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World Environment Day

World Environment Day

to reclass Christmas season celebrations in Australia Violet Teague (1872-1951), Adoration of Shepherds, 1931, oil on canvas. Photograph by Colin Holden. Image courtesy of . Christmas is celebrated in many parts of the world on 25 December. The birth of Jesus Christmas is the celebration of the . The 'Christmas story' tells of the birth of Jesus in a stable in Bethlehem, the angels announcing the birth to the shepherds in the fields, and the Magi (wise men from the East) visiting the stable and offering gifts to the newborn child. The origins of Christmas A Roman almanac confirms that 25 December was used to celebrate Christmas in 336 AD, although it was nearly 600 years later that the churches created a liturgy - a service for public worship - for the occasion. The choice of date is believed to have been influenced by the northern hemisphere , as well as ancient pagan rituals that coincided with the solstice. Christmas traditions and symbols A photo of Santa arriving at the beach by boat. Christmas in the southern hemisphere Carols and music A.

Technology - Luminaid: Shining a light on disasters Haiti’s devastating earthquake in 2010 shattered the country’s infrastructure, but for one designer it proved to be an illuminating moment. Before you read this, close the door, draw the curtains, and turn out the lights. If you are reading on your laptop, momentarily close the lid. Now that you are back, think about how it felt. Chances are it was not too disorientating or frightening. Now imagine that days earlier there had been a massive earthquake. Two years ago, that was the situation in Haiti, following a catastrophic quake. But along with the influx of aid agencies, technologists, engineers and designers all offered their help to Haitians to try and rebuild their homes and their nation. She immediately spotted an area where she could help. "Lighting was something that seemed a little bit overlooked," she said. "We read stories about how people felt very unsafe at night, especially women and children," says Sreshta. The idea, like the product itself, couldn't be simpler.

4: The Fourth International ESSWE Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2013, ESSWE 26-29 June 2013, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Issues relating to health (understood in a broad sense) can be seen as an intrinsic part of the field of esotericism, but surprisingly little attention has been given to how health is understood and construed in esoteric discourses. The conference is thus as an attempt to fill an important lacuna in the study of Western esotericism. Suggested topics include (but are not limited to), esoteric notions and discourses on health, sexuality and well-being, "occult" causes for disease, "occult medicine", notions of therapeutic benefits of magic and meditation, alchemical approaches to health, alternative forms of medicine, etc. Keynote lecturers include: Peter Forshaw (University of Amsterdam)Carole Cusack (University of Sydney)Mark Sedgwick (Aarhus University) *** Click HERE to visit the new ESSWE4 website *** Conference Fee: Full members of ESSWE: € 70 Student members of ESSWE: € 50 All other participants: € 90 Extra charge for: Payment methods

on reserve Tanabata, Japanese Star Festival July 7th is called Tanabata or Star Festival in Japan. People celebrate the day at home and in schools. Many cities and towns hold festivals and have Tanabata displays decorating the main streets. The festival traces its origins to a legend that the Cowherd Star (Altair) and Weaver Star (Vega), separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet just once a year-on the seventh day of the seventh month. In Japan people write their wishes on narrow strips of coloured paper and hang them, along with other paper ornaments, on trees or bamboo branches placed in the backyards or entrances of their homes. The Tanabata festival is thought to have started in China. Tanabata Activities - Japanese words, chopsticks, paper lanterns, Onigiri (Rice Balls), Moon cakes courtesy of Dagenham and Barking Childminding Association

New technique removes even trace amounts of heavy metals from water A new process has been developed for removing trace amounts of heavy metals from water (Photo: Luis nunes alberto) Image Gallery (2 images) Once released into the environment from industrial sources, trace amounts of heavy metals can remain present in waterways for decades or even centuries, in concentrations that are still high enough to pose a health risk. Known as the cyclic electrowinning/precipitation (CEP) system, the process involves increasing the concentration of heavy metals in water samples, until it's high enough to be effectively removed. Things get started when metal-tainted water is fed into a tank, and an acid or base (such as sodium hydroxide) is added to change the water's pH value. Although this technique alone holds promise, the settled precipitate forms into a toxic sludge, which is difficult to safely dispose of. A paper on the Brown University research was recently published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. About the Author Post a CommentRelated Articles

Etats-Unis: Des incendies «hors de contrôle» ravagent le Colorado Un incendie «hors de contrôle» ravage depuis mardi l'Etat américain du Colorado (ouest), entraînant des milliers d'évacuations et la destruction de dizaines de maisons, ont annoncé mercredi les autorités. Plusieurs incendies frappent actuellement le Colorado, alimentés par des températures élevées, des taux d'humidité très bas et des vents forts. Le plus violent est le Black Forest Fire, qui a englouti, selon le dernier décompte, près de 3.500 hectares près de Colorado Springs, la deuxième ville de l'Etat. «Potentiel de progression énorme» de cet incendie Un chiffre qui pourrait atteindre plus de 4.500 hectares, une fois que des relevés topographiques plus exacts auront été réalisés, a précisé dans la soirée Terry Maketa, shérif du comté d'El Paso, lors d'un point presse. Quelque 150 pompiers combattaient les flammes mercredi, avec l'aide notamment de 48 hélicoptères et le renfort de la Garde nationale. Evacuations «Plusieurs personnes ont refusé de quitter leur maison», a-t-il dit. Avec AFP

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