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Ammyy Admin

Ammyy Admin Proxytunnel 150 Best Windows Applications Of Year 2010 [Editor's Pick] AddictiveTips is popular for covering the latest and greatest desktop applications, having one of the largest collection of Windows freeware reviews on the web. Now that 2010 has come to an end, we take a look back at the best 150 applications. We plan to cover more topics in 2011, including Cloud OS, Mobile (Android, WP7, iOS), Mac, and much more, apart from extensive Windows coverage. Without further ado, here are the best 150 desktop applications (in order from January to December) that we covered in 2010. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. iBin (Recover files from USB Drive) 6. 7. To download from Grooveshark and SoundCloud, give SciLor’s Grooveshark Downloader and SoundCloud Downloader a shot. 8. 9. ei.cfg Removal Utility (Create Windows 7 Universal DVD by removing Versions) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Also check out Moo0 File Shredder. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Also check out 7sDocs. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Another similar tool is WindowsMaster. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Also check out Skype Auto Answer.

Расширения файлов, форматы файлов QTranslate Dual Monitor Tools - Home page Энциклопедия интерфейсов компьютера Предупреждение: в большинстве случаев подключить интерфейс неправильно невозможно из-за выступа с одной стороны, но у старых кабелей он может отсутствовать. Поэтому следуйте следующему правилу: конец шлейфа, маркированный цветной полоской (чаще всего красной), всегда должен совпадать с контактом номер 1 на материнской плате, а также должен быть ближе к разъёму питания привода CD/DVD. Чтобы предотвратить неправильное подключение, у многих кабелей и разъёмов отсутствует одна контактная ножка или контактное отверстие в середине. Большинство графических карт в пользовательских ПК используют интерфейс Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP). У самых старых систем для той же цели применяется интерфейс PCI.

youtube-dl Remember youtube-dl requires Python version 2.6, 2.7, or 3.2+ to work except for Windows exe. Windows exe requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) and does not require Python that is already embedded into the binary. SHA256: 9d1685555e6f97c120958e91418bb286ab7cd8382436d9579ed268a3ee1ec404 Windows exe (sig - SHA256 5b7a20b7111e45648810ab9f6b6bb0d798e03d1fab64aaf9de9a04e003b38bb2) Full source + docs + binary tarball (sig - SHA256 950068234d9af63168bf1c53961638b78766d5f83f227d1e3f699d8e4f8d1241) To install it right away for all UNIX users (Linux, OS X, etc.), type: sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl If you do not have curl, you can alternatively use a recent wget: sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl You can also use pip: sudo pip install --upgrade youtube_dl

How to Access Your Computer Files Over the Internet from Anywhere Learn how you can access documents, music and other important files on your home computer from any other computer or mobile phone through the Internet. The problem: You have documents, photos, music and other important files on the home computer. How can you “remotely access” these files from your office computer or, when you are travelling, from your mobile phone? The solution: The simplest solution would be that you copy all your data from the home computer on to a portable hard drive and carry it around but this is obviously a bit cumbersome approach as it requires you to manually sync the home computer and your portable disk. There are couple of ways by which you can retrieve files stored on your home computer from anywhere else using a regular Internet connection. Option 1: Using Online Backup The upside is that your files will always be available to you even if the home computer is not running. Option 2: Using Desktop Sharing Software Option 3: Access Files Directly through the Browser

Passwords Visual thinker's passwords Words means nothing: qwewsx bhu8ik,mn 456852 It really helps when password ends with ENTER key You can remember that your password begins with letter Q and you don't need to remember all letters. If somebody asks what is your password, you can straightly say to them - it's SNAKE! "Snake" "Smile" Also you can mix forms and letters, like this: "Zoo" Turn PC Into Virtual WiFi Hotspot With WiFi HotSpot Creator With the advent of Wifi, internet usage was revolutionized, getting rid of tangled wires. Every device comes out today contains a Wifi, from your PC to smartphone, laptop to tablet and TV to Blu-ray players, it seems as if Wifi has now dominated our lives. The beauty of Wifi is that you can get instant access to the internet wherever there is a hotspot. However, sometimes we need to access internet in places where Wifi hotspot is simply not available. The application has a very simple and neat looking interface design. Once you’re done entering the required information, click Start to create your WiFi hotspot. During testing, we did not find any issues. Download WiFi HotSpot Creator (Softpedia link provided since the application is not listed on product page) Advertisement

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