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David MacKay: A reality check on renewables

David MacKay: A reality check on renewables

Mechanics of Wind-up Cell Phone Chargers " ­So what's going on inside a wind-up cell phone charger? How does the simple turning of a crank lead to extra juice for your phone's battery? To understand the basics of wind-up cell phone chargers, it helps to look at a much bigger, yet surprisingly similar, technology -- wind turbines and wind power. When we use massive fans to generate electric power, we're relying on the motion of wind. In the simplest terms, the blades of the fans capture kinetic energy, or the energy of motion, from the movement of the wind. A wind-up cell phone charger is like a miniature wind turbine, except instead of using wind to power a generator, your arm and hand provide the kinetic energy necessary to move the charger's crank and add battery life to your phone. Although there are various types of designs, most wind-up cell phone chargers use a similar design and basic principles to generate sufficient power.

Green LECRDS Guidance Manuals and Toolkits Photo: Frances Lim UNDP has been producing a series of manuals, guidebooks and toolkits that draw upon the experience and information generated by UNDP’s support for climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and National Communications to the UNFCCC in some 140 countries over the past decade. They are intended to enable project managers, UNDP Country Offices, and developing country government decision-makers to acquaint themselves with a variety of methodologies most appropriate to their development contexts in support of the preparation of LECRDS. In a flexible and non-prescriptive manner, they offer detailed step-by-step guidance for the identification of key stakeholders and establishment of participatory planning and coordination frameworks; generation of climate change profiles and vulnerability scenarios; and identification and prioritization of mitigation and adaptation options. Step 3: Identify Strategic Options Leading to Low-Emission Climate-Resilient Development

Kinds of Energy NOTE: If you want to learn about Energy in terms of Renewable and Non-renewable Energy, please select an option below: What is energy? Look around you. Is anything moving? Can you hear, see or feel anything? Sure... this is because something is making something happen, and most probably, there is some power at work. Look at the sketch below to see an example of things working, moving, or happening... with energy. Energy moves cars along the roads and makes aeroplanes fly. KINDS OF ENERGY With the above explanation in mind, let us learn more. Energy can be (is) stored or transferred from place to place, or object to object in different ways.

Briefing Paper - Fighting climate change: A structural shift towards renewable energies requires concerted policy action - The Finnish institute of International Affairs Published 21.3.2012 Patrick Matschoss The Finnish Institute of International Affairs Download PDF (2.71 Mb) Renewable energies will be the major contributor to any future low carbon energy system and the share may be as high as nearly 80% of the world’s energy supply by 2050. Renewable energies have vast potential but require a set of coherent policies to reach necessary deployment rates, because the market place neither accounts sufficiently for their climate change-related and wider benefits nor for the benefits of technological learning, making them appear less competitive than they really are. Renewable energies can be integrated in all supply systems and end-use sectors but at some point they will require investment and change. Energy security would be enhanced by greater efficiency and a broader and less import-dependent energy portfolio with less vulnerability to energy price volatility.

Mapping Renewable Electricity Generation The use of renewable energy sources (hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass) for electricity generation varies profoundly from country to country, ranging from 100 percent in Albania, Iceland, Paraguay, and Tajikistan to less than 1 percent in Belarus, Eritrea, and Jordan. Intriguingly, the map bears no resemblance to that of economic development; the highest levels of “renewability” are found in some of the world’s richest countries (Norway) and some of the poorest (DR Congo). Low levels are also found across the developmental spectrum. As can be seen in the relatively comprehensive and only slightly out-of-date data-table in Wikipedia from which the map was generated, the vast majority of renewable energy worldwide comes from hydropower. High levels of renewable electricity generation are typically found in mountainous countries with abundant precipitation, conditions favorable for hydropower (such as Norway, Albania, Bhutan, and Laos).

Greening the economy: Nordic experiences and challenges After the recent financial and economic crisis, greening the economy has become a major focus for international and national discussions: How to combine forceful and effective action to meet climate change and other environmental challenges with stronger and more sustainable economic development, in both developed and developing countries. This synthesis report on the Nordic countries' environmental policy experiences, focuses on the use of economic instruments and how this policy has contributed to the integration of environmental concerns into economic growth and development policies. The report demonstrates that the Nordic countries have been successful in achieving substantial reductions in several major pollutants and clear improvements in local and regional environmental quality, while maintaining an internationally respectable rate of economic growth. The study was carried out by Vista Analyse AS and commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment.

Solutions | Sustainia Sustainia100 2016 This is the year of ‘Systemic Opportunity’! Now in its fifth year, the Sustainia100 has tracked more than 4,500 solutions to date from all over the world. This year’s edition features solutions deployed in 188 countries, and more than half come from small and mid-sized enterprises. Showcasing everything from health solutions that tackle climate change, to renewable energy products that alleviate gender inequality, this year’s publication presents 100 solutions that respond to interconnected global challenges and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Solutions you must know about! Celebrating the TOP10 sustainability solutions and project of 2015. Be inspired! Get inspired by real solutions! The 2015 Sustainia100 study features 100 new stories from the forefront of sustainability innovation. The Sustainia100 is a FREE publication! SUSTAINIA100 is an annual guide to 100 innovative sustainability solutions from around the world. Be Inspired!

Ashley Murray In developing countries, environmental arguments for keeping rivers clean sometimes just aren’t feasible. So entrepreneur Ashley Murray decided to create a financial incentive for cleaning up wastewater. She says her graduate work was spent trying to quantify the financial benefits of reuse and harnessing the resources in human waste. Murray proved that what most people think of as a waste product can be a valuable resource — when used in the right way. Her company, Waste Enterprisers, is doing just that. But her company focuses on more than just turning wastewater into energy — they’re turning it into food, too. Metsät tarvitsisivat enemmän huomiota kuntien ilmastostrategioissa - – Metsät eivät kuitenkaan ole kovin hyvin edustettuina kuntien ilmastostrategioissa, asiaa selvittänyt projektityöntekijä, VTM Anna-Marja Kukkanen kertoo. Maakunnat ovat tarkastelleet ilmastostrategioissaan metsiä selvästi kuntia enemmän. Kukkanen tutki 115 kunnan ja 13 maakunnan ilmastostrategiat ja selvitti, miten metsiä aiotaan käyttää hyväksi ilmastonmuutoksen hillinnässä ja muutokseen sopeutumisessa. Suurin osa kuntien suunnitelmista oli valmiita, osa vielä keskeneräisiä. 127 kunnalla yli tuhat metsähehtaaria Kunnista 99 prosenttia omistaa metsää. Metsät ovat merkittävimpiä hiilinieluja, jotka sitovat ilmakehään päässyttä hiilidioksidia ja hillitsevät siten ilmastonmuutosta. Puuenergiakin on hyvää: se on elinkaarivaikutuksiltaan päästötöntä energiaa niin kauan kuin hakkuut eivät ylitä metsien kasvua ja sopeutumiskykyä. Kainuu aikoo kehittää hiiltä sitovia tuotteita – Myös puutuotteet sitovat tehokkaasti hiiltä. Kaavoituksesta turvaa yhtenäisille metsäalueille

Management of Environmental Quality information Journal history Previously published as Environmental Management and Health Follow the Table of Contents link above for previous content. The advancement of the industrialized world, with its technological and chemical emphasis, and the intensive farming practices needed to support a voracious population have created massive prosperity. The price we pay for these riches is the deterioration in our health and the emergence of disabling and killer diseases, many of which are of our own making. Management of Environmental Quality is an international forum designed to examine these environmental factors and their impact on the overall quality of ecosystems and quality of life. The journal adopts an inter-disciplinary approach to the problem of managing the environment and up-keeping good quality standards, with a view to reducing the deleterious effects of man's activities Authors are invited to submit papers from the following areas: • Environmental protection • Nutrition • Agriculture • Transport

Publication:- CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion 2012 - Highlights (Pre-Release) IEA helps to inform the debate on climate change leading up to Doha How much CO₂are countries emitting? Where is it coming from? In the lead-up to the UN climate negotiations in Doha, the latest information on the level and growth of CO₂ emissions, their source and geographic distribution will be essential to lay the foundation for a global agreement. This annual publication contains: - estimates of CO₂emissions by country from 1971 to 2010- selected indicators such as CO₂/GDP, CO₂/capita, CO₂/TPES and CO₂/kWh- CO₂emissions from international marine and aviation bunkers, and other relevant information These estimates have been calculated using the IEA energy databases and the default methods and emission factors from the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. As of 19 October 2012, the tables can be downloaded in Excel‌. For queries, please contact See also CO₂ Emissions from Fuel Combustion - 2012 Edition

Liikennekäärmepeli - Motiva Ajankohtaista tietoa LIVE-verkostolle 5/2012 Liikennekäärmepeli Kuva: Kesi-uusimaa -lehti Liikkujan viikolla pelattiin kuudessa alakoulussa Suomen ensimmäiset kierrokset Liikennekäärme-peliä, joka sai innostuneen vastaanoton. Liikennekäärme-pelissä oppilaiden päämääränä on saavuttaa koulujen asettamat viisaan liikkumisen tavoitteet. Pelin koordinoinnista vastasivat Tapani Touru ja Kaisa Kauhanen Ramboll Finland Oy:stä. Ympäristö NYT - Ympäristö Nyt 130 asiantuntijaa on arvioinut ympäristöohjelman 2010-2013 toimenpiteiden toteutumisen. Palvelustamme löytyy 270 uutta asiantuntija-arviota 70 toimenpiteestä. Tutustu tietopakettiin! Ympäristöohjelman 2030 laatimisen vaiheet ja valitut kehityspolut ovat esillä tässä palvelussa. Toimintahaasteita on esitetty tarjolle jo suuri valikoima. Ympäristöasiat kytkeytyvät kaikkeen ihmistoimintaan, ja ne ovat jatkuvasti ajankohtaisia. Kort presentation på svenska >> Palvelussamme on tarjolla ympäristöuutisia ja tapahtumia Varsinais-Suomesta ja Satakunnasta asiantuntijoiden tilannearvioita ympäristöohjelman toteutumisesta ympäristötilastoja graafisina kuvaajina ja lukuina tietoja havainnollisesti kartalla mahdollisuus kommentoida ympäristötavoitteita ja ympäristön tilaa Tule mukaan ohjelmatyöhön Tavoitteiden ja toimenpiteiden kommentointi on avointa ja pääset ajatustenvaihtoon toisten kanssa.
