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Telescopic Text Home Write About This Free Descobreix les caceres del tresor Una cacera del tresor adreçada a l'alumnat del CAP, al professorat interí i als docents que volen incloure les TAC en el currículum Una cacera del tresor és un recurs educatiu amb moltes possibilitats didàctiques i competencials que es pot utilitzar en totes les àrees i nivells educatius. Consisteix en desenvolupar una unitat didàctica o un nucli d’activitat concret utilitzant les TAC a l’aula. A més, aconsegueixen despertar l’interès de l’alumnat i permeten treballar diferents continguts segons el ritme d’aprenentatge de cada alumne. Què és una cacera del tresor? Quina és la seva estructura? Elabora, dissenya i penja a internet una nova cacera del tresor a partir d'una unitat didàctica o d'un nucli d'activitat per tal de poder-la treballar a l'aula.

The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You If you’re not an avid follower of #edchat on Twitter, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to learn about some new Web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in classrooms around the world. That’s because @chickensaltash posed a simple question to the PLN and there has been a huge swell of support as hundreds of people have jumped in to answer the question about which 5 Web 2.0 tools teachers are using in classrooms. The Best of the Best You can view the live stream of #edchat here and see what people are saying at the hashtag #chickenweb2tools here. We scoured hundreds of responses and have come up with the following list. Made at Tagxedo – it’s in this list! The List Glogster Great way to share posters and images you’ve made with friendsEdmodoSocial learning environment and one of the best ways to teach with Free application to brainstorm onlineTwitter The micro blogging service that many love or hate.WordPress Content publishing system. Add To This List Attendance for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch on the iTunes App Store WEBQUEST CREATOR Con Webquest Creator podrás crear fácilmente tu webquest-miniwebquest-caza del tesoro paso por paso, pudiendo posteriormente editar cada parte sin dificultad. La webquest quedará alojada en el servidor y será accesible (después de hacerla pública) desde el menú Webquest. Para poder empezar a crear tu primera webquest sólo tienes que registrarte (Registro). Una vez terminada la webquest podrás cambiar el diseño de la misma manualmente o eligiendo entre una gran variedad de plantillas. Crea y descarga tu webquest-miniwebquest-caza del tesoro en unos minutos. Para más información puede visitar los enlaces de abajo que llevan al blog de la aplicación, al manual en formato htmlm al foro y a la página de descargas respectivamente. WEB - MANUAL - FORO - DESCARGAS --- GNU General Public License

Integrating Technology in the Classroom, Teaching Today, Glencoe Online Integrating Technology in the Classroom What do you need? The use of technology, the Web in particular, has become an important skill for both students and teachers to master. The Internet has a vast amount of information and infinitely many uses, but it takes practice to learn to effectively navigate its resources. This week’s tips focus on finding ways to guide students in their research and use of the Web. Creating a successful class Web site demands more than just technical skills. Search engines help you find what you need on the Web, but various engines perform searches in different ways. You want to cover the required content standards and utilize technology, but there just doesn’t seem to be enough time. There are many things to think about when planning for an Internet-based curriculum. Educators are always looking for new and innovative ways to integrate the Internet into classroom activities. The Web provides an extremely useful resource for our classrooms and our lives. Rubric
