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20 lines of code that beat A/B testing every time

20 lines of code that beat A/B testing every time is a drop-in solution that lets users draw on your web site. A/B testing is used far too often, for something that performs so badly. It is defective by design: Segment users into two groups. Show the A group the old, tried and true stuff. In recent years, hundreds of the brightest minds of modern civilization have been hard at work not curing cancer. With a simple 20-line change to how A/B testing works, that you can implement today, you can always do better than A/B testing -- sometimes, two or three times better. It can reasonably handle more than two options at once.. The Multi-armed bandit problem The multi-armed bandit problem takes its terminology from a casino. Like many techniques in machine learning, the simplest strategy is hard to beat. def choose(): if math.random() < 0.1: # exploration! Why does this work? Let's say we are choosing a colour for the "Buy now!" Then a web site visitor comes along and we have to show them a button. Another visitor comes along.

Behavioral Targeting: the most underused technique in today’s marketing Posted in How To on May 30th, 2012 We recently launched geo-behavioral targeting feature in Visual Website Optimizer. (We also launched usability testing module; our vision is to offer all tools and techniques a marketer would need for conversion rate optimization). What is behavioral targeting? Different visitors behave differently on your website. In my landing page optimization tips article, I recommended knowing who your target customer is and having only one clear call to action button (and thereby neglecting other visitors). Def. There are many variables that you can use for such targeting. Location (city, country, region)Referring URL (where did the visitor come from?) There are many more variables (including using custom data such as gender, age, etc.) which can be used for targeting. So, behavioral targeting must be hard? Actually, no! Examples of behavioral targeting The example above was a very simple one, but indeed you can setup all sorts of interesting targeting campaigns.

Designing and Theming Drupal for Mobile Devices Stop Nesting Functions! (But Not All of Them) JavaScript is over fifteen years old; nevertheless, the language is still misunderstood by what is perhaps the majority of developers and designers using the language. One of the most powerful, yet misunderstood, aspects of JavaScript are functions. While terribly vital to JavaScript, their misuse can introduce inefficiency and hinder an application's performance. Prefer a Video Tutorial? Performance is Important In the Web's infancy, performance wasn't very important. Fast forward to today. Today's JavaScript engines are light-years ahead of the engines of ten years ago, but they do not optimize everything. There is also a whole new set of web-enabled devices, smart phones and tablets, running on a limited set of resources. A poor performing application will trash a good experience. Most importantly, the user's experience depends on good performance. So what does all this have to do with functions? Where you define your functions has an impact on your application's performance. Figure 1

Tom's Hardware US Researchers at the Imperial College in London believes that magnets could be used to develop future processors with far greater processing capacity than today's CPUs. According to a study published in the journal Science, a honeycomb-pattern of tiny, nano-sized magnets that are submerged in a material known as spin ice could solve a complex computational problem in a single step. In fact, clusters of such magnet arrays function similar to a neural network: It is more "similar to how our brains work than to the way in which traditional computers process information," the researchers said. Exploiting the potential of magnets gets more difficult the closer they are located to each other as they interfere with their magnetic fields, the scientists found that their honeycomb patterns create competition between magnets and "reduces the problems caused by these interactions by two-thirds." Honeycomb magnet processors are very much science fiction at this point.

8-Circuit Model of Consciousness The eight-circuit model of consciousness is a theory proposed by Timothy Leary and expanded on by Robert Anton Wilson and Antero Alli. The model describes eight circuits of information (eight "brains") that operate within the human nervous system. Each circuit is concerned with a different sphere of activity. Leary, Alli and Wilson have written about the model in depth and how each circuit operates, both in the lives of individual people and in societies. The term "circuits" came from the first wave of cybernetics research and development in the United States in the 1970s. (Others[weasel words] have proposed that the term "systems" should be substituted for "circuits" to reflect both a systems theory approach and also the changing anatomy of an entity as it goes through a neurological change). The eight circuits[edit] 1. This circuit is concerned with nourishment, physical safety, comfort and survival, suckling, cuddling etc. A positive imprint sets up a basic attitude of trust. 2. 3. 4.

How to Get Google Docs Form Data in an Email Message This video tutorial explains how you can send form data from Google Docs in an email message using the very useful Send Mail function of Google Docs. Whether you are looking to add a simple “Contact Me” form on your website or need to create a complex online poll, Google Forms are an excellent tool. They offer a variety of themes, the form data is save in a spreadsheet that can be easily exported and, unlike other polling software, your Google Forms can accept any number of responses and they’re absolutely free. There’s one limitation though. Should you wish to receive Google Form data in an email message as soon as a user submits the online form, there’s an easy workaround as explained in this video tutorial ↓. What we can do is create a simple Google Script that triggers as soon as a user submits the form. Awesome Google Scripts → Google Scripts Developer → Here’s how you can add email capabilities to any Google Form in few easy steps: Send Google Forms by Email – Premium Edition

Exploratory data analysis In statistics, exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyzing data sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with visual methods. A statistical model can be used or not, but primarily EDA is for seeing what the data can tell us beyond the formal modeling or hypothesis testing task. Exploratory data analysis was promoted by John Tukey to encourage statisticians to explore the data, and possibly formulate hypotheses that could lead to new data collection and experiments. EDA is different from initial data analysis (IDA),[1] which focuses more narrowly on checking assumptions required for model fitting and hypothesis testing, and handling missing values and making transformations of variables as needed. EDA encompasses IDA. Overview[edit] Exploratory data analysis, robust statistics, nonparametric statistics, and the development of statistical programming languages facilitated statisticians' work on scientific and engineering problems. EDA development[edit] John W.

Understanding the Eight Jungian Cognitive Processes / Eight Functions Attitudes
