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L’exploration du Gaz de Schiste validé à Cahors Alerte ! Pendant que tout le monde est affairé avec les élections, les pétroliers ont ouvert la France à l’exploitation du Gaz de Schiste On se doutait que ça allait nous tomber dessus, mais on ne s’y attendait pas pendant une période aussi cruciale pour l’avenir de notre pays. Le permis d’exploration du Gaz de Schiste vient d’être validé à Cahors ! Un lien d’un site ou il est recommandé d’adhérer si on veut préserver ce pays d’une catastrophe écologique sans précédent : Dominique Pouyer-Hue, coprésidente de Vigilance Périgord, a appris la nouvelle mercredi. Pourtant, la loi interdisait la fracturation hydraulique comme technique d'exploration et d'exploitation du gaz de schiste. Mais voila, on avait oublié le côté retors des pétroliers. Les pétroliers ont bel et bien contournés la loi. C’est clair.

US Cameraman Runs For His Life From FEMA — Has Proof 9/11 Was Inside Job - YouRTubeNews (Before It's News) Kurt Sonnenfeld was working for FEMA as a phtographer/videographer. When his videos and photographs proved that 9/11 was an inside job he had to run for his life. He currently lives in Argentina. In the meantime, in order to get him extradited back to the US, the US governement, via the Denver police department, has concocted a story that he murdered his first wife and is insisting Argentia return him to the US to face murder charges. From Wikipedia: Kurt Sonnenfeld (born 1969) is a videographer for FEMA prior to 2002 and was one of four FEMA photographers who were given exclusive access to Ground Zero following the September 11 Attacks in New York in 2001. When Kurt Sonnenfeld went into WTC 6 with FEMA to take photographs, they found the vault door of the US Customs vault open and its contents were empty! Kurt Sonenfield needs to make multiple multiple copies of his footage and get it out there before the US Government can pick him up and silence him.

Bilderberg 2014 Goals: End Resistance and Unify One World Order | Jay's Analysis Bilderberg 2014? By: Jay Bilderberg 2014 is coming up – are you excited? In fact, my college professors mocked me for bringing up Bilderberg over the years, but now, Bilderberg is something that has been forced into mainstream news. “Intelligence expert Stephen Dorrill writes about Bilderberg in his MI6 as follows: “In an effort to cement western co-operation in the midst of the Cold War, the first Bilderberg conference was held in May in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeck at the hotel of “Bilderberg,” from which the meeting took its name. And, “Bilderberg is therefore a manifestation of the world government written about in Tragedy and Hope by Dr. Yet what are the real goals of Bilderberg and what is their strategy for the near future? “-One International Identity. With its cousins like the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations and Davos, the move towards a cashless society and control grid is well under way. “-Centralized Control of the People. “-A Zero Growth Society.

INDECT le méga cyber espion européen pire qu'ACTA Pire qu' ACTA, PIPA et SOPA réunis, il y a INDECT, le grand oublié des pétitions qui tournent en ce moment. Lancé en silence le 1er janvier 2009, le programme européen de recherche INDECT est étallé sur 5 ans. C'est le temps nécessaire pour mettre en place ce méga cyber espion. Officiellement, la Commission Européenne a chargé le consortium INDECT de mettre en place "un système intelligent d'information permettant l'observation, la recherche et la détection en vue d'assurer la sécurité des citoyens dans un environnement urbain" et dont le but est en fait "la détection automatique des menaces, des comportements anormaux ou de violence.". Voilà qui a le mérite d'être explicite ... Au nom de notre "sacro-sainte" sécurité, il se construit un monde où notre liberté semble fondre comme neige au soleil. Big Brother est bien là ... La Commission Européenne avait prévu en 2009, un investissement de plus de 10 millions d'euros. Le préambule du cahier des charges fixé en 2009 est sans appel :

SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPON TORTURES by 100,000 FBI and NSA SECRET SPIES | Rudy2's Multilingual Blog 10-01-2007, 07:00 p.m. SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPON TORTURES by 100,000 FBI and NSA SECRET SPIES. VERSION FRANCAISE ICI : VERSION ESPAÑOLA AQUI : SOSBEE’S NOTE: See the symptoms that I have documented at: sosbee veteran: “Pervert FBI and NSA psychopaths are secretly and illegally conducting non-consensual, sadistic, synthetic telepathy experiments and psychotronic weapon attacks on hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens in the United States and elsewhere. “Covert Operations of the U.S. Reading and broadcasting private thoughts. Bilderberg 2015 to Focus on Re-Branding Authoritarianism Global elite schemes to put squeeze on ordinary citizens Paul Joseph Watson Prison June 10, 2015 The Bilderberg Group has released its full participant list and agenda for the 2015 elitist confab days before it’s set to begin in Austria, but as ever, the topics up for discussion are so vague as to almost be meaningless. And we know that many of the most sensitive topics never appear on that list in the first place. For a start, it’s unusual that Bilderberg is taking place after the G7 conference. The intense security surrounding the InterAlpen Hotel, with our reporters Rob Dew and Josh Owens already having been harassed numerous times by police, illustrates how paranoid Bilderberg are about keeping the details of their agenda under wraps. Artificial intelligence will be one of the core discussion topics at Bilderberg 2015. This all ties into Bilderberg’s overarching goal of re-branding authoritarianism. Make no mistake, Bilderberg wants class warfare.

Facebook Phil Robertson – A Duck of a Different Calling A&E is suffering the effects of America’s malignant tumor. Political correctness. It’s a cancer on our society and one that needs to be removed without delay. Yesterday, A&E suspended Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson for comments he made in a GQ interview regarding homosexuality. Phil was asked by the interviewer if there was anything he would like to touch upon in the show that he was not allowed to BY A&E and Phil answered the question honestly. He spoke of his feelings regarding homosexuality and, in doing so, quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 from the Bible. “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. In that statement, Phil Robertson violated the 1st Amendment of show business, the media and liberals …He adhered to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. And the response from the always tolerant liberals came from GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz who stated… Cruz is assigning to Phil things Phil never said. Did Robertson say he WASN’T okay with LEGAL recognition for gay couples?
