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Love is patient

Love is patient

Average Faces From Around The World - StumbleUpon Added on Feb 08, 2011 / Category : StrangeNews / 228 Comments Finding the average face of people across the world was a tough job but someone had to do it. This guy basically takes a thousands and thousands images of everyday people from any city and the software makes an 'average' of the people, giving one final portrait. Take a look at this amazing project called "World of Facial Averages" If you like this article, Share it with the world:

dvdp The Old One Two: Underground Boxing in New York Photographer Devin Yalkin first heard about underground boxing the way many legendary things are passed along—through the grapevine. Heading out one night with a few friends, Yalkin arrived at a giant building in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Joining a slow moving mass of people climbing a staircase, he felt the dull vibrations from the steps beneath him. “The scene was rampant,” he says. Although he’s never boxed, the photographer was immediately drawn to the spectacle of the fights. Yalkin’s black and white images, which he began shooting in November 2010, reflect an indefinite undercurrent of the matches, encapsulating not just the fight itself but the emotion of the spectators, the grit of the environment and the sensory overload of the new situation. Devin Yalkin is a New York based photographer and a recent graduate of School of Visual Arts.

:: Geoffrey Dorne :: Graphic Designer in Paris :: Designer graphique à Paris :: Graphiste :: We All Get Old. Nothing Lasts Forever. | EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere The Graphic Side of Life evgeny kiselev / digital artist Photographies animées en gif Jamie Beck et Kevin Burg utilisent le format d’image .gif pour animer des photographies, si l’utilisation du gif sur des photos n’est pas neuve j’aime beaucoup le principe d’animer juste un détail de l’image pour garder le coté photographique tout en lui donnant vie sans tomber dans de la vrai vidéo. Je pense que ce type d’images a un gros potentiel et pourrait devenir de plus en plus fréquent avec la dématérialisation des magazines. Plus d’images sur leur Tumblr, perdues au milieu d’autres trucs.
