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Fabbaloo Blog - Fabbaloo - Daily News on 3D Printing

Fabbaloo Blog - Fabbaloo - Daily News on 3D Printing

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects Ponoko – Blog a blog about 3D printing and what comes next 3D Systems purchase of Geomagic is the latest in a long string of acquisitions the company has made in the 3D printing industry. 3D Systems seems intent on being active in any and every area of the 3D printing industry and having the complete software toolchain as well as a 3D printer or 3D printing service for every segment. The inventors of stereolithography amazed many people when they all of a sudden started aggressively acquiring companies a few years back. The Geomagic purchase is one of 3D System’s largest and also surprised many in the industry. Materialise &/or Pro-Fit The first thing I thought however is, “Well I guess that Charly or Fried aren’t selling.” But, what else might be on 3D System’s shopping list? Arcam 3D Systems has exposure to medical through Bespoke Innovations and its own machines. Renishaw Considering their size a Renishaw purchase would also be rather ambitious. Concept Laser, Realizer or similar. Layerwise 3Trpt CRPTechnology Materials companies Envisiontec Mcor

Ponoko's New Gelatin! - Fabbaloo Blog - Fabbaloo Distributed manufacturing service Ponoko has released a new material available for their 3D printers, with the self-describing name of "Durable Fine Plastic". We think this is a pretty cool material, because it's actually TWO materials in one! The objects themselves are printed in a rather nice ABS-like plastic that has both "durable" (strong like ABS) and "fine" (smooth finish) characteristics. The other material involved is a gelatin-like substance that's used for support. This gelatin may be swiftly removed by washing it off after the print completes. Support capability is really important, as it permits all kinds of new object geometries to be printed. Via Ponoko (Hat tip to Kristen)

blog: Sterling Silver Now Available Until November 7th We are very proud to offer Sterling Silver as our latest production material! In the past we did a test with Silver Ring Poems and Cufflinks, but now you can order any design in brilliant shiny Silver, until at least November 7th10th. We'll use this test period to see if we can achieve the quality and speed that we want. Material and Process We're using Sterling silver which is 92.5% pure silver. Price and Delivery Time Silver costs $48/cm3, with a minimum of $30. Design Rules The design rules aren't finished yet - we're still learning how to handle Silver properly. As we're still in the initial stages we have to rely heavily on our operators - their experience will tell us whether an object is printable or not. Adding Sprues Ordering new objects in Silver When uploading a new model you can now select Silver as an available material.

3d modelling software How to start out with 3d printing In the first of the Personal Factory 3d printing tutorial series we’re looking at popular software packages you can use to create your designs. Not all 3d software is created alike – some is intended for creating vast landscapes, others specialise in rendering and visualisation. We’re interested in software focused on both organic & primitive geometry modeling with support for stereo-lithography (.STL) files. Thanks to years of 3d software development there are now many methods to build a 3d models, below are some of the means you may come across… Polygon - The most common modellers available, however many include support for other types of modelling including NURBS, splines, sculpting & SubD. NURBS - Not as common as polygon modellers, NURBS allow a mathematical level of accuracy over polygons, so are very useful for 3d printing. Sculptural - The most well known is zBrush, although they are also found in many plug-ins or features within other packages.

Core77 / industrial design magazine + resource / home Geekdom :: Collaborative Coworking Space in San Antonio Texas Gray Materialises - Fabbaloo Blog - Fabbaloo Who likes gray? It's a dull, less-than-noticeable color that blends into any background. A gray car? Never! Some of us (OK, me) we’re skeptical about the gray color. We were skeptical too, with other online 3D shops offering flashy materials such as the near-radioactive Nuclear Green, and similar products. i.Materialise is offering Prime Gray on a trial basis for one month, as is customary.

i.materialise is proud to launch Gold and Silver Today, for the first time ever, you have the chance to create your own products in gold with i.materialise! We are ecstatic to be the first 3D printing service in the world to offer you the chance to see your creations brought to life in this amazing material. And, if that was not enough, we are also announcing the launch of sterling silver. Our Periodic Table of Materials has never looked so good! “There’s gold in that thar 3D printing service” It has been 183 years since the first Gold Rush hit in the United States and although most of us are no longer racing off to make our fortunes digging in “them thar hills”, the lure of gold and the power it holds over us remains. The gold used is 14 carat and there are three colors to choose from: very bright yellow gold, a deeper gold with a reddish rose tinge, and white gold. Don’t forget, there is also silver! Just like in the Olympics, Gold will probably steal all the attention in this post, but silver is not to be underestimated. Pricing
