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Dataviz : zoom sur les travaux de Stefanie Posavec

Dataviz : zoom sur les travaux de Stefanie Posavec

THEOPHILE'S PAPERS La dataviz dans le champ institutionnel : de l'esthétique au storytelling Et la dataviz fit son apparition dans des rapports annuels et autres projets très officiels... : non, les éditeurs de beaux livres ou les designers très branchés ne sont pas les seuls à jouer la carte de la visualisation de données. Depuis quelques années, des entreprises, des institutions, voire des politiques, ont également recours à ce genre à part entière. Pour comprendre cette évolution, nous avons identifié quatre étapes distinctes dans la manière dont la dataviz s'est peu à peu étendue aux publications institutionnelles - sans prétendre, évidemment, avoir épuisé le sujet. L'objectif du recours à la dataviz est double : évidemment, il s'agit d'être un peu sexy, et éviter ces « longs écoulements textuels gris » vilipendés par Alain Joannès. 1. Dans la veine lancée par Nicholas Felton, dont nous vous avons déjà parlé ici, plusieurs designers se sont lancés dans la mode de la production de rapports annuels, véritables carnets de bord de leurs activités en tout genre. 2. 3. 4.

Data Visualization with TREEMAPPER | Web Analytics IndiaWeb Analytics India Analysing huge datasets can be a problem sometimes. Which keywords get more traffic and have good conversion rate compared to others? Which traffic sources get the maximum qualified visitors to your site? Which page is good at driving visitors or which engages a visitor well? You would often wish there was some visualization solution that could answer these question in one shot. To begin with, lets understand what are Treemaps? Treemaps display hierarchical data as a set of nested rectangles. Now let’s go back to the questions we had at the beginning of the post. To exemplify, I’ve picked a site which has a lot of articles. -The first step involves defining the two things that have to be assigned to a Treemapper ColorSize of the rectangle -Here I am using ‘Color’ as the outcome or a conversion metric (e.g. -Save all your data in either a comma delimited, text or xml file in this order. -The next column should be the metric that you would want to see as the color of the rectangles.

Types of Graphs: Bar Graph, Scatter Plot, Pie Chart Atomic Media Fonts | Bitmap | Web | Flash | Screen | Small | Digital | Pixel Fonts The french touch of Network Sciences opendatakit - Open Data Kit (ODK) is a free and open-source set of tools to help create mobile data collection services. This site is primarily for developers. If you are not a developer, please visit Open Data Kit (ODK) is a free and open-source set tools which help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions. ODK provides an out-of-the-box solution for users to: Build a data collection form or survey; Collect the data on a mobile device and send it to a server; and Aggregate the collected data on a server and extract it in useful formats. In addition to socio-economic and health surveys with GPS locations and images, ODK is being used to create decision support for clinicians and for building multimedia-rich nature mapping tools. Downloads of the tools are available at Downloads. Below is a short video explaining a bit about the project.

Blog About Infographics and Data Visualization - Cool Infographics BlogLESS: A Blog about Design Ethics More 2011 Review: Year in Color To add to our review of year-in-reviews from last week, check out Imprint's Year in Color. Written by Andrea on January 2, 2012 Ok, we’re biased, since the list references our collaboration with FICTILIS for the Colors of Commerce exhibit. But author Jude Stewart highlights some other notables in color from 2011: #1: On This Day calendar Reusable for every year, this handy wall calendar consists of heat-sensitive cubes, each marking a noteworthy event from that day in history. #9: Imprint’s series on synesthesia #6: Google Image Search by Color. Happy 2012! These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. 2011: Year in Review: In Review Please enjoy from the future in 2012 this brief summary of reviews of design in 2011. Written by Paul on December 30, 2011 First off, Design Milk has a nice review of the best of architecture in 2011. Happy new year to each of you very fine BlogLESS readers. Modern Christmas Trees
