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History: Middle Ages

History: Middle Ages
Related:  Geography & History 2

Moyen Âge 324 fondation de Constantinople 506 baptême de Clovis 532 construction de Sainte-Sophie 726 Empire byzantin : débuts de l'iconoclasme 732 Charles Martel arrête les Arabes à Poitiers 805 palais d'Aix-la-Chapelle 910 fondation de l'abbaye de Cluny 987 sacre de Hugues Capet 1095 première croisade 1122 Suger, abbé de Saint-Denis 1226 Saint Louis roi de France 1309 les papes en Avignon 1431 mort de Jeanne d'Arc 1453 chute de Constantinople Le Moyen Âge correspond à une période de 1 000 ans environ, marquée en Occident par la diffusion du christianisme.

Free Printable World History Worksheets, Tests, and Activities Historical thinking is rooted in the ability to see connections throughout historical events and civilizations. Our World History worksheets take you from Africa to Asia to Europe, and analyzes major societies of the western hemisphere, as well. Don't see a printable you need? Ancient History Tests and Worksheets From the beginnings of civilization to the classical period, these societies provide the basis for all aspects of modern life, and give students the opportunity to hone their historical thinking skills by providing a basis for comparison and connections throughout history. World History Tests and Worksheets From the Golden Ages of African Civilizations and the Renaissance, to the destruction caused by war, World History shows the best and worst of humankind and prepares students to see multiple perspectives of the participants. © Copyright Notice: All worksheets contain copyrighted work and are designed for use by individual teachers, tutors, and parents.

Vidéo | Format | Moyen âge Passion Sujet : documentaire moyen-âge, divertissement, lieux d’intérêt, Châteaux, reconstitution historique.Titre : les visiteurs de l’Histoire à la fin du moyen-âgePériode : bas moyen-âge, XVe siècle, année 1450 Lieu : Château de Crèvecoeur, NormandieMédia : vidéo, série téléviséeChaîne de télévision : France 5 Année : 2012 Les visiteurs de l’Histoire en 1450 Un voyage dans les couloirs du temps Bonjour à tous, ujourd’hui, nous postons un petit documentaire vidéo, léger et divertissant. Ce programme télévisuel fait partie de la série « les visiteurs de l’Histoire » diffusée par la chaîne de télévision France 5, dans le courant de l’année 2012. Arnaud « de passage », Arnaud Poivre d’Arvor investira les lieux, le temps de deux journées, en se glissant dans la peau d’un paysan du XVe siècle. L’ingénu et l’historien faut pour tous les goûts. Sur la pertinence historique Fin de la guerre de Cent ans, dépopulation et émancipation relative des paysans Les notions d’hygiène au moyen-âge réhabilitées coeur.

asiasociety Overview: Students will explore elements of trade along the Silk Roads by examining the products of various locations along the route--production, influences of resources and environment, challenges of transportation, and economic exchange. Through their investigations, students will gain an understanding of what was traded along the Silk Roads and the unique challenges that this route presented to the merchants that sought to profit from these exchanges. Moving trade goods along the ancient Silk Roads was made difficult by the fierce climatic and geographical conditions of desert and mountain regions along vast distances. With transportation limited to pack animals, a traveler in a camel caravan going from Kashgar to Chang'an could expect to take six months to arrive at his destination. Thieves were additional concerns as caravans traveled poorly marked routes. Time required: Two class periods 2. 3. 4. 5. • What questions or problems came up in your research efforts? 6. Extensions:

Letter of Christopher Columbus DBQ Worksheet As I know you will be rejoiced at the glorious success that our Lord has given me in my voyage, I write this to tell you how in thirty-three days I sailed to the Indies with the fleet that the illustrious King and Queen, our Sovereigns, gave me, where I discovered a great many islands, inhabited by numberless people; and of all I have taken possession for their Highnesses by proclamation and display of the Royal Standard without opposition. To the first island I discovered I gave the name of San Salvador, in commemoration of His Divine Majesty, who has wonderfully granted all this. The Indians call it Guanaham. Questions: 1. 2. I heard from other Indians I had already taken that this land was an island, and thus followed the eastern coast for one hundred and seven leagues, until I came to the end of it. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Yours to command, 10. 11. Postscript within the letter

GEOGRAFÍA E HISTORIA : 2º ESO Bilingüe Before starting with the History section, let's review some important aspects. I am sure it will help you to update and renew your skills. 1. Vocabulary. I recommend the use of Quizlet. 4 terms from the set of vocabulary of the class. 2. 3. 4. 5. UNIT 3.THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES. UNIT 4. UNIT 6. Note: Cortes de León text plus questions are in the sources box POLITICAL MAPS. 2º ESO Resources for studying maps Page 155, number 2 Page 150, number 1 and 2 All formulas are on page 152 and you must learn them plu the indicators: low, medium, high Page 152, number 1 and 2 Page 154, number 1 For practicing more if you want : Look at the map on page 161 and answer the following questions: What are the destinations of qualified migrants? Page 157, number 2 and 3 More information in pages 157 and 166 La segunda persona más longeva del mundo In this webpage of the INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística) we can have a look to the different population pyramids of our country through the last centrury. 3.

Bilingual Geography and History 2 ESO Part 1. - Pozapediageographyandhistory Constantinople Listening Activity ( Famous for its massive dome. It was the largest cathedral in the world for nearly a thousand years, until Seville Cathedral was completed in 1520. The current building was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 on the orders of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian and was the third Church of the Holy Wisdom to occupy the site. It was designed by the Greek scientists Isidore of Miletus, a physicist, and Anthemius of Tralles, a mathematician.Earthquakes in August 553 and on 14 December 557 caused cracks in the main dome and eastern half-dome. The main dome collapsed completely during a subsequent earthquake on 7 May 558. 1.6.7. Justinian Mosaic. Justinian I, clad in purple with a golden halo, standing next to court officials, Bishop Maximian, palatinaeguards and deacons. 1.2. Vídeo de Youtube del Canal Artehistoria con breves detalles de la biografía de Mahoma. Vídeo de Youtube del Canal Artehistoria acerca de la religión islámica. ).2.3.1. 1.

WHEN IN HISTORY...: Middle Ages Here you have some resources to study Romanesque, we need to learn the specific vocabulary we use in art (the different parts of the church, the name of arches, vaults, etc.). I hope this information helps you. A video about the Cluny Abbey, It shows how it used to be and its evolution. Another one about the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Here you have some resources to study Romanesque, we need to learn the specific vocabulary we use in art (the different parts of the church, the name of arches, vaults, etc.). I hope this information helps you. A video about the Cluny Abbey, It shows how it used to be and its evolution. Another one about the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

CKHG Grade 4: Unit 3—Medieval Europe (21 Lessons) Focus: This unit (Unit 3 for schools using the CKHG series in Sequence grade-level order) begins by providing background information to place the Middle Ages in Western Europe in historical and geographical context. Students learn about the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, the influence of the Roman Catholic Church, Charlemagne, the feudal system, castles and manors, chivalry, the growth of towns, women in the Middle Ages, William the Conqueror, the Magna Carta, Parliament, Joan of Arc, the plague, and the legacy of the Middle Ages. Students also learn about medieval European art, architecture, and music, as well as the fictional King Arthur and Camelot. Number of Lessons: 21 Lesson Time: 45 minutes each daily. Additional Search Terms: social studies • geography • map skills • nonfiction • informational text • Knights of the Round Table • Gothic architecture • medieval tapestries • illuminated manuscripts • Gregorian chant

Middle Ages and Renaissance lesson plans for elementary school teachers in grades K-6 including castle activities, programs and thematic units, information about castles,kingdoms in Europe, classroom and teaching ideas Middle Ages - Ideas and activities for teaching middle ages. source castle themed door - You could make the outside of your door like a castle. Make a bridge out of bulletin board paper, tape it to...source Michelangelo - You didnt mention what grade you teach, but when I taught grade 5, we read the book "From The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler". Middle Ages unit - I taught the Middle Ages for a whole semester last year. Activity Page - Printable activity pages with medieval themes. Black Plague Simulation - Directions and information for conducting a simulation of the Black Plague which ravaged Europe during the Middle Ages source Bubonic Plague Role Play - Through a script and role play situations, students learn the causes of the Bubonic Plague source Castle Border Paper - A printable blackline castle template source Castle Craft - Printable patterns for making castle walls, castle turrets, and turret tops source

LUTHER – TEACH WITH MOVIES Students will have a vivid image of the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church in the middle ages. The abuses involved in the sale of indulgences was one of the main reasons for the break with Rome that became the Protestant Reformation. The first clip shows Martin Luther going to Rome and purchasing an indulgence for a relative. The second shows the techniques used by John Tetzel, one of the Church’s most renowned sellers of indulgences. John Tetzel, shown in the film, was one of the leading commissioners for the sale of indulgences. Many Catholic theologians and church officials objected to the sale of indulgences. Other than the general introduction to the importance of Rome in the Middle Ages and the abuses of the sale of indulgences, no introduction to this Snippet is necessary. The first clip consists of Chapter 3 of the film beginning at minute 8:05 when one monk explains to another why Martin Luther is being sent to Rome.

Medieval History Medieval History Web Sites Turning the Pages Turning the Pages is an award-winning interactive display system developed by The British Library to increase public access and enjoyment of some of its most valuable treasures. Visitors are able to virtually “turn” the pages of manuscripts in a realistic way, using touch-screen technology and animation. Internet Medieval Sourcebook The Internet History Sourcebooks are wonderful collections of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts for educational use by Paul Halsall. Labyrinth: Medieval Resources This Georgetown University site features free, organized access to electronic resources in medieval studies. The Decameron Web This site is an interactive project by Brown University students designed to prompt investigation and discussion of the Decameron texts — stories from people escaping Florence at the time of the Plague. Explore Byzantium The Byzantine Empire bridged the gap between ancient and early modern Europe.
