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Excel Dashboard Software Gizmo's - Best Free Digital Image Editor | Gizmo's Tec I love digital photography. I also love when I capture one of those perfect pictures where the subject, composition, lighting, and color are just right. But let's face it, most of the time our photos need a little coaxing to get them to look like we want them. The basic category is for those little gems that help you quickly and easily make small adjustments to the overall lighting, colors, and tones of your images without the clutter of a lot of advanced tool sets. The mid-level category offers more advanced tools like layers, adding captions and shapes, the ability to select portions of the image and make adjustments to just those portions, etc. The advanced category will include tools that are comparable to professional programs like Photoshop, or Paint Shop Pro. Read this article in Spanish (Español) Read this article in Chinese (中文) Go straight to the Quick Selection Guide It includes simple tools to correct red-eye, sharpen, crop, re-size, add borders, and print. Photo! Win XP - 7

Dashboard Zone Fotografix / l.madhavan What's New Try the new Fotografix Try the preview version of Fotografix 2 to see how image adjustments are easier with the new user interface and faster with the new graphics engine. Learn more and download Roozz brings Fotografix to the browser Roozz is a browser plugin that enables a number of applications, including Fotografix, to be run directly within your browser. Try it now Features Enhance photos by correcting exposure and colour Improve composition by cropping and rotating photos Use multiple layers for complex compositions Apply adjustments non-destructively using adjustment layers Add text using text layers that can be edited at any time Create special effects using a variety of filters Work with images in most popular file formats, including Photoshop (PSD) and GIMP (XCF) Language Files Fotografix is available in more than a dozen languages. Interested in translating Fotografix?

PHP/SWF New Version 5! Click here to go to the new version of XML/SWF Charts. As of version 5.0, there isn't a dedicated PHP interface for this charts tool. However, PHP or any other scripting language can still be used with XML/SWF Charts (the XML version of the same tool). For information on how to upgrade to XML/SWF Charts, please see this page. For version 4.x of PHP/SWF Charts, please start from this page. Xinha – Trac Corda Domo is an executive management platform, delivered as a service, that changes the business intelligence (BI) user experience from an incomplete and complex process to a consumer-friendly and real-time interaction with all the information users need and want to know about their business -- to run their business. As a SaaS solution, we are built from the ground up for the Web, delivering a much simpler and connected experience than traditional enterprise software. Interactive charting is at the heart of Domo solutions and we raise the bar to a new level of interaction between users and data. Domo Advanced Builder, Domo Popchart and Domo Optimap bring this new charting experience to the masses. The interface can be personalized, interacted with and shared across an enterprise, division or team. For more information visit MicroStrategy The most comprehensive business intelligence platform in the industry. MicroStrategy is the world’s most comprehensive and trusted BI platform, designed from the ground up and proven to support the most demanding analytics applications. Our unified, organically developed, architecture is built on the core of a single foundational metadata—ensuring trust across any style of analytics and easy scalability as your business grows. Watch the webcast Industrial-strength. We wrote the book on analytics. Download it now Build once, deploy anywhere. Business users consume data in many different ways—web portals, mobile devices, emails, and documents. High performance in-memory business intelligence. Over 2,000 organizations use MicroStrategy’s in-memory engine to achieve sub second response times for any query on massive data stores. Learn more High performance business intelligence. Today's business intelligence applications must efficiently access terabytes and even petabytes of data.

Flash Charts Flash Charts Pro is an application that is used for converting your scores and finances into attractive animated graphical charts. Designed for applications it can be used for any (online / offline based) software and stats. You do not need to know Flash or use Active-x components! With Flash Charts Pro you can easily install attractive stats on your website and make detailed explanation of all scores that come from different digital sources onto your website or application, presenting it as animated diagrams. Cross-browser, platform, no installation required and works with any scripting language! Have you ever thought about having a charting component, that doesn’t need any installation, works with any scripting language you could think of, runs on a majority of browsers, is interactive, is completely tunable & scalable, and creates stunning animated charts? So, what does that mean? Benefits from using Flash Charts Pro: Flash Charts Pro – chart type’s shortlist:

ASP.NET .netCHARTING enables your web site to display massive amounts of dynamically generated data quickly and easily through a visual interface. Built with 100% managed code using C# and provided with extensive samples in both VB.NET and C#, this high performance charting control also contains a feature rich data access and aggregation system with calculation support. We continue to add value and functionality (such as the gauge and dial chart added in 2.5, the geographic map chart and vector chart in 4.0, AJAX scroll / zoom in 5.0, organizational charts in 5.1, digital dashboards chartsin 5.2, interactive Silverlight charts in 6.0, TreeMap charts in 6.1 and JavaScript HTML5 Charts in 7.0) to .netCHARTING with no separate add-on purchases required. See what's new or download a fully functional, free, developer version and start charting today!
