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Developed by MOCA for Ends of the Earth: Land Art to 1974, this interactive feature maps key artworks included in the exhibition, pinpointing their original locations to demonstrate the global nature of Land art and its relationship to real places and times. Click on an artist’s name to begin. Ends of the Earth: Land Art to 1974 is the first large-scale, historical-thematic exhibition to deal broadly with Land art, capturing the simultaneous impulse emergent in the 1960s to use the earth as an artistic medium and to locate works in remote sites far from familiar art contexts. Organized by MOCA Senior Curator Philipp Kaiser and co-curator Miwon Kwon, Professor of Art History at UCLA, the exhibition highlights the early years of untested artistic experimentations and concludes in the mid-1970s before Land art becomes a fully institutionalized category. Major support is provided by Barbara Kruger and L&M Arts, LA. WEBSITE CREDITS:Concept and direction by Bret Nicely.

World Community Grid - Accueil Watson Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de Watson et de ses performances dans le jeu Jeopardy! relayés dans tous les médias. L’intérêt de Watson ne réside pas dans sa capacité à gagner au jeu télévisé mais dans son très vaste champ d'applications dans la vie de tous les jours, par exemple dans le monde de la santé pour améliorer la rapidité et la précision des diagnostics médicaux et aider à la prise de décision sur une urgence médicale ou rechercher les interactions potentielles de médicaments. Comment fonctionne Watson ? Voir la video (en anglais) Watson va encore plus loin que Deep Blue (qui analysait un monde fini de possibilités) : en effet, Watson représente une véritable innovation dans la compréhension par la machine du langage naturel (le " langage réel ") utilisé par chacun d'entre nous pour communiquer et échanger. - Watson peut également aider les distributeurs à mieux tirer parti de leurs stocks.

Global Warming and River Hotspots Corbeille océan dont souffre notre mer | Le Portail de l'océan | Smithsonian Institution Garbage patches in the ocean aren't piled-up islands of trash and debris, as is the common perception. But that doesn't mean the tiny, swirling plastic bits are nothing to worry about. The currents of the North Pacific gyre collect trash—mostly bits of microscopic plastic—into what are known as "garbage patches." Credit: NOAA Marine Debris Program In the Pacific Ocean, four ocean currents merge to form the North Pacific gyre, also known as the North Pacific Subtropical High, which spans the western US to Japan, and Hawaii to California. Its vast size and the small size of the trash left the garbage patch largely unnoticed until the early 1990s, when Captain Charles Moore, head of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, sailed through a rarely traveled area between Hawaii and the mainland. While the garbage patch has received a lot of attention because of its size, it is not the only area where marine debris can be found: marine debris affects waters and coastlines around the world. Tags:

Comment Green est l'Internet? - Google Vert The majority of energy savings from moving to the cloud are driven by moving applications from locally hosted IT to large data centers that use equipment and software specially designed to minimize energy use. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has made its model publicly available. This means you can plug in your own assumptions and generate your own results.

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