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Adam Vs The Man | With Your Host, Adam Kokesh | M-F 7pm E.T on RT America Brit Insurance Designs of the Year 2010 National Geographic Magazine Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology - Make $90 A Day Very Easy and FREE! NBC Affiliate KMIR Reports on Chemtrails/Geoengineering KMIR, the NBC affiliate in Palm Springs, CA has recently aired a segment on chemtrails/geoengineering. I picked up the coverage at the kaua’i sky blog. Here is a great opportunity for some Quantum Activism. If you’ve got the time and interest, consider contacting KMIR to thank them for their coverage, and to continue reporting on this topic. NBC Affiliated KMIR Reports on Chemtrails/Geoengineering Please watch, share and spread!!! In case you missed KMIR Channel 6 story on chemtrails, here it is. KMIR Web site and contact information:

90 Second Websites Despite its efforts, even Whole Foods cannot keep GMOs out of the products it sells (correction) (NaturalNews) Genetically modified foods have become so ubiquitous in the US that even the grocery store 'Whole Foods' now admits it cannot keep biotech foods off its shelves. A representative for the corporation acknowledged in May of 2011 that the realities of the marketplace have forced a shift in the company's previous no-GMO's policy. (Correction note: The original title of this article has been altered to better reflect the accuracy of this story. Joe Dickson, quality standards coordinator for Whole Foods Markets, notes that GMO's dominate the market, especially for corn, soy and canola crops from which ingredients in most processed foods are derived. In spite of public skepticism about GMO foods, the FDA has backed Monsanto and other corporations, declaring that modified foods do not require special labeling letting consumers know they are eating Frankenfoods.

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Fukushima already ten times worse than Chernobyl in ocean waters, suggests data (NaturalNews) Recent readings taken roughly 19 miles out to sea from the Fukushima nuclear power facility in Japan have revealed radioisotope levels ten times higher than those measured in the Baltic and Black Seas after the massive Chernobyl disaster. Because Fukushima is much closer to water than the Chernobyl plant is, the ongoing fallout there is shaping up to be far worse than Chernobyl, at least as far as the world's oceans are concerned, and time will tell just how devastating this massive disaster will be on the entire world as radiation continues to circulate around the globe. "Given that the Fukushima nuclear power plant is on the ocean, and with leaks and runoff directly to the ocean, the impacts on the ocean will exceed those of Chernobyl, which was hundreds of miles from any sea," said Ken Buessler, Senior Scientist in Marine Chemistry at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, several months back. Sources for this story include:

Japan not hit by 9.0 quake? False flag nuclear weaponry actually destroyed Fukushima, claims report (NaturalNews) What if the alleged 9.0+ magnitude mega earthquake that was said to have hit off the coast of Japan back on March 11 never actually happened, and the resultant tsunami that destroyed the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was actually a deliberate, false flag attack using nuclear weapons? Freelance journalist Jim Stone offers compelling evidence that the official story we have all been told concerning the disaster is a phony coverup for a concerted attack against Japan, possibly for offering to enrich uranium for Iran.Consider first the massive impact of an actual 9.0 magnitude earthquake, which would have been about 100 times more powerful than the 6.8 magnitude Great Hanshin earthquake of 1995 that destroyed much of the city of Kobe, located about 12.5 miles from the epicenter, and that killed more than 6,400 people. Truth be told, the only areas that suffered any significant damage at all were areas hit by the tsunami, which included the Fukushima nuclear plant.

URGENT: Congress Wants To Make Streaming A Felony Tell Congress to oppose S. 978, the new "Ten Strikes" bill We were amazed to see hundreds of user-generated videos about S.978 pop up on YouTube after an action alert we sent out a few weeks ago. Our wonderful crew of summer interns used those videos to make this mash-up, which explains why this bill -- which would make it a felony to stream certain copyrighted content -- is such bad news. Please check out the video, use the form at right to email your lawmakers if you haven't had a chance to yet, and ask your friends to join the fight too: Just sign on at right and we'll send an email to your lawmakers. Click here to read TechDirt's take on the bill.

Lawmakers to sue Obama administration over Libya mission Congressmen challenge Obama on Libya NEW: Report says Obama does not risk violating the War Powers ActNEW: Boehner spokesman says Obama's "creative arguments" raise a number of questionsKucinich to the Obama administration: "Tell it to the judge"U.S. officials say the limited U.S. role in Libya falls short of the law's scope Washington (CNN) -- The White House defended to Congress on Wednesday the legality, the costs and accomplishments of the U.S. military mission in Libya. In a 32-page report titled "United States Activities in Libya," the administration says the cost of military and humanitarian operations through June 3 was about $800 million. It estimates the total cost through September 30 will be $1.1 billion. The report was drawn up in response to a House resolution that accused President Barack Obama of failing to consult with Congress over the military effort in the North African country. Rep. Kucinich: If it looks like war, it's war Is Libya mission unconstitutional? Rep.

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