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25 Great Calvin and Hobbes Strips.

25 Great Calvin and Hobbes Strips.
Why Bill Watterson is our hero. We've re-launched Progressive Boink, friends! Our new front page is here. Hope you enjoy. Hundreds of comic strips have been published in newspapers. And it's really a shame that it's so difficult to quantify this strip's greatness. Calvin and Hobbes ran from 1985 to 1995. "Virtue needs some cheaper thrills." © Universal Press Syndicate Calvin is an unbelievably intelligent six-year-old. It's kind of refreshing to see a strip that doesn't feel the need to have an uplifting message, or feel like it needs to point out that it's mean to whack an innocent person upside the dome with a snowball. - Jon "He's one of the old gods! One of the top classic Calvin strips. - Bill "You've taught me nothing except how to cynically manipulate the system." Pretty much the voice of Bill Watterson dictating the current state of our school systems. - Nick "We prefer your extinction to the loss of our job." Hobbes' bizarre reply is the icing on the cake. - Jon "It's psychosomatic.

month: "2010-10" Alone I wanted to cover my ears and block out what sounded like an animal in pain, but it was more important to squish my little sister against me and prevent her from hearing our mother die. tags: fear death alone [add] 2010-10-28 10:02:01 / Rating: 686.75 / Maaike You hid love notes on purple post its all over my room when we were together, and I fear that finding the last one will break my heart all over again. tags: love post it breakup [add] 2010-10-28 10:01:28 / Rating: 559.25 / Dad On the ride home from a colonoscopy and polyp removal, my three year old son asked, "Now am I potty trained?" tags: surgery potty training [add] 2010-10-28 09:57:24 / Rating: 252.25 / He can't harm you anymore Even as you sobbed, we were all silently cheering the night your boyfriend died. tags: abusive relationships car accident death guilt [add] 2010-10-28 09:57:15 / Rating: 498.5 / Madeline There was nothing to do but watch helplessly as the young, drunk Marine stomped the chicken to death in the backyard. Denzel

One Sentence - True stories, told in one sentence. garfield minus garfield Welcome to Captured: America in Color from 1939-1943 | Plog — World news photography, Photos Posted Jul 26, 2010 Share This Gallery inShare324 These images, by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, are some of the only color photographs taken of the effects of the Depression on America’s rural and small town populations. The photographs and captions are the property of the Library of Congress and were included in a 2006 exhibit Bound for Glory: America in Color. Faro and Doris Caudill, homesteaders. Connecticut town on the sea. Farm auction. Children gathering potatoes on a large farm. Trucks outside of a starch factory. Headlines posted in street-corner window of newspaper office (Brockton Enterprise). Children in the tenement district. Going to town on Saturday afternoon. Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains. Barker at the grounds at the state fair. Backstage at the "girlie" show at the state fair. At the Vermont state fair. Couples at square dance. Orchestra at square dance. Children asleep on bed during square dance. House.

"Never Date a Writer" by xstephens Never date a writer because she’ll fictionalize everything. She’ll write about things you have done to her, or things you never did for her. She’ll write about how you never bought her flowers. Not once. She’ll describe times you embarrassed her, like at a party. She’ll continue this emphasis on what you had done to her, by describing things she had found, but said nothing about. She’ll later describe the moment in the bedroom when she sat at the foot of the bed and you kneeled in front of her. And she’ll send you a manuscript and you’ll be on the couch where you both had sat and you’ll read every word. You’ll sit alone on that couch where you made love to her and you won’t move and the glass of whiskey on the table will not be touched.

291 SMASH RAYTHEON Magic flower › [an error occurred while processing this directive] (ABC Science) The Surfing Scientist › Tricks Pop this magic little science trick in your Valentine's Day cards and your special someone is guaranteed to smile. They're great for get well or birthday cards too! ^ to top What's going on? Your Magic Flower is powered by a groovy scientific phenomenon called 'capillary action'. As the name suggests, capillary action happens inside capillaries and it takes a little explaining. Now you might have noticed that the water level inside a straw is slightly higher than the water level outside. This upward creeping makes the water surface curve downwards slightly from the edges of a glass container or straw and this shape is called a negative meniscus (meniscus means 'crescent shapes'). Now here's the interesting thing. So what does all this have to do with your Magic Flower? When paper comes into contact with water, the amazing power of capillary action rapidly draws water into all these tiny spaces. But back to your Magic Flower. Tags: physics

The Second Time You Fall In Love With Someone The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to feel so relieved. When you get your heart broken for the first time, you can’t imagine loving someone else again or having someone else love you. You worry about your ex finding love before you do, you worry about being damaged goods. The second time you fall in love with someone, it’s going to feel different. The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to compare it to your first love. The second time you fall in love with someone, you’re going to suffer from a bout of amnesia. The second time you fall in love with someone, you’ll be a more sane person. The second time you fall in love with someone, you will hopefully have better sex. The second time you fall in love with someone will still be exciting and you might even talk about moving in together or marriage. The second time will not be the first time.

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