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Thinking Visually

Thinking Visually

Visual Thinking + Synthesis Photo by Ken Yeung I really enjoy talking complex subjects, processes or business problems and boiling them down to their core essence. This is becoming known as the process of "Visual Thinking". I use visual metaphors and storytelling to do this. My style of visual thinking is immediately recognizable and has helped me build a strong following of influential professionals who use my visuals in their own presentations and documents.

WHAT is it? Visual thinking, also called visual/spatial learning, picture thinking, or right brained learning, is the phenomenon of thinking through visual processing. Visual thinking has been described as seeing words as a series of pictures.[citation needed] It is common in approximately 60%–65% of the general population. "Real picture thinkers", those persons who use visual thinking almost to the exclusion of other kinds of thinking, make up a smaller percentage of the population. Research and theoretical background[edit] In the Netherlands there is a strong and growing interest in the phenomenon of 'true' "picture thinking", or "beelddenken". Non-verbal thought[edit] Thinking in mental images is one of a number of other recognized forms of non-verbal thought, such as kinesthetic, musical and mathematical thinking. Linguistics[edit] A common assumption is that people think in language, and that language and thought influence each other. Multiple intelligences[edit] Split-brain research[edit] Autism[edit]

National Center for Biotechnology Information 4 Best Practices for Lead Generation Presentations There are 4 key elements that help make lead generation presentations great: Be briefUse compelling calls to actionBe smartBuild a lead gen presentation machine For now, we’re passing over the components that apply across all types of sales presentations – message, visuals, fonts, etc., – and sticking to the elements that demand special treatment given the unique nature of lead generation. Here is an example of a SlideRocket lead generation presentation that works well for us. It effectively incorporates the recommended elements from above while also adhering to sound design principles. We quickly learned that slide #4 titled “Be in control” is the one our viewers found most compelling as they spent on average 36 seconds viewing it, versus 17 seconds on the other slides. This presentation also looks quite different from the one we originally started with. The following is a more detailed discussion of the best practices for lead generation presentations: A compelling call to action

Graphical visualization of text similarities in essays in a book | The problem A collection of essays is collated for readers with visualizing graphics. The graphics should both serve as a thematic and structural overview of each text, and pose the essay in question in relation to the other essays in the book. They should be both an abbreviation of the text and the key to decoding the complex issues under discussion. The difficulty in developing appropriate graphics arises from the level of discussion of the key themes. In some cases the relation between essays is apparent, a few of the essays have close thematic links. The basis of visualization Detail view of graphic for Raphael Perret A data graphic – like a bar chart – depicts quantifiable data. Different ways of data selection A significant constraint in developing appropriate graphics arises from the manner of data collection. Keywords Keywords are terms that identify an essay in a special way or that have increased significance for it. Metadata Early stages in the process to the final result

Mind Maps and Mind Mapping The human brain is very different from a computer. Whereas a computer works in a linear fashion, the brain works associatively as well as linearly - comparing, integrating and synthesizing as it goes.Association plays a dominant role in nearly every mental function, and words themselves are no exception. Every single word, and idea has numerous links attaching it to other ideas and concepts. Mind Maps™, developed by Tony Buzan are an effective method of note-taking and useful for the generation of ideas by associations. Organization Key Words Association Clustering Visual Memory - Print the key words, use color, symbols, icons, 3D-effects,arrows and outlining groups of words Outstandingness - every Mind Map needs a unique center Conscious involvement Mind Maps are beginning to take on the same structure as memory itself. Because of the large amount of association involved, they can be very creative, tending to generate new ideas and associations that have not been thought of before.

Self Improvement through Self-Knowledge Self-knowledge is the key to better living. With a grounded sense of Self, you know who you are, where you want to go and what you want to do with your life. Equipped with self knowledge, you naturally make choices that work for you... When we are disconnected from our true selves, we make all kinds of mistakes in life. What's worse...when we are disconnected from ourselves, we often don't even know it! Self Improvement begins with Self-KnowledgeThere can be no genuine, lasting self improvement without really knowing who you are. In fact, many of us lose our sense of Self by changing to please and impress others in the first place. We want mom and dad to love us more, so we try to be who we think our parents want us to be. These are all ways we might appear to "improve" ourselves, but in fact, we are changing at cost to our true sense of Self. Knowing thyself is a lot about weeding out everything you've taken on that is not really you. Or visit other pages on this website...

10 Body Language Techniques to Make You Succeed in Business Every good businessperson knows that what you say has never been as important as how you say it. Even when you are not speaking, you are still communicating, even if you are not aware of it. By becoming aware of your body language and what you are saying with it, you can begin to control it and put forward the impression that will most help you in your business. By using these techniques you will save yourself time – and ensure that you succeed. 10. Meeting someone’s eyes has long been seen as a mark of honesty and good faith. 9. Hunching your shoulders forward or holding your arms in across your chest can make you seem defensive and intimidated. 8. Entire books have been written about the importance of a good handshake. 7. Looking upwards or to the side before you speak or as you’re speaking can make people suspicious of your integrity. 6. When you have established a position in the room, consider it to be your territory. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. More Popular Stories:

Visual thinking guides - Wikit This presents nine sources of visual thinking guides: Exploratree, Gamestorming, LexIcon, Education Oasis, TeacherVision, Freeology, Education Place and Writing Fun. Exploratree hosts a set of interactive thinking guides. This is a free web resource where you can use the guides, print them, edit them or make your own. You can share them and work on them in groups. It is aimed at schools and students, but has ideas for thinkers of all ages. Interactive map: Flash (recommended) PDF (problem?) Here are some of the overall categories, names of individual diagram type and an indication of their purposes. Click the thumbnail to see a full-size image. Develop ideas Solve problems Explore Analyse Different perspectives Gamestorming presents thinking patterns as games, many of them visual, that will help to make meetings and discussions more fruitful and stimulating. $ - $100 Test 3 - 3-12-3 Brainstorm 4 - 4Cs 7 - 7Ps Framework A - Affinity Map; Air Time Mastermind; Argument map; Atomize R - Random Inputs

Main Page - FreeMind - free mind mapping software
