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Social Media Monitoring Tools: 26 Free Online Reputation Tools

Social Media Monitoring Tools: 26 Free Online Reputation Tools

China IWOM Blog- Making Sense of the Buzz launched a new online product, “ Free Group Purchase ”, at 5 p.m. on the 1st of March, encouraging users to initiate a group purchase on any product they want. This “C2B” group purchase would be achievedas long as they round up enough participants. So far, more than 15,000 group purchases have been started, 100 of which have been successful. Social platform has at last launched a web version. For what is essentially a Pinterest clone, this web version features organizing and sharing features for foodies to share photos of all their favorite eats. You’re also able to search for the hottest content (or shoulf that be filling?) released its 2011 yearly report on users’ consumption data on 27 th of February. Starbucks China have released their first App (click to download) for iPhone and Android. {*style:<b>Social Strategy Guidebook </b>*} Twitter is planning to expand its advertisement services on iPhone and Google Android devices.

Consumers Engaged Via Social Media Are More Likely To Buy, Recommend New consumer research shows over 50% of Facebook fans and Twitter followers say they are more likely to buy, recommend than before they were engaged Boston, MA – In a recent study of social media usage it is clear that consumers who are Facebook fans and Twitter followers of a brand are more likely to not only recommend, but they are also more likely to buy from those brands than they were before becoming fans/followers. The study of over 1500 consumers by market research firm Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies found that 60% of Facebook fans and 79% of Twitter followers are more likely to recommend those brands since becoming a fan or follower. “While social media is not the silver bullet that some pundits claim it to be, it is an extremely important and relatively low cost touch point that has a direct impact on sales and positive word of mouth,” comments Josh Mendelsohn a vice president at Chadwick Martin Bailey. For more information download the full report

8 Raisons D’utiliser Les médias Sociaux Pour Votre Entreprise Les billets de la série Social Media Marketing sont ouverts au parrainage. Si vous souhaitez parrainer un de nos billets, merci de consulter la rubrique « annonceurs » . Bien que les médias sociaux soient de plus en plus populaires et qu’ils permettent aux entreprises d’atteindre des millions de consommateurs de par le monde, certaines marques préfèrent les ignorer. En agissant de la sorte, elles se privent pourtant d’une opportunité intéressante pour la réalisation de leurs objectifs. Si vous faîtes parti de ces entreprises, je vous invite à lire la suite de cet article pour découvrir comment les médias sociaux peuvent vous aider à développer votre activité professionnelle. 1. Les médias sociaux contribuent à accroître la notoriété de votre entreprise par le biais de trois leviers : l’augmentation de la portée de vos messages.l’engagement créé par vos messages.l’influence dont vous jouissez au sein des communautés où vous participez. Conseils 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A Votre Tour Maintenant !

Social Media in China By and for the people of Byron Shire… « Deliriant Isti Romani (These Romans are mad!) Community Engine are working with the various communities of Byron Shire to pilot an all-new way to connect and share. We’ll be calling it ‘Connect Byron’. It’s a hybrid between a membership management platform (for groups that have free or paid members / followers), and a social media network. A local performer sings for us at the weekly Mullum Farmer's markets. Image courtesy of: Venessa Paech We’ve met great people over the last few weeks and learnt a lot of things about the Byron Shire – we’re more convinced now than ever that it’s the right place to pilot, and that people in the community will see the benefits and participate in the online version of their local communities. What we’ve learnt very quickly is this: Every single person we’ve spoken to in the Byron Shire is delighted at the concept and has offered their support in some form.Each of these people has endorsed the notion that local people need to drive the platform in order for it to become the hub of ‘life in the village’.

Réseaux sociaux Si Facebook domine encore et toujours ses concurrents, Snapchat fait aujourd’hui beaucoup d’ombre au réseau social de Palo Alto, notamment chez les jeunes. D’autres médias sociaux tentent de résister et proposent des fonctionnalités dédiées. On pense à Twitter, particulièrement utile pour les médias et la veille professionnelle. Mais le site de micro-blogging a du mal face à l’ogre Facebook, notamment sur le registre financier.

PR Meets Marketing Luckie's 30-Day Social Media Makeover The Social Path About Luckie Luckie & Company is a marketing agency packed with Southern charm and a freakish love of new ideas. About us David Griner is a social media strategist for Luckie & Company . Luckie's 30-Day Social Media Makeover. Throughout January, The Social Path is running daily tips on how to improve your social life — online, at least. Here's a quick recap of all the tips posted to date: Introduction. Comments Great Idea, guys. Posted by: Rebecca Caroe | January 02, 2010 at 02:51 PM This is a great idea! Posted by: Ginidietrich | January 04, 2010 at 04:51 PM Hey guys--this is great stuff... I came across it (a bit too late, as it's almost February) from StumbleUpon, and I've been going through the stuff that's new to me. Thanks for posting it, I've linked to it from my blog (, and will be sharing it with my networks as well. Thanks for the great info and wonderful blog! Nick Posted by: NickThacker | January 30, 2010 at 01:13 PM Great Post.... Bo GREAT article! heh
