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Näringsliv - affärsnyheter, börs och analys -
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Eyjan The Ingenesist Project — The Value Game – A New Class of Business Methods Det tysta paradigmskiftet | Näringsliv Nollvisionen. Så heter den tjusiga målbild som riksdagen 1997 slog fast för trafiksäkerheten i Sverige. Den går ut på att antalet människor som dödas i trafiken ska uppgå till noll. Detta onekligen ambitiösa mål har kritiserats för att vara lika orealistiskt som att drömma om en badsemester på Jupiter eller gratis räkmackor på Ryanair. Ännu större uppståndelse skulle det väcka om Trafikverket förkunnade att all trafik från och med nu är helt ofarlig. Slut med bilbältestrassel och glädjedödande hastighetsgränser. I ett rum någonstans i Europa beslutade ett antal farbröder i kostym att den som lånar ut till en stat i västvärlden aldrig kan förlora pengar. I det regelverk för banker, med det finanspoetiska namnet Basel I, som såg dagens ljus för nästan tjugofem år sedan bestämdes nämligen att staters skulder skulle klassas som helt riskfria. Om någonting är helt riskfritt behövs förstås inga försiktighetsåtgärder. Här kommer en tråkig nyhet: så är det inte. Men det finns vinnare.

Basel Convention Home Page Seeking Sustainability: Creative Capitalism The environmental and economic crises make it abundantly clear that we need an alternative to business as usual. Here are two approaches to developing a more sustainable economy. The first explores the shortcomings of the free market and the second leverages the strengths of capitalism. Current economic approaches have failed to reverse environmental degradation. Some believe that sustainable capitalism is an oxymoron. Korten is an advocate of something known as ecological economics. The confusion of ends and means is reflected in the convention of treating people and nature as externalities, or to put it another way, a means for making money for people who have money.The wrong measure of value means that money rather than life is the basic measure of value. Ecological economics is concerned with the organization and management of the human relationship to the biosphere. Korten believes that life, not money, must be the primary metric. This is not a new idea.

Sverige bör nobba Super-euron tills demokratikraven är uppfyllda - Artikel av Adam Cwejman Adam Cwejman är ordförande i liberala ungdomsförbundet. Låt oss likna EU och Euro skapandet vid byggandet av ett hus. Problem har uppstått när den senaste och mest omfattande flygeln byggdes (Euron). En lösning måste komma nu, annars kommer (det är inte en fråga om) Euron rasa ihop. I september skrev jag att det behövs en exitmöjlighet för euroländerna för att rädda hela samarbetet. Tiden går snabbt. Den nuvarande lösningen riskerar genom sin snabbhet introducera nya problem som bygger på de ännu äldre problemen som det kroniska underskottet på demokrati skapar. Ett inneboende problem med den europeiska unionen är att den inte är skapad för att gå bakåt, bara framåt. Problemet med de nuvarande lösningarna, att rikare länder betalat notan för de skuldsatta länderna, är flera. Europaprojektet är i grunden något positivt. Trackback URL: ...tills demokratikraven är uppfyllda. Permalänk | Anmäl Lars Adelskogh , 2011-12-02, 12:45 1. 2. 3. #4 Doktor Dalek Agenda for a New Economy: 2nd edition : YES! Magazine, Supporting you in building a just and sustainable world Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth David C. Korten Paperback, 2nd Edition, August 2010, 288 pages List Price: $19.95. Price: $15.95 (You Save 20%) And eligible for FREE Shipping on orders of $25 or more. Nearly two years after the economic meltdown joblessness and foreclosures are still endemic, Wall Street executives are once again getting massive bonuses, and there doesn’t seem to be the will in Washington to make desperately needed fundamental changes to the economy. In this revised and updated edition Korten offers more in-depth advice on how to mount a grassroots campaign to bring about an economy based on locally-owned, community-oriented "living enterprises," whose success is measured as much by their positive impact on people and the environment as by their positive balance sheet. 2011 Independent Publisher Book Award silver medalist. You Might Also Be Interested In: The David Korten Book Set

Jon Huntsman: Too Big To Fail Is Too Big By Simon Johnson The idea that big banks damage the broader economy has considerable resonance on the intellectual right. Tom Hoenig, recently retired president of the Kansas City Fed, has been our clearest official voice on this topic. And Gene Fama, father of the efficient markets view of finance, said on CNBC last year, that having banks that are too big to fail is “perverting activities and incentives” in financial markets – giving big financial firms, “a license to increase risk; where the taxpayers will bear the downside and firms will bear the upside.” The mainstream political right, however, has been reluctant to take on the issue. “More than three years after the crisis and the accompanying bailouts, the six largest American financial institutions are significantly bigger than they were before the crisis, having been encouraged to snap up Bear Stearns and other competitors at bargain prices. This message could work politically, for five reasons. Huntsman has joined the dots.

fiski - Margir hafa andúð á trollveiðum, segja að þær fari illa með botninn. Græningjar eru fremstir í flokki en þeir telja að allar aðgerðir mannsins við fiskveiðar séu af hinu illa, sérstaklega hafa þeir lagst í víking gegn atvinnuveiðum undir merkjum ofveiði. Risið hafa upp samtök, sem votta að fiskur komi úr stofnum, sem séu nýttir á "sjálfbæran" hátt. Andstaða á togveiðum kemur einnig frá smábátasjómönnum, sem telja sig nota "vistvæn" veiðarfæri. Haldið er fram að botnvarpan og bobbingarnir eyðileggi kóralla, sem veita eigi fiskinum skjól. Ekki er vafi á að kórallar skemmist þar sem togað er en yfirleitt er lítið togað á svoleiðis botni. Áhyggjur eru af því að að sífelld ánauð botnvörpunnar fari illa með botninn, drepi gróður og dýr og skemmi hann. Trollveiðar hafa verið stundaðar við Færeyjar í meira en 100 ár. Myndin hér til hliðar sýnir togslóðir Betatogaranna árið 2006. Þessi neðansjáarmynd af trolli. var gerð í minningu Guðmundar heitins Kjærnisted skipstjóra.

'Perpetual Growth Myth' Leading World to Meltdown: Experts "The current system is broken," says Bob Watson, the UK’s chief scientific advisor on environmental issues and a winner of the prestigious Blue Planet prize in 2010. "It is driving humanity to a future that is 3-5°C warmer than our species has ever known, and is eliminating the ecology that we depend on for our health, wealth and senses of self." Smoke billows from burned trees. A collective of scientists and development thinkers have warned that civilisation faces an 'unprecedented emergency'. Watson's comments accompanied a new paper released today by 20 past winners of the Blue Planet Prize - often called the Nobel Prize for the environment, and comes ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Rio+20 conference – which takes place in June this year – where world leaders will (it is hoped) seize the opportunity to set human development on a new, more sustainable path. Civilization Faces 'Perfect Storm of Ecological and Social Problems' The Guardian's John Vidal reports:

CosIng - Cosmetics - Health and Consumers Important notice Please note that ingredients assigned with an INCI name which appear in CosIng (Inventory Section) are not necessarily actually used in cosmetic products nor are they approved for such use. For ingredients used in cosmetic products as colorants, preservatives and UV filters, only those authorized in Annexes IV, VI, respectively VII to Directive 76/768/EEC are listed in CosIng. CosIng may contain ingredients known to be used in medicinal products. If, due to such ingredients, a product restores, corrects, or modifies physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, the product shall be qualified as a medicinal product. The qualification of a product has to be decided by the national competent authorities, under the supervision of the courts, on a case-by-case basis, taking into account all the characteristics of the product . About the search You can choose to search either in the Cosmetics Directive or in the Cosmetics Regulation.

Capitalism and the Common Good By David Korten PDF Format Audio as produced and broadcast by Alternative Radio Inaugural Lecture, The Wayne Morse Center For Law And Politics 2011-2013 Inquiry on the theme “From Wall Street to Main Street: Capitalism and the Common Good,” University Of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, October 5, 2011 It is an honor and a privilege to be the inaugural speaker for this important and timely University of Oregon inquiry sponsored by the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics. The theme—“From Wall Street to Main Street: Capitalism and the Common Good” frames exactly the inquiry we must engage as a nation—and as a species at this defining historical moment. As we meet, citizens are mobilizing all around American in support of the Occupy Wall Street protest that provides a focal point for coalescing public anger at Wall Street’s unrelenting and unrepentant greed and corruption into an agenda for sweeping economic transformation. The U.S. economy is in shambles. Take an example. Communism is dead.

VALD.ORG: Jóhannes Björn
