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15 Great Free and Easy Survey / Polls Creation Tools for Teachers

15 Great Free and Easy Survey / Polls Creation Tools for Teachers
1- Kwiqpoll This is a simple poll making tool. It does not require any registration. Just visit the homepage and start creating you poll right away. You have the choice to provide multiple choice answers. You will also be provided with a generated URL to use when sharing your polls. 2- Flisti This is another great simple poll tool. 3- Urtak This tool allows users to create polls using yes or no multiple questions. 4- Vorbeo This is another free and simple to use poll tool. 5- Polldaddy This is another popular polling service that allows users to create free polls and surveys containing up to ten questions. 6- Micropoll Micropoll allows users to instantly create a poll using a set of questions and answers then one email address. 8- Obsurvey This is a great utility for creating instant surveys. 9- Kwik Surveys This is another great polling service. 10- Polleverywhere This is a great polling tool. 12- Poll Junkie This is a simple free service for creating instant polls. Related:  kcmmnem

6 Questions That Will Make You Fee Peaceful and Complete “The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.” ~Swedish Proverb When I was in my mid-twenties an unhealthy relationship with an unhealthy guy sent me packing off to the corner of New Mexico to find myself. I became a workshop junkie. I got rolfed, (and got more intense body-work by thick-boned Maoris) and rebirthed with conscious breath work. I went on vision quests in the desert, called leading psychics, mapped my astrological chart, figured out my Enneagram number, dreamed lucidly for nights in an upright chair, and drew down the moon in Wiccan circles. I had psychic surgeries, soft-tissue chiropractic work, drank herbal tinctures and elixirs, bought every kind of healing essential oil, collected a library of self-help books, and did inner-child work, gestalt dialogues, and did loads of homework with several life coaches. I know. I was a perpetual seeker. Whether he meant it or not, he would say: What’s not to love about you? 1. 2. 3. As humans we make mistakes.

e-Learning Overload | josetoons & scoutoons e-Learning Overload E-learning provides new opportunities to obtain a formal education. Online courses use new technologies to expand the possibilities to provide learning materials. Blogs, wikis, discussion boards, chat, and instant messaging are used combined with video, podcasts, audio, text, images, etc. The challenge is to avoid e-learning overload finding the proper balance. Other services and gadgets such as social networks, media players, PDAs, GPSs, and cell phones also invade our time and spaces. Like this: Like Loading... About joselepervanche Professor of Management & Information Technology

26 Questions Every Student Should Be Able To Answer 26 Questions Every Student Should Be Able To Answer These questions are more about the student than you, your classroom, or education. What every student should know starts with themselves and moves outwards to your content area: self knowledge–> content knowledge. As an educator, your job is lead students to understanding, but student self-awareness and self-knowledge should precede that. If it hasn’t already come, the first day of school is probably imminent for you, and these kinds of questions could come in handy there as well. Strategies for Implementation These kinds of questions seem a bit…challenging, but if students can’t even begin to answer them, well, we have a problem don’t we? Based on some feedback we’ve gotten from our facebook community, here are a few tips to use this resource: 1. 2. Have students choose to respond to the ones the want to respond to, and skip the ones they don’t 3. 4. Each question can act as a writing prompt. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Communicating and Collaborating Blackboard On Demand Learning Center Blackboard is moving all Learn videos to YouTube. The existing links to the Learn 9.1 videos on the On Demand Learning Center will remain live, but the On Demand landing pages will soon redirect to, where you'll find the YouTube playlists for students and instructors. Featured Content Integrate Web 2.0 Tools into Blackboard Learn Engage your students by adding new ways to communicate and collaborate to your course. Read It! This movie highlights the advantages of including Web 2.0 tools in your Blackboard Course. Watch It! Getting Started with Interactive Tools Discover the differences among Blogs, Journals, Wikis, and the Discussion Board and how to use each tool affectively in your course. Read It!

Why Is Job Growth Tepid? The unemployment rate has been 8.2 percent for three months now, creating concern that we are in a high-unemployment equilibrium. The unemployment rate is not a very good measure of the employment situation, because it excludes discouraged workers—persons who are not looking for a job. The number of discouraged workers actually dropped slightly in June. On the other hand, the number of underemployed workers rose slightly, causing the total of un- and underemployed to rise from 14.8 to 14.9 percent. Yet there has been a net increase, though a small one, in the number of new hires and in average wages. The safest observation is that no significant trend is visible in the data for the past quarter. In another six weeks it will be four years since the financial crash that set off the steep economic downturn in which the nation and the world still find themselves. Consumption drives the U.S. economy. The unusually uncertain political environment may be retarding employment.

July | 2010 Right from fun songs to learn the ABCs to the ever-popular spelling bee, games and competition have helped us generate interest in what would otherwise be routine, but necessary memorization tasks. With mobile technology now able to handle a variety of game types, it’s not surprising to see a large number of educative mobile games to choose from as well. In the book, ‘Augmented Learning’, Eric Klopfer, Associate Professor of Education (MIT), argues for the untapped potential of mobile learning games which would leverage the strengths of a mobile platform, including “its portability, context sensitivity, connectivity, and ubiquity.” The numbers speak Due in large part to the Apple iPhone, mobile games are now becoming increasingly popular, resulting in a new focus on producing innovative new technologies. The Pew Internet and American Life Project, also found that 48 percent of U.S. teens already play games on a cell phone or PDA.

Teaching and Learning: The Mobile Learning Incubator | Mobile UW Funded by the same SITI initiative that produced the mobile UW app, the Mobile Learning Incubator (MLI) was founded to explore and advance issues and conversation about mobile learning among the various teaching and learning groups on campus. MLI is a team of instructional designers, researchers, developers and producers who work in DoIT Academic Technology. Our goal is to partner with faculty to implement mobile learning initiatives driven by Learning Sciences theories and literature to rapidly pilot innovative learning apps and activities, research their use and effectiveness, then seek additional funding to sustain the most promising projects and themes. Read more about how the Mobile Learning Incubator Works Based on previous pilots and projects done with the ENGAGE program and collaborations with the School of Education, the Mobile Learning Incubator is exploring three primary themes: (1) Learning Through Field Research, (2) Learning Through Design, and (3) Games and Learning.

Looking Ahead at Social Learning: 10 Predictions The last decade has brought a multitude of changes in technology and in the learning function. What will the next 10 years have to offer? Ten years ago, we had just come out of one of the most costly IT investments of all time - the Y2K scare. In the learning industry, the LMS was seen as the provider of the comprehensive solution for the technology needed in an organization; e-learning content providers were merging to provide comprehensive libraries; and portals were the intranet solution of choice for content destinations. What a difference a decade makes. Teams composed of employees from multiple countries across several time zones are no longer unusual, which makes face-to-face training logistically difficult and expensive. Throughout the last three years, we have researched what the future holds for fields as diverse as human longevity and the future of the web. Prediction 1| Augmented reality learning emerges So what could be the implications for social learning?

Business Requirements Document: a High-level Review J. DeLayne Stroud February 26, 2010 Many businesses have a process in place to assist with project management and implementation. One opportunity for improvement involves making reasonable estimates of how big a project is and how much it is going to cost. There are many different names for tools used with this process: business needs specification, requirements specification or, simply, business requirements. Business requirements are the critical activities of an enterprise that must be performed to meet the organizational objective(s) while remaining solution independent. A business requirements document (BRD) details the business solution for a project including the documentation of customer needs and expectations. The most common objectives of the BRD are: The BRD is important because it is the foundation for all subsequent project deliverables, describing what inputs and outputs are associated with each process function. Who Should Be Involved in the Creation of the BRD? Summary
