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I am sitting in my kitchen, surrounded by furniture (that belongs in the family room) as carpet layers, window washers and air conditioning technicians swarm my house like it’s a hive. The dogs have been sent to “Auntie Jan’s” house for the day and the poor cats are locked in the courtyard so they will not escape out doors being left open for workers. It is happening again. Another move is underfoot. Two years ago this May, I moved from my beloved Minnesota to the San Francisco Bay Area, and I couldn’t be happier. It is an enchanting place to live.

Getting The Protein You Need Photo by Kelly Rossiter Hands down, the number one response I get from people when I mention that my children are both vegetarian is "but how do they get enough protein?" Getting your daily requirement of protein is actually pretty easy. Is raw vegan always healthy? The verdict is in. A plant based diet is your best (natural) weapon against heart disease, cancer and diabetes. With many wonderful books and cookbooks currently on the best seller list that promote a health inspired, vegan diet, Oprah doing an entire show on veganism, “Meatless Mondays” becoming a theme everywhere you look, people are finally waking up to the importance of plant based foods in your diet. Here is my gripe and my warning. Yes, you are going to be a lot further ahead if you get rid of those steaks, eggs, dairy, etc.

Consciously Raw This Rawsome Vegan Life Real Raw Food Fatfree Vegan Recipes We Like It Raw - Raw Food Goodness I’ve just gotten back to Utah from Eugene, Oregon and WOW what a trip it was! I was so blessed to be able to spend some quality time with my son Erik who is a vegan chef in Eugene hiking and site seeing. Eugene is literally a MECA of vegan cafes! They are everywhere! He told me it’s harder to find meat in Eugene than it is vegan food. Best Green Smoothie Recipes Please enjoy ten of the best green smoothie recipes which were shared on our Facebook group in June. Number 8 won a copy of Green for Life and an ‘I love Green Smoothies’ bumper sticker. Feel free to join the group and share your own green smoothies recipes, advice and questions. We are noticing that many people are helping each other with health concerns and sharing some interesting links.

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