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The Hobbit Name Generator

The Hobbit Name Generator

The Age of the Ring, a Lord of the Rings UK fansite Rohan Rohan was the territory of the Rohirrim, a people of herdsmen and farmers on the northern borders of Gondor in Middle-earth. Well-known for their horses and cavalry, they were Gondor's most important ally. [edit] Background In the 1200s of the Third Age, the Kings of Gondor made close alliances with the Northmen of Rhovanion, a people akin to the Three Houses of the Edain (later the Dúnedain) from the First Age. In the 2000s, a remnant tribe of such Northmen that called itself the Éothéod moved from the valleys of Anduin to the north west of Mirkwood, clearing out what remained of the recently defeated witch kingdom of Angmar, east of the Misty Mountains. Ted Nasmith - The Oathtaking of Cirion and Eorl Later, in 2509, Cirion the Steward of Gondor sent summons to the Éothéod for aid in stopping a combined invasion of Men from the north east of Middle-earth, and Orcs from the Misty Mountains. [edit] History Edoras The rule of the Stewards of Gondor was now over. [edit] Description

64 Things Every Geek Should Know - The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. 1. USB – Universal Serial Bus GPU – Graphics Processing Unit CPU – Central Processing Unit SATA – Serial ATA HTML – Hyper-text Markup Language HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol FTP – File Transfer Protocol P2P – Person to Person data sharing 2. 3. Here’s what one looks like: 4.

Picture Album: Entire Collection Search Picture Album Picture Album: Entire Collection Results per page: NextPage View inShowcase Show Titles List Highest Resolution First Email list: Inbox Astronomy RSS feed: NewsCenter HubbleSite iPhone App Get Involved Reference Desk Servicing Missions Hubble's 25th Anniversary eBooks HubbleSite: WebbTelescope: About Contact Us Copyright Lord of the Rings Merchandise Lord of the Rings Store LOTR Gifts Shop Timeline of the history of Middle-Earth - LotrProject 6 October Sam returns to Bag End on his faithful pony, Bill, after seeing of many of his friends at the Grey Havens. 29 September Gandalf, Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins, Galadriel and Elrond leave Middle-earth and pass over the Sea. 22 September Frodo and Sam meet the Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings in Woody End. Bilbo Baggins becomes 131 years old, the longeviest Hobbit in history. 25 March Elanor the Fair, daughter of Samwise, is born. 24 March The last day of the Third Age, according to the reckoning of Gondor. 13 March Frodo gets ill again, on the anniversary of his poisoning by Shelob. Frodo feels the pain return again. 1 May Samwise Gamgee marries Rose Cotton. 6 April The mallorn tree planted by Samwise Gamgee in the Party Field begins to flower. Frodo gets ill, on the anniversary of his poisoning by Shelob. 3 November Battle of Bywater and death of Saruman and Gríma Wormtongue. 2 November The four Hobbits come to Bywater and rouse the Shire-folk. 1 November 30 October 28 October 5 October 25 June

The Featured Creature : Showcasing Unique and Unusual Wildlife Smoke bombs - MS explosives POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE + GLYCERINE Mix a 1:2 ratio of potassium permanganate and glycerine in a matchbox, shut the box and shake. The delay will depend on The temperature of the day and grain size of the P.P crystals, the hotter the day and smaller the crystals the shorter the delay. After the delay the box will fizz and emit a cloud of white smoke. POTASSIUM NITRATE + SUGAR Mix equal parts potassium nitrate and sugar in a metal or glass bowl, this is than carefully melted over a hot plate. This molten mix is poured into the container (I’ve found toilet rolls are a good size) , a fuse is inserted and it is left to set. AMMONIUM NITRATE + NEWSPAPER Probably the easiest and most effective of the homemade bombs is this one. NITROCELLULOSE + PVC SOLVENT In a bowl add some nitrocellulose, to this powder add just enough PVC solvent/cement to bind the powder together, mould this mix into the shape desired and let dry. Zinc & Sulfur Smoke Bomb Black Powder Smoke Bombs

The Hobbit: The Official Movie Blog Tolkien's annotated map of Middle-earth discovered inside copy of Lord of the Rings A recently discovered map of Middle-earth annotated by JRR Tolkien reveals The Lord of the Rings author’s observation that Hobbiton is on the same latitude as Oxford, and implies that the Italian city of Ravenna could be the inspiration behind the fictional city of Minas Tirith. The map was found loose in a copy of the acclaimed illustrator Pauline Baynes’ copy of The Lord of the Rings. Baynes had removed the map from another edition of the novel as she began work on her own colour Map of Middle-earth for Tolkien, which would go on to be published by Allen & Unwin in 1970. Tolkien himself had then copiously annotated it in green ink and pencil, with Baynes adding her own notes to the document while she worked. Blackwell’s, which is currently exhibiting the map in Oxford and selling it for £60,000, called it “an important document, and perhaps the finest piece of Tolkien ephemera to emerge in the last 20 years at least”. “The map shows how completely obsessed he was with the details.
