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News 23rd June 2010 - Version 15-betaJDarkRoom version 15-beta has been released - please give it a try. 23rd June 2010 - WebsiteJDarkRoom has now had over 200,000 hits and over 75,000 downloads. Community:JDarkRoom has now been downloaded by thousands of people. [ news archive ] About JDarkRoom JDarkRoom is a popular, simple full-screen text file editor with none of the usual bells and whistles that might distract you from the job in hand. I have released JDarkRoom under the umbrella of CodeAlchemists. The development of JDarkRoom was heavily inspired by DarkRoom, an implementation of WriteRoom (which is a Mac-only application) for Windows, but DarkRoom requires the Microsoft .NET framework. Features Screenshots Donations JDarkRoom is supported entirely by the adverts you see on the right and by donations. Paypal handles the secure transaction (so we never see your financial details). Alternatively, we now accept Bitcoin donations: Download JDarkRoom version 15-beta java -jar JDarkRoom.jar Tips

yWriter5 - Free writing software designed by an author, not a salesman yWriter is a powerful writing program which is free to download and use. yWriter is a word processor which breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create. It will not write your novel for you, suggest plot ideas or perform creative tasks of any kind. yWriter was designed by an author, not a salesman! yWriter5 is free to download and use, but you're encouraged to register your copy if you find it useful. If you're just embarking on your first novel a program like yWriter may seem like overkill. (Although yWriter was designed for novels, enterprising users have created their own translation files to customise the program to work with plays, non-fiction and even sermons.) Out now! I'm Simon Haynes, the designer and programmer. I really struggled with my first novel because I wrote slabs of text into a big word processor file and I just couldn't make sense of the whole thing at once. In German (Robert Corvus) Categories:

Software SuperNotecard is fast becoming the best way for novelists, biographers, researchers, and writers of every stripe to begin to craft their work using notecards. SuperNotecard is an intuitive tool that uses notecards to capture and organize your ideas. These virtual notecards can be moved into decks, arranged on the screen, or grouped and categorized with ease. Novelists use it to experiment with storylines and to circle back, bear down and perfect their prose and characters—all with notecards that don't run out of room or fade with age. Researchers use SuperNotecard to gather facts, manage sources and finally stitch it all together in a way that is significantly more visual and capable than a traditional outlining tool. With many export & print options, SuperNotecard is one click away from your favorite word processor or layout program. Notecards have colored tabs to signify relationships to categories, sources or other factors. Define a character, assign a type and color. New! Key Features

Liquid Story Binder XE by Black Obelisk Software - Writing Software for Novelists Main Page My Writing Spot Writing 101: Revising a Novel By Valerie Comer Copyright © 2009 by Valerie Comer, All Rights Reserved You wrote an entire first draft! Congratulations! Whether or not you ever sell this or any other novel, you are light years ahead of the millions of people who say they will write a book some day. It is a huge accomplishment to get to The End. You may be very disappointed in the execution of your novel. There are two schools of thought on when you should start the revision process. Some say you should allow a cooling off process where you do something completely different, such as plan another novel or revise one that you've previously written. Others say it's a good idea to go back through right away and fix the things you already know need fixing, such as adding in mention of that character in chapters two and five so her arrival in chapter twelve doesn't come out of the blue. Purchase a spiral bound notebook (the 5.5x9 inch size is good) for making notes whether or not you have a print-out. Think about the scene.
