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This Modern World

This Modern World

TBogg Make You Own Cartoons - The Funny Times Cartoon Playground A message from Funny Times Homeland Security: Author names and cartoon titles should not contain special (non-alpha-numeric) characters. Using them may cause random malfunctioning of the Playground search function. [Don't forget to share your cartoon via your favorite social websites after you've published it! Full suite of share buttons under each cartoon in our Gallery.] Get help using the Playground Ta-Nehisi Coates - Authors Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Among opinion writers, Jonathan Chait is outranked in my esteem only by Hendrik Hertzberg. This lovely takedown of Robert Johnson is a classic of the genre, one I studied incessantly when I was sharpening my own sword. On y va. Chait argues that I've conflated Paul Ryan's view of black poverty with Barack Obama's. ​Arguing that poor black people are not "holding up their end of the bargain," or that they are in need of moral instruction is an old and dubious tradition in America. The liberal version of the cultural argument points to "a tangle of pathologies" haunting black America born of oppression. The argument is that structural conditions shape culture, and culture, in turn, can take on a life of its own independent of the forces that created it. The "structural conditions" Chait outlines above can be summed up under the phrase "white supremacy." There certainly is no era more oppressive for black people than their 250 years of enslavement in this country.

SlowpokeBlog 27 Mar/13 For current and future blog posts, please visit my new website, . I haven't quite finished fleshing out the new site yet, but it's mostly-functional. 20 Mar/13 This cartoon has generated predictable comments about being about a "silly" subject. "Educate consumers, don't engage in Prohibition!" This isn't about "controlling" or "feeling superior to" other people. 19 Mar/13 I tried to post this last week, but my server kept choking for some reason. A couple of these drawings were purloined from a series of illustrations I was doing for the Austin Chronicle. I was particularly enamored with the trade show booth of an established HR company called TriNet. 6 Mar/13 I'll be attending my first SXSW soon, with the Interactive portion providing the impetus for this strip. While I was working on this, I came across this interesting NYTimes article about the folly of thinking apps will solve all our problems; hence the third panel of this strip. 27 Feb/13 20 Feb/13 13 Feb/13

TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime AAEC - Today's Political Cartoons Cartoons | Popular | The Daily Satire It may have been removed or you may have arrived here by using a bad URL Try searching for the article you are looking for. Visit the Homepage to see the most recent stories. Browse categories and tags to find a related story. The Daily Satire is your source of the latest and most popular news satire, political humor, and other things that clever people like you find funny. Sadly, No! Zen Comix Rising Hegemon
