Obama's trip to Israel strongly suggest that the risk of a US-initiated military confrontation with Tehran during Obama's second term are rising, not falling. This is because Obama's administration has made an ill-considered wager that it can "diplomatically" coerce Iran's abandonment of indigenous nuclear fuel cycle capabilities. This is dangerous, for it will become clear over the next year or so - the timeframe Obama himself has set before he would consider Iran able to build nuclear weapons - that the bet has failed. The just-concluded technical discussions in Istanbul between Iran and the P5+1 should dispel triumphalist optimism about the prospects for progress in nuclear diplomacy with Tehran. This is a recipe for diplomatic failure and, before the end of Obama's presidency, strategic catastrophe.

War with Iran: Look elsewhere on this page at This is terrifying Beautiful, Sad, Japanese Song: do you know any others? Well I know it is mad..... Interest in japan Antarctica Antarctic “science fiction” story apparently true? Many questions remain but it's interesting to say the least. The following article is well worth reading. It’s full of raw material for a great science fiction movie but apparently is truth and includes: a time tunnel . . . a mysterious energy vortex . . . a large ancient artefact two miles below the ice . . . a secret archaeological dig . . . a vanished film crew . . . U.S. cover-up . . . and more. First published by The European Union Times on April 21, 2011 "Disturbing news has been leaking out from the giant continent at the bottom of the world. Russian researchers posted near the giant South Pole sub-glacial Lake Vostok have reported eerie anomalies and incidents over the past few years that sometimes seem to border on the frayed edge of creeping madness. (ABOVE) The area of concern. Artificial structure found under two miles ( 3.2 Kilometres ) of ice Excavation deep into the ice...What's down there? High technology and strange events
