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Mademoiselle Maurice

Mademoiselle Maurice
Related:  Art en papier

Accueil | Mouvement Français des Plieurs de Papier Ex-Graffiti Artist Cuts Paper Into Delicate Art "Paper is a noble material," says Aurel Rubbish, a former electronic musician and graffiti artist. For the past four years, this 33-year-old Frenchman has dedicated himself to the delicate art of paper-cutting. Inspired by street art, tattoo design and the American Pop Surrealism movement, Rubbish carves intricate, lacy designs with little more than a knife, some gold-leaf, glue and of course, paper. His cut-ups vary from meters-high to pocket-sized. He was never quite so ingenious with spray-paint. Rubbish's Website via [lustik]

Nouveautés de la rentrée (1/2) Nouveautés 1/2 Première partie du dossier spécial rentrée en livres animés : La rentrée pop-up et livres animés 2014 s'annonce très graphique et artistique. UG nous offre une quatrième rentrée pop-up aux éditions Les Grandes Personnes, Arnaud Roi continue ses projets autour de Paris, Thomas Jeunesse confirme sa présence active de réalisation et traduction de pop-up, Pyjamarama envahit Paris, Hélium sort le troisième opus de la collection des contes découpées, Agnès Baruzzi sera l'une des plus actives de cette fin d'année... Cette liste sera complétée au fur et à mesure des informations que je recevrai des différents éditeurs. N'ayant pas encore vu la plupart des livres? UG : Le jardin des papillons 9782361933371 Les Grandes Personnes L'histoire de la vie d'un papillon à partir de sa métamorphose, à travers des sculptures en papier. UG revient avec un livre animé printannier qui a tout l'air d'être dans la lignée de Drôle d'oiseau. Août 2014 UG : Pop-up Op Art Vasarely Septembre 2014

PaperCraft-Corner - DeviantArt Eric Singelin Mathilde Arnaud / Paper Art & Graphic Design Marion Bataille David A. Carter Pop-Up Books Tutos pliages de livres, livres sapin, hérissons et autres ! Informations relatives à l'utilisation des cookies Les cookies nous permettent de personnaliser le contenu et les annonces, d'offrir des fonctionnalités relatives aux médias... Lire la suite › 10 astuces maison du WD-40 Le WD-40 est une huile lubrifiante et dégripante que l'on trouve partout. Faire un noeud celtique en forme de coeur Bientôt la St Valentin, la saison où les coeurs fleurissent à foison dans les magasins.

Paper Art - 100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art Paper art can be traced back to Japan, where it originated over a thousand years ago. From complex paper cutting to book carving, this is an ever expanding area of design that is hardly talked about. These intricate paper designs grace museums and exauhibitions throughout the world and is becoming yet another exciting medium of expression for many designers. Some of the artists featured here use simple materials, such as A4 printing papeel, while others resort to unexpected materials, such as actual books, as their prime materials. In this article, we’ll take a look at 13 remarkable artists and showcase their truly amazing pieces of paper art. Peter Callesen Visit website Jen Stark Visit website Simon Schubert Visit website Brian Dettmer: Book Sculptures Visit website Sher Christopher Visit website Elsa Mora Visit website Yulia Brodskaya Visit Website Su Blackwell Visit website Richard Sweeney Visit website Jolis Paons Visit website Bovey Lee Visit website Bert Simons Visit website Ingrid Siliakus Visit website

75 Photos Of Amazing Paper Art Many people see art as something with many barriers to entry – maybe the materials are expensive, maybe you don’t have the space, or maybe you think it’s difficult, requiring many specialized tools. Sometimes that’s true, but the artists here have created incredible works using almost nothing but paper and scissors or knives. [Read more...] Besides their stunning mastery of paper, these works grabbed our attention because of how they changed our perspective on paper. Many of us have some form of paper or another within hand’s reach most of the time, and yet we never think about the extraordinarily beautiful pieces of paper art that we could create with them if we ever took the time to try. The next time you’re about to throw out a grocery receipt or gum wrapper, try to fold or cut it into something beautiful. One Sheet of Paper by Peter Callesen See more here | Author’s website: Quilled Paper Portraits by Yulia Brodskaya Author’s website:
