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pub­lished: 24 Apr 2014 views: 92 Ukraini­an forces killed up to five pro-Moscow rebels on Thurs­day as they closed in on the sep­a­ratists' mil­i­tary stronghold in the east and Rus­sia launched army drills near the bor­der in re­sponse, rais­ing fears its troops would go in. Under an in­ter­na­tion­al ac­cord signed in Gene­va last week, il­le­gal armed groups in Ukraine, in­clud­ing the rebels oc­cu­py­ing about a dozen pub­lic build­ings in the large­ly Rus­sian-speak­ing east, are sup­posed to dis­arm and go home. But they have shown no signs of doing so and on Thurs­day the Ukraini­an In­te­ri­or Min­istry said its forces backed by the army had re­moved three check­points manned by armed groups in the sep­a­ratist-con­trolled city of Sla­vian­sk. "Dur­ing the armed clash up to five ter­ror­ists were elim­i­nat­ed," it said in a state­ment, adding that one per­son had been wound­ed on the side of the gov­ern­ment forces.

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DRUDGE REPORT 2011® Bienvenidos a, el portal de noticias de El Salvador, San Salvador El sol se oculta al atardecer detrás de las torres del puente Oberbaum en Berlín, Alemania. | Foto EDH/ EFE Santa Tecla, hizo historia por primera vez en el estadio Cuscatlán al coronarse campeón del Torneo Clausura 2015, al derrotar por penales al Isidro Metapán. | Foto EDH/ René Quintanilla El diestro David Galván sufre un revolcón en el festejo de la Feria de San Isidro, en la Monumental de Las Ventas, en Madrid, España. | Foto EDH/ EFE Un mono aullador negro nombrado Gael, es alimentado en el zoológico Nacional de Nicaragua. Santa Tecla, hizo historia por primera vez en el estadio Cuscatlán al coronarse campeón del Torneo Clausura 2015, al derrotar por penales al Isidro Metapán. | Foto EDH/ René Quintanilla

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