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Navy Cuts Two Security Squadrons

Navy Cuts Two Security Squadrons

Better images of Chinese J-20 fighter part 2 #military « ELP DEFENS(C)E BLOG Here are some more images. I have taken 2 of them and cropped them to remove anything that doesn’t contribute and enhanced them slightly. click on image to make larger click image to make larger Like this: Like Loading... McClatchy blog: Nukes & Spooks February 16, 2011 The U.S. intelligence community has completed a new National Intelligence Estimate for President Barack Obama and Congress on Iran's nuclear program. The key judgements, however, aren't being released like those of a November 2007 NIE that concluded that Iran had halted the development of a nuclear weapon four years earlier. But that may not matter. Because logic and U.S. intelligence community practices tell us that Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper essentially laid out the new NIE's key judgments in the Annual Worldwide Threat Assessment that he presented today to the Senate Intelligence Committee and on Feb. 10 to the House Intelligence Committee. "We continue to assess Iran is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons in part by developing various nuclear capabilities that better position it to produce such weapons, should it chose to do so," Clapper says in the threat assessment. February 15, 2011 $55 billion. "From our perspective, Mr.

Mind Control Archive Documents General: 10 reliable facts for a better world9/11: 10 easily verified facts in major mediaMedia: Leading journalists reveal cover-upsHealth: Top MD on major health cover-upWar: Top U.S. general exposes manipulations Elections: Media reports on serious problemsEnergy: Key little-known facts on energy crisisMind Control: Declassified CIA documents Contact PoliticiansWhat You Can Do All News + Excerpts from best news articles everExcerpts from news articles by date postedExcerpts from news articles by article dateWeekly top news stories and feature articles Best Articles EverTop Recent NewsFull Index of TopicsMisc. Kennedy Assassination: Key news articlesBig Brother: Revealing news articlesIncome Inequality: Revealing news articlesMass Animal Deaths: Revealing news articlesMind-Altering Drugs: Revealing news articlesNature of Reality: Revealing news articlesUFOs: Revealing news articles 9/11 Cover-up + General: Excerpts from all key 9/11 articlesAble Danger: Excerpts from key articlesProf.

Mercenaries and Assassins: The Real Face of Obama’s “Good War” Reports that mercenaries employed by the notorious Blackwater-Xe military contracting firm participated in CIA assassinations in Iraq and Afghanistan have further exposed the real character of so-called “good war” that is being escalated by the Obama administration. Citing former employees of the firm and US intelligence agents, the New York Times reported Friday that Blackwater gunmen, ostensibly contracted as security guards, “participated in some of the CIA’s most sensitive activities—clandestine raids with agency officers against people suspected of being insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan and the transporting of detainees.” These “snatch and grab” operations—many of them involving killings of individuals suspected of participating in the resistance to US occupation—“occurred on an almost nightly basis during the height of the Iraqi insurgency from 2004 to 2006, with Blackwater employees playing central roles,” the Times reports. Gen. The murders themselves are not an issue.

Satellite Surveillance and Human Experimentation FOUO) Distributed Tactical Communications System (DTCS) FAT User Guide Naval Surface Warfare Center 46 pagesDistribution Statement DFor Official Use OnlyDecember 2009 The Distributed Tactical Communications System (DTCS) is an experimental, satellite-based, communications system that incorporates Iridium satellite technology, software, and commercial GPS. DTCS was developed in direct response to the needs of the warfighter to explore new and innovative Command and Control (C2) technology. DTCS provides Beyond Line-Of-Sight (BLOS), Over-The-Horizon (OTH), and On-The-Move (OTM) communications, in a handheld, lightweight, one-to-many, tactical voice and data radio.The User Management (UM) portion of the Field Application Tool (FAT) provides a flexible, Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based method for managing DTCS radios.

Senior US Marine Says "Multiple Platoons" Are Headed To Egypt Colombia expects final victory over FARC Colombia is refurbishing its armed forces in expectation of a final victory over FARC rebels, who are seen to be losing momentum in their war on President Juan Manuel Santos. Santos assumed office last August after an election marked by the continued popularity of outgoing President Alvaro Uribe, who brought economic prosperity and relative peace after a U.S.-backed crackdown on the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known by its Spanish acronym FARC, and its links with the drug gangs targeting North America. Uribe was constitutionally barred from seeking a new term as president. FARC has seen its profile as a communist militia increasingly sullied by its association with drug overlords, largely in response to its need for funding for continued activism. FARC lost further ground as domestic worries, including a third consecutive year of recession, forced Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to reduce aid to the guerrilla force. Share This Article With Planet Earth Related Links

Documentary Highlights Strides in Treatment of PTSD Islamo Fascist Third Intifada Launched « Israel « International The Astute Blogger has the coverage, “BREAKING: THIRD INTIFADA BEGINS: VIOLENCE IN JERUSALEM.” Also, at Gateway Pundit, “Leftist-Islamist Third Intifada Is Underway – Rioting in Jerusalem After Teen Rock Thrower Shot Dead.” See also Atlas Shrugs, “MUSLIM JEW-HATRED SPIKES.” RELATED: From Caroline Glick, “Column One: Obama’s newest ambush“: It is hard to believe, but it appears that in the wake of the Palestinian unity deal that brings Hamas, the genocidal, al-Qaida-aligned, local franchise of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, into a partnership with Fatah, US President Barack Obama has decided to open a new round of pressure on Israel to give away its land and national rights to the Palestinians. No suprise at all.
