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Origamic Architecture, pop-up cards and other kirigami.

Origamic Architecture, pop-up cards and other kirigami.
Origamic architecture (OA) and pop-up cards are a type of kirigami. When compared to paper snowflakes, these paper art forms are like the “extreme sports” of kirigami. Kirigami Cut-Outs Most people will remember kirigami as the paper snowflakes made by school-aged children. However, you can cut paper to form masks, animal silhouettes, logos, and coat-of-arms. If you have the patience and tools, the possibilities are endless. [Photo by Marivi] Origamic Architecture and Pop-Up Cards OA was developed by Masahiro Chatani in the 1980’s (read bio). have published many books on how to make these amazing creations. Most origamic architecture designs are viewed when the paper is open half way (90° angle). Other Paper Arts There are many artists who create dazzling designs by cutting paper. Check out this lampshade made by Peter Ayres. As one might expect, artists who can do one form of paper cutting can usually do the other forms.

Bruce Foster Paper Engineering
